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The museums, libraries and archives of the 21. century have to face various challanges, to prove their instititional legitimity among the rapidly changing social conditions. This conference paper aims to give a common model for the three... more
ABOUT THE EDUCATION OF BULGARIANS IN ADRIANOPLE AND THE IMPACT OF THE „BROTHERS OF THE RESURRECTION“ Аt the end of 19th – the beginning of 20th century the Bulgarians in Adrianople had four secondary schools – one for boys and one for... more
Lucrarea îşi propune să ofere o serie de date concrete care completează informaţiile despre starea bibliotecilor şi bibliotecarilor în perioada pandemiei de coronavirus. Comparativ cu alte ţări, în România, există mai puţine date care să... more
The present doctoral thesis aspires to produce a portrayal of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries’ Portuguese literary culture. It was based on the study of the main cultural agents of the time and on the analysis of the libraries formed... more
A chapter in Archives in Liquid Times, edited by Frans Smit, Arnoud Glaudemans, and Rienk Jonker
Fue el Tribunal del Santo Oficio el que se ocupó de la vigilancia de los libros para mantener la ortodoxia religiosa en los territorios de la Monarquía Española. Una actividad, entre otras, justificada por el efecto que tenían los libros... more
Este ensayo es un intento por explorar las relaciones entre el trabajo de los intelectuales peruanos del siglo XX, sus posiciones dentro de las esferas de prestigio y poder institucional y académico, y la formación y peripecias de sus... more
Jerónimo Pizarro, "Pessoa and Philosophy: Texts from the Archive". pp. 325-356. This contribution includes several texts by Fernando Pessoa which contain explicit references to philosophical problems and subjects, and to specific... more
Harvard’s Dante Collection was the first such collection to be established at an American institution and the one that gave rise directly or indirectly to those that would follow. It sprang up from the roots laid down during the course of... more
Necrology of Mgr. Guido Vigarani, who in the Archdiocese of Modena directed the Archives and the Libraries of the Cathedral, Archbishop, Curia and Seminary for about thirty years.
Der Versuch, den überlieferten Buchbestand der 1803 aufgehobenen Erfurter Kartause zu erfassen und den Verbleib der im mittelalterlichen Standortkatalog verzeichneten Bände zu ermitteln, wurde von Paul Lehmann 1928 zum ersten Mal... more
I am pleased to invite you to join the online conference The Catholic Reformation and the Book. The proceedings will take place on 16-17 September 2021 via Zoom. Sessions will be held according to the schedule attached (all times are... more
"Während der Bestand der Bibliotheca Batthyaneum in Karlsburg/Alba Iulia als relativ gut erforscht gelten darf, weiß man über die deutschsprachigen Codices in den Bibliotheken und Archiven in Heltau/Cisnǎdie, Hermannstadt/Sibiu und... more
Essay based on an invited paper given at the symposium, "'Quei battenti sempre aperti' -- Gli Acquaticci e Treia nella cultura marchigiana," Treia, Italy, November 4, 2000.
Stefan Savov Bobchev was a chairman of the Slavic Society in Sofia for nearly 40 years (1903-1940). A university professor, he was a member of the Academies of Sciences of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, and of the Polish... more
A revised and updated edition of J. Chesley Mathews, "Longfellow’s Dante Collection," ESQ: Journal of the American Renaissance 62 (Winter 1971) for the special Longfellow bicentennial issue of Dante Studies.
La dir. UE del 17 aprile 2019, n. 790 introduce alcuni principi ed eccezioni al diritto d’autore di particolare interesse per l’attività ordinaria di archivi, biblioteche e musei: l’art. 14, in particolare, punta a promuovere la... more
Ημερίδα 200 Χρόνια Επανάστασης – Κεντρική Βιβλιοθήκη ΕΜΠ - Η εκδήλωση θα διεξαχθεί ηλεκτρονικά και θα μπορείτε να την παρακολουθήσετε μέσα από το κανάλι της Βιβλιοθήκης & Κέντρου Πληροφόρησης ΕΜΠ στο YouTube. Πρόγραμμα:... more
Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the strategic factors of Internet of Things usability in Iranian libraries and to provide a model. Methodology: The research was conducted with a qualitative approach and grounded theory.... more
Proteger una cultura y no sus recursos parece el lema de un movimiento contrario a la cosificación de los bienes culturales o, en otros términos, a su trivialización. No es difícil argumentar que la cualificación de las cosas o, lo que... more
Los libros europeos cruzaron el Atlántico con regular frecuencia acompañando a misioneros, religiosos, profesionales y funcionarios de la Corona española que se establecían en las ciudades americanas. Esos libros fueron transportados por... more
The aim of this discourse study has been to analyse how the concept of bibliotherapy in connection with hospital librari-ans’ work is presented in theses written in the field of library and information science. The theory is based on the... more
The article illustrates the importance and the role that Community Planning methods can play in defining innovative functional program of public libraries, also reporting the experience of the project of a branch library to be built in... more
This article aims to prove the active role played by artisans as consumers (readers, owners, copyists) of literature besides elite and court circles, and links it to the strategies of social promotion launched by that dynamic social... more
IV Congreso Internacional sobre Libro Medieval y Moderno. Las Bibliotecas en el Mundo Medieval y Moderno. Fama, Poder, Conocimiento y Memoria. Zaragoza, 8-9-10 Sept. 2021
Le but de l’ouvrage est de mettre en lumière certains aspects du rôle multimodal qu’a joué le livre depuis l’antiquité jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Autrement dit, ce volume se concentre sur le livre en tant qu’objet patrimonial, objet rituel,... more