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In this paper we argue that the use of the communicative theory of Jürgen Habermas in planning theory is problematic because it hampers an understanding of how power shapes planning. We posit an alternative approach based on the power... more
Este escrito forma parte del volumen DESGRANANDO UNA MAZORCA. ORÍGENES Y ETNOGRAFÍA DE LOS MAÍCES NATIVOS, compilado por Carmen Morales Valderrama y Catalina Rodríguez Lascano y publicado en la revista DIARIO DE CAMPO. El número de la... more
Megaproject Planning and Management: Essential Readings contains the seminal articles from the growing body of research on megaproject planning and management along with an original introduction by the editor, Bent Flyvbjerg. The leading... more
At the same time that case studies are widely used and have produced canonical texts, it may be observed that the case study as a methodology is generally held in low regard, or is simply ignored, within the academy. For example, only 2... more
""RELIGION, POLITICA YCULTURAEN AMERICA LATINA. NUEVAS MIRADAS. Cristian Parker G. (editor). Paul Freston, Orivaldo Pimentel Lopes Júnior, Dannyel Br unno Herculano Rezende, Eugenia Fediakova, Bibiana Astrid Ortega Gómez,... more
Back cover text: If the new fin de siècle marks a recurrence of the real, Bent Flyvbjerg’s Rationality and Power epitomizes that development and sets new standards for social and political inquiry. The Danish town of Aalborg is to... more
Taken together, the works of Jurgen Habermas and Michel Foucault highlight an essential tension in modernity. This is the tension between the normative and the real, between what should be done and what is actually done. Understanding... more
Back cover text: Megaprojects and Risk provides the first detailed examination of the phenomenon of megaprojects. It is a fascinating account of how the promoters of multi-billion dollar megaprojects systematically and self-servingly... more
ABSTRACT: La vida en sociedad presenta distintos tipos de desafíos y de conflictos. Tenemos así conflictos sociales, económicos, ambientales, generacionales, interculturales, y políticos. En este tipo de temas, la clave pasa muchas... more
The Supplementary Green Book Guidance on Optimism Bias (HM Treasury 2003) with reference to the Review of Large Public Procurement in the UK (Mott MacDonald 2002) notes that there is a demonstrated, systematic, tendency for project... more
La reciente publicación en el diario oficial del Modelo Educativo para la educación obligatoria en México, genera desafíos en la puesta en marcha para los docentes de educación básica, uno de ellos es, ¿Qué conocimientos, habilidades y... more
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
Con este capítulo se pretende arrojar luz sobre algunas de las cuestiones recurrentes dentro de la enseñanza del concepto de cultura: ¿Qué entendemos por este concepto? ¿Por qué es fundamental la cultura en cualquier programa de lengua... more
Conceptualizing Territories By Frédéric GIRAUT The social use of the term “territory” has tended to proliferate in the context of globalization. French-language geography has also indulged an immoderate use of the concept. The apparent... more
This paper focuses on problems and their causes and cures in policy and planning for large infrastructure projects. First, it identifies as the main problem in major infrastructure development pervasive misinformation about the costs,... more
Is the non-therapeutic circumcision of infant males morally permissible? The most recent major developments in this long-simmering debate were (a) the 2012 release of a policy statement and technical report on circumcision by the American... more
Vaclav Havel observed that a strong civil society is a crucial condition of strong democracy. Empowering civil society is a central concern for the project of democracy, just as the question of how best to think about such empowerment is... more
The article first describes characteristics of major infrastructure projects. Second, it documents a much neglected topic in economics: that ex ante estimates of costs and benefits are often very different from actual ex post costs and... more
La presente investigación emplea un caso extremo, el de las bandas ska del bar de Bernabé entre el 2005 y 2007 para dar cuenta de las formas de organización de las escenas musicales alternas en Lima. Se presentan los procesos... more
As megaprojects have become ubiquitous, their real benefits and costs have come under increased scrutiny. We interviewed Bent Flyvbjerg, who has extensively studied megaproject development. Flyvbjerg has found systematic problems in the... more
Es un método que permite la confirmación de una hipótesis en razón de un problema específico basado en la experiencia teoría práctica de expertos, lo que permitirá validar las variables mediante la categorización y definición de las... more
Espacios etnográficos y comunicación urbana Compiladores: L. Nicolás Guigou Eduardo Álvarez Pedrosian Editorial:Comisón Sectorial de Educación Permanente (CSEP), UDELAR. Año: 2011 © Por la edición: Unidad Central de Educación... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
Mucho se ha escrito, hablado y debatido acerca de la importancia de la mediación y la resolución de conflictos dentro del mundo docente, pero dicho debate siempre se ha centrado en la mejora de la conflictología que pudiera existir en la... more
Este pequeño ensayo sitúa en el centro de atención el tema del fin de la Historia, haciendo balance del debate iniciado por Francis Fukuyama en los años noventa. En particular se lleva a cabo una deconstrucción de las raíces éticas y... more