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The period 550 to 750 was one in which monastic culture became more firmly entrenched in Western Europe. The role of monasteries and their relationship to the social world around them was transformed during this period as monastic... more
Mit 21 lokalen, regionalen und überregionalen Studien bietet der Sammelband einen Querschnitt durch die Erforschung frühmittelalterlicher Zentren und Siedlungsstrukturen vornehmlich des bayerisch-ostfränkischen Raumes und benachbarter... more
This groundbreaking study reveals the distinctive impact of apocalyptic ideas about time, evil and power on church and society in the Latin West, c.400–c.1050. Drawing on evidence from late antiquity, the Frankish kingdoms, Anglo-Saxon... more
Kobbeå, a Late Iron Age cemetery, Øster Herred, Bornholm, Denmark. It includes 33 graves from the Late Roman Iron Age, Early and Late Germanic Iron Age (Late Iron Age) and Early Viking Age. E. Vedel & J. A. Jørgensen excavated the Kobbeå... more
The monograph Nørre Sandegård Vest includes one of the rare cemeteries of Late Iron Age in Denmark excavated in recent times (1987). It contains 59 male and female graves with distinguished equipment in the form of weapons and jewelry... more
L'appel à communication est prolongé jusqu'au 15 février 2020. Ne tardez plus ! Le vêtement et la parure du haut Moyen Âge sont étroitement liés à l’évolution de l’archéologie mérovingienne depuis ses origines (notamment la découverte de... more
En Lorraine, les fouilles des ferriers de Ludres-Chaudeau, Ludres-Village, Messein-Les Noires Terres et Frouard-Nerbevaux ont permis de mettre au jour des fragments de blocs-tuyères. En Suisse, les sites de Boécourt-Les Boulies, de la... more
From Saxon mercenaries to prince Beowulf – Scandinavian identity in Anglo-Saxon England ca 450 – 800 AD. Through an analysis of the spatial, chronological and social organization of Scandinavian material culture in England during the... more
How did the ‘Fall of the Roman Empire’ change social and economic networks in eastern Gaul, and how did new ‘barbarian’ political frontiers shape those changes? Synthesising historical and archaeological approaches, this interdisciplinary... more
Det svenska sammandraget (1½ sida) och den svenska resumén (20 sidor) av min doktorsavhandling, som behandlar frågor kring de skandinaviska språkens ljudhistoria från 200-talet till 1200-talet e.Kr., belysta delvis av deras kontakter med... more
Within the classicising mindset of many Late Antique Gallo-Roman writers, we witness examples of the learned minority appropriating the right to represent the alleged historical memories of the majority’s pagan past. Distrust towards... more
Notwithstanding extensive scholarly attention, the Merovingian pretender Gundovald (d. 585) has remained one of the most shadowy figures of Frankish history. Reappraising the interesting, albeit largely neglected hypothesis brought... more
The Theodosian Code contained a variety of laws aimed at the assurance of a privileged status of the Church and the orthodox clergy. Those laws were part of a general imperial policy aimed at the establishment of the Christian Roman... more
Dossier multlimédia sur les fouilles de Saint-Dizier sur le site de la Tuilerie avec un focus sur le mobilier de trois riches tombes du VIe siècle accompagnés d'une sépulture de cheval
Abstract (ENG) The aim of this thesis is the study – based on an inventory – of the Merovingian reuse of Roman stone buildings in the northern part of the kingdom of Austrasia (Belgium, The Netherlands and the North of France), and to... more
Trabalho feito no âmbito da cadeira de História Medieval (Economia e Sociedade) na FLUL, Lic. de História. Propomo-nos, aqui, analisar três textos unidos pela temática central - as relações de vassalidade nos séculos VIII e IX na... more
In the numerous clashes between clerics and kings in the Early Middle Ages, issues related to Church property certainly stick out as a major bone of contention. The need to protect Church property was one of the most prominent causes that... more
Chassé, pêché, domestiqué, familier ou sauvage, I’animal est indispensable à la survie de l'homme et se place naturellement au centre de l'économie des sociétés pré-industrielles. Vivant, I'animal est tout autant le pourvoyeur de... more
Книга «Франкская империя Карла Великого» — это история о диких необузданных племенах франков и их войнах с римлянами; о создании жестоким и хитрым королем Хлодвигом франкского королевства; «ленивых королях» династии Меровингов и... more
L'étude du parcellaire et de la toponymie du cadastre de 1825 du bourg de Crozant (Creuse) fait apparaître une forme ovale autour de l'église et suggère des fortifications antérieures au château du XIIIe siècle. Un périmètre de Paix de... more
Nøkkelord: Norge, Nord-Trøndelag, Jøa, Sandvika, Namdal, gravskikk, gravfelt, jernalder, sittegrav, flatmarksgrav, tilknyttede spesialister, bønder, båt, gravgods, kysten. I yngre jernalder ble en uvanlig gravskikk tatt i bruk på øya... more
Archaeological and anthropological data from undisturbed children’s burials from the Merovingian cemeteries of Altenerding, Aschheim-Bajuwarenring, München-Aubing and Pliening, all of which are located at the Munich Gravel Plain, was... more
The aim of this ongoing research project is to resolve the question of attribution of a series of barbarian imitation tremisses identified by the mark •T• (typically appearing on the reverse inscription). This series has traditionally... more
The Greek and Latin texts of the Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius, the text of the Excerpta Latina Barbari, with English translations, introduction, and notes.
Analysis of the Columbanus' monastic rules and the four 'Columbanian' monastic rules written after his death: the Regula Donati, the Regula cuiusdam ad virgines, the Regula cuiusdam patris and the fragment De accedendo ad deum. All four... more
Two Migration period cult sites from Närke. Klas af Edholm This paper deals with two sacred sites from the Migration period in Närke, Middle Sweden: Frösvi, Edsberg’s parish; and Hassle, Glanshammar’s parish. The aim of the paper is to... more
A PAST BORDERLAND – LANDSCAPES, COMMUNICATION ROUTES AND THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS OF LØTEN AND ELVERUM IN EASTERN NORWAY The rich soils in the central parts of the region of Hedmarken in the inland region of eastern Norway offer good... more
Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages are times of political, religious, sociocultural and economic change. That is why issues regarding the transformation of classical antiquity into an early medieval world present a special challenge... more
Aus archäologischer Sicht setzte das frühe Christentum an Mittelrhein und unterer Mosel während der Spätantike nur mit der Gründung von kleinen Gemeinden in Gondorf, Kobern und Boppard ein. Nach den zuzuweisenden Grabsteinen mit... more
Traduction en français de la Vie de sainte Bathilde, écrite peu de temps après sa mort en 680, par un moine de l'abbaye de Chelles.