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Between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, the rise of international trade, the growth of towns and cities, and the politics of diplomacy all helped to foster productive and farreaching connections and cultural interactions between... more
The account-books left by medieval merchants have mostly been studied to analyze their degree of technical development and the activity and volume of the companies that produced them. In order to identify the limit between commercial... more
This thesis ultimately seeks to understand how and why the London armourers came to be so closely associated with the politics and uprisings of London’s controversial mayor, John Northampton (1381-1383). However, because the armourers... more
The modelling and visualisation of networks is based on the material in: M. Mullett, Theophylact of Ochrid. Reading the Letters of a Byzantine Archbishop. Birmingham 1997. The first graph is a visualisation of the connections between... more
This article is an attempt to examine contemporary sources to construct a genealogy of the Quarles family during the medieval period, as well as explore its economic activity throughout this time. As merchants, the Quarles family took... more
Il-Ḵh̲ānid Tabrīz became not only a nodal point in the spatial imagination of Christian merchants and missionaries, but was promoted even to a significant landmark in the Biblical and apocalyptic topography of 13th and 14th century... more
"Il contributo segnala la riscoperta del quattrocentesco ms. Laur. Acquisti e doni 401, già noto all’erudizione ottocentesca, ma di cui si erano perdute le tracce e si era addirittura sospettata una falsificazione. Il codice, restituito a... more
While scholars may know that the 'sultan of Babylon' sent Frederick II a 'white parrot', few are aware of the existence of four sketches, indicating it was a Sulphur or Yellow-crested Cockatoo. As these were made two and a half centuries... more
Basandosi sulla documentazione notarile, il saggio analizza il trend della manifattura laniera milanese del secondo '400. Ne emerge un incremento globale della produzione-in particolare per gli articoli di lusso (saie e berretti)... more
Author highlighted three stages of Armenian migration in the northern part of the Black Sea region – in 1250s-1290s, in the first half of fourteenth century, and in 1360s-1390s. There, Armenian merchants used the trade and transportation... more
ABSTRACT: In the late Middle Ages Udine was a commercial hub for the surrounding area. The handicrafts and food products were sufficient for the town and its countryside: there do not seem to have been large imports of wheat (the export... more
This paper focuses on the last part of Luigi Peruzzi's autograph book, presenting twenty-one sonnets of 'various topic' , of which eighteen are original compositions by the author. Peruzzi's sonnets, in particular, are here examined... more
The medieval Mediterranean was an environment in which mendicant friars were able to thrive, attending to the spiritual needs of the populace and benefitting from the support of the urban classes, especially merchants, with whom they... more
Critical text of, and commentary on the autograph "Libro" made by Luigi Peruzzi, the son of Ridolfo di Bonifazio, one of the prominent leader of the anti-Medicean party, along with Rinaldo degli Albizzi and Palla Strozzi. Exiled from... more
Pisa followed a different evolution from other towns integrated into the Florentine State: after 1406 prominent families resorted mostly to exile instead of settling into the new capital. The study of interactions between Florentine and... more
This is the first description of the as-yet-unpublished texts of the manuscript Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Acquisti e doni 401 (1470-'75), with a view to a complete critical edition of them. The manuscript was written by an... more
In his benchmarking article of 1940 on Michel Sittow, historian Paul Johansen not only discussed the identity of the famous painter, but also surveyed his immediate family and kin, including Michel's maternal grandfather Olef Molner, who... more
La faticosa conquista catalanoaragonese della Sardegna, con i risvolti finanziari ed economico-sociali connessi all’impresa dell’infante Alfonso d’Aragona, costituisce un tema ormai classico della storiografia sarda. Quali esiti ebbe... more
»Ser Micouillus Petri, draparius, civis Iadre – life as a sign of the times.« Using the prosopographical approach, the author explores the origin, operation, family relations, kinship, business relations and friendships of Mihovil, son... more
The Republic of Pisa was an international economic power as early as the 11th century. Its prosperity led to the early development of typical communal institutions (consules) as well as to the drafting of the most ancient and exhaustive... more
This year, from October 10th to the 12th, the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM | NOVA-FCSH) and the municipality of Castelo de Vide are organizing the IV International Conference on the Middle Ages, under the theme: Provisioning... more
O Instituto de Estudos Medievais da NOVA-FCSH e a Câmara Municipal de Castelo de Vide organizam nos próximos dias 10-12 de outubro de 2019 as IV Jornadas Medievais Internacionais de Idade Média, este ano subordinadas ao tema: Abastecer a... more
À partir de la fin du XIVe siècle, la présence à Marseille de corsaires venus de la Couronne de Castille apparaît de plus en plus importante dans les archives provençales. Ceux que les documents notariés appellent « yspani » profitent des... more