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Questo studio si propone di ragionare sul complesso rapporto esistente a Pisa tra ceramica e società dal X al XV secolo, rielaborando i dati provenienti da diverse ricerche edite negli anni passati ed altre non ancora note, e... more
Regarding the 12th century parts of the first Pisan cathedral pulpit, which in the 17th century were integrated like spolia into pieces of decor in the cathedral of Cagliari, questions arise first about its reconstruction and its former... more
Pisa followed a different evolution from other towns integrated into the Florentine State: after 1406 prominent families resorted mostly to exile instead of settling into the new capital. The study of interactions between Florentine and... more
La discesa in Italia di Ludovico il Bavaro fra 1327 e 1330 e la nomina di un antipapa nella persona di Niccolò V rappresentarono l’apice dello scontro che allora opponeva il sovrano a papa Giovanni XXII. Ad alimentare ulteriormente la... more
The Republic of Pisa was an international economic power as early as the 11th century. Its prosperity led to the early development of typical communal institutions (consules) as well as to the drafting of the most ancient and exhaustive... more
This article attempts to read the relationship between the judges of Arborea and the House of Aragon in the 12th-15th centuries and their changes, conditioned by political contingency, focusing mainly on the period 1297-1420, in which... more
As has been noted by a number of scholars, the reliquary-altar depicting the martyrdom of Saint Saturninus at the abbey church of Saint-Hilaire d’Aude – generally attributed to the enigmatic Master of the Tympanum of Cabestany – is a... more
Il XII secolo ha rappresentato un punto di svolta nella lunga storia della Badia di San Savino, non solo per la disastrosa alluvione dell'Arno che determinò la distruzione del cenobio originario nel sito di Cerasiolo e la sua... more