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Einem alten, in der spätantiken Geschichtsschreibung teilweise nach wie vor wiederholten Narrativ zufolge war die römische Ar-mee direkt oder indirekt an der Ausbreitung des Christentums in den Provinzen des Reiches beteiligt. Dieser... more
There is an old myth, still recounted in some of the historiography on Late Antiquity, according to which the Roman army was somewhat involved in the spread of Christianity, usually shortly after the conversion of Constantine. Proponents... more
This book deals with the impact of the end of Roman peace on late Roman and primarily early medieval society using the example of fifth to seventh century Gaul. To this end, the study focusses on society as it was and the world of thought... more
Paper presented at Thematic Session "Transformation of Limes in Late Antiquity" of the 24. International Limes Congress (Belgrade/Viminacium, September 2018)
Für den Nachweis der Beteiligung bestimmter Formationen auf römischer Seite an den Kämpfen am Harzhorn zwischen Römern und Germanen gibt es nur wenige direkte Zeugnisse. Es lassen sich aus den Quellen aber immerhin einige grundlegende... more
«ZPE» 205 (2018), pp. 250–252. About the fiscus in Germania before the institution of provinciae Germaniarum under Domitian.
Archaeological analyses of Rome’s expansion in the Mediterranean and the creation of the provinces have traditionally highlighted a pattern of increased levels of urbanism and monumentality, the spread of Latin epigraphy and Roman law as... more
Presentation made at the annual Interdisciplinary Seminar of Archaeology of the Université de Strasbourg  "Limites et frontières" (Strasbourg, 15-16 January 2018).
"It always makes sense to take into consideration what is clearly visible in the stone, even if it was deprecated by previous editors.. A military tombstone from Mogontiacum serves as showcase, turning up an unexpected o(ptio)... more