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Max Weber re-presents "Politics as a vocation," on the 100th anniversary of the lecture, originally given to students in Munich, Germany. A class at the University of California - Santa Cruz taught by Professor Hillary Angelo hears a... more
There has been a common assumption as of late that the political right has grown in Brazil since 2010. This is a complex phenomenon, as we do not seem to be before the customary political right. Alongside the right associated with major... more
After twenty years the third-wave of democratization took place in Africa, democratic regressions have proven a common outcome. Causes are well rooted in the key actors’ attitudes towards the rules of the elec- toral competition.... more
The Çelebi/Ulusoy are supposed to be the descendants of the Anatolian saint Hacı Bektaş. This family has long controlled different kinds of resources (religious, economic) reinforcing each other, this circuit being secured by its... more
Апстракт: Целта на овој труд е да се создаде корелациска анализа помеѓу изборните понуди и остварувањето на изборните ветувања на политичките партии односно коалиции, пред сѐ на оние кои имаат парламентарен статус и значително влијание во... more
Like in many countries, MPs in Turkey are confronted with contradictory role expectations. However, in a context characterized by high turnover, there seems to be no strong standardization of role learning, neither through the main ways... more
The rise of Estado Novo in Brazil gave birth to many political-bureaucratic apparatuses. On one hand, those apparatuses were a clear expression of the new regime's authoritarian ideology, administrative reform and way of regulating social... more
Avant de s'intéresser au profil des candidats pour les élections fédérales du 18 mai 2003, il importe de se pencher sur la logique présidant à la confection des listes. Une juste métaphore serait celle de l'offre et de la... more
Draws attention towards the Telangana Rasthra Samithi (TRS) first innings in politics from 2001-2009. From the end of the year 2009 on-wards TRS started to had political peak. Thus, the first innings of the TRS is presented in this... more