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While the study of presidentialisation is often combined with the concept of personalisation, Gianluca Passarelli decides to make a clear conceptual distinction between the two, focussing on the already highly debated study of the... more
Under free list proportional representation voters can: (a) cast preference votes for candidates; (b) cast multiple preferences; and (c) distribute preferences across multiple lists. Alternatively, they can cast a list vote. Our theory... more
Conventional wisdom suggests candidate-centered electoral systems are associated with parties with greater ideological differences, though evidence for this expectation has been mixed. We model the incentives of party leaders to achieve... more
Lo studio dei voti di preferenza in Italia da sempre rappresenta un tema delicato, in quanto interessa il precipuo rapporto tra elettori e candidati, con effetti e conseguenze sulla rappresentanza politica, sul sistema politico e sulla... more
This concluding article aims at summarizing the contributions of this special issue on MPs’ local work in Belgium, France and Germany. Doing so, it highlights four elements to be taken into account when studying constituency... more
The Greeks invented politics by staging the process of decision making.