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บทความชิ้นนี้มุ่งใช้วิธีวิจัยในทางมานุษยวิทยาเพื่อเข้าใจอัตลักษณ์มลายูปตานีผ่านการศึกษาการให้ความหมายของคนมลายูปตานีพลัดถิ่นที่เดินทางเข้ามาทำงานในกรุงเทพ โดยพิจารณาถึงการสร้างอัตลักษณ์ผ่านการขีดเส้นแบ่งพรมแดนทางชาติพันธุ์ (ethnic... more
About 30 years ago a Kyrgyz community was brought as refugees to eastern Turkey. Before coming to Turkey, this community was living in the Central Asian steppes as a nomadic community. Their motherland was in the Pamir valleys of... more
À l'Isle de France, devenue île Maurice en 1810, les projets d'abolition de l'esclavage ont fait très tôt l'objet de résistances de la part des colons, que ce soit pendant la Révolution française ou sous l'administration britannique.... more
In this article, the author examines how Belgian Taiwanese immigrants negotiate their ethnonational identity, especially the term "Chinese" in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic. The study finds some differences of identity negotiation and... more
Livestock raiding among Northern Kenya’s pastoralists has profoundly changed in the last decades. It is commercialized, extremely violent and fought out with modern weaponry. This contribution shows that it also serves as a ploy in... more
This article illustrates how Uyghurs in the 1990s define and reinforce contemporary Uyghur national identity in relation to Xinjiang’s growing Han Chinese population. Adopting Barth’s theory of fluid and negotiable ethnic boundaries, it... more
A short literature review written for the Conflict Studies and Human Rights course in Utrecht, the Netherlands
Sociocultural boundaries come in many forms, and crucially, are responsive to power and constantly in flux. This article focuses on the production of space and unmarked sociocultural boundaries linked to spirit mediums in a historically... more
This thesis attempts to relate anthropological debates about indigenous urbanization in Amazonia and the boundary-making approach from sociology with each other and with the politics of aesthetics in the specific context of Roraima, the... more
Coordonné par Olivier Legros et par Tommaso Vitale, tous deux membres d’Urba-Rom, Observatoire européen des politiques en direction des groupes dits roms/tsiganes, ce numéro de Géocarrefour, qui réunit cinq contributions de jeunes... more
Conflicting archaeological evidence has generated conflicting theories about Israel’s origins. This work assembles all the theories into four categories and tests each category using computational tools borrowed from bio-mathematics. The... more
Im südlichen Bessarabien, einer ländlichen Region im Südwesten der Ukraine, ist die ethnische Diversität der Bewohner mit großem Stolz verbunden. Die Region gehörte in den vergangenen 200 Jahren zum Russischen Reich, zu Rumänien, zur... more
Svaki je identitet situacijski konstrukt uvijek podložan promjenama koje ga preispituju i redefiniraju sukladno novoj društvenoj stvarnosti. U fokusu je ovog izlaganja hrvatski etnički identitet krajem 13. i početkom 14. stoljeća, kao... more
Pisa followed a different evolution from other towns integrated into the Florentine State: after 1406 prominent families resorted mostly to exile instead of settling into the new capital. The study of interactions between Florentine and... more
Though scholars of ethnicity remark that religion is an important qualifying attribute for membership in an ethnic group, the nature of the relationship between religious faith and ethnic identity requires further exploration. An approach... more
This thesis examines the lives of two ethnicities in Kyrgyzstan, their history of evolvement, territorial conditions and possibilities for inter-ethnic conflicts with the Kyrgyz majority, from the perspective of living within ethnic... more
This PhD dissertation is about social identities, group boundaries and belonging among skilled migrants living in Finland. It is based on empirical data consisting of ethnographic fieldwork and interviews. The main research question I ask... more
Integration has been perceived in the European Union policies as the most desired model of adaption of both migrants and refugees to the receiving societies. However, it is worth keeping in mind that there are alternative models of social... more
This book provides an in-depth multidisciplinary analysis of the major social and political processes affecting Hungarians in Romania after the overthrow of the Communist regime in 1989. The volume highlights the interdependence between... more
В диссертационной работе на основе анализа теоретико-методологических ресурсов из социологии и смежных сфер знания представлена теоретическая модель для понимания явления этнических границ в местных сообществах, а также методология... more
Organizirano pod mentorstvom doc. dr. sc. Ivane Jukić. U Zagrebu, na Hrvatskim studijima, 17. travnja 2018. godine.
This article examines the case of Iraklio, Crete, on its passage from the Ottoman regime to the Autonomous Cretan Polity in 1898, to interrogate current categories of ethnic boundaries used in historical and social research. It proposes... more
This Forum contribution considers the idea of bridges and walls. It compares two cultural programmes in Granada, Andalusia, that use the concepts of 'dialogue' and 'tolerance' along with the idea of a bridge between Spain and Europe, and... more
This article compares the classification of ethnic minority fiction writers in American, Dutch and German literary anthologies and literary history books for the period of 1978-2006. Using content analyses, I show that ethnic boundaries... more
This is a study of ethnic boundary-making strategies promoted by Swedish migrants in Finland. The results are based on interviews with a sample of migrants in Helsinki without previous personal connection to Finland. The interviewees can... more
In this paper we elaborate on the conceptual premises of studying ethnicity in an ongoing community based participatory research project (Green et al. 1995, Minkler et al. 2004, Israel etal. 2010) about the nature of substance use and... more
Yogyakarta selama ini dikenal sebagai kota pendidikan, di mana banyak mahasiswa dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia tinggal. Sebagaimana orang-orang migran yang datang ke daerah yang baru, para mahasiswa tersebut datang dengan membawa... more
Soviet administrators used ethnicity as a tool of bureaucracy and therefore assumed it was an objectively ascribable category. This paper offers an analysis of the long term consequences the practice of ascribing an ethnic identity to... more
In this paper we elaborate on the conceptual premises of studying ethnicity in an ongoing community based participatory research project (Green et al. 1995, Minkler et al. 2004, Israel etal. 2010) about the nature of substance use and... more
Page 1. Current Anthropology Volume 38, Number 5, December 1997 © 1997 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. All rights reserved 0011-3204/97/3805-0005$3.00 larry w. wilcoxon is Senior Archaeologist ...
Israel emerged as a tribal alliance in the Egyptian marches with Hatti. Four assumptions underlying the current understanding of its emergence are probably erroneous: that its origin was distinctive, located mainly in the Iron I highland,... more
This article revisits my translocal ethnography of Ecuadorian immigration to Italy, building on the notions of ethnicization and selective ethnicity appropriation. The salience of an ethnic dimension, in the daily lives of the migrants I... more
A kárpátaljai magyar szórvány vizsgálata – a szórványkutatások rendszerváltás utáni reneszánsza ellenére – meglehetősen alulreprezentált volt, elsősorban esettanulmányokra koncentrálódott. 2018-ban kezdődött szórványkutatásunk komplex... more
This article examines the case of Iraklio, Crete, on its passage from the Ottoman regime to the Autonomous Cretan Polity in 1898, to interrogate current categories of ethnic boundaries used in historical and social research. It proposes... more