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The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
This study investigates planning policy shifts to shape a global knowledge city in the dual contemporary transformative processes of globalisation and the knowledge economy. It develops an integrative conceptual and policy analytical... more
In the last two decades, resource cities of the Arab Gulf Region have been known to urban scholars and the general public for their extravagant, large-scale urban developments. These so-called megaprojects have allowed Gulf governments to... more
In this chapter, after reviewing the intertwined effects of geopolitical aspirations and the rapid urbanization of Gulf capitals, I will focus on Qatar Foundation’s Education City campus to analyse processes and politics of Knowledge... more
Purpose – With rapid growth of Australia’s Gold Coast into a tourist consumption city (Mullins 2008) of half a million people, Gold Coast City Council (GCCC) seeks to diversify the city’s economy, lifestyle and culture. This paper... more
Gulf cities' development, in the last decade, can be seen as a sequence of three paradigms. I'll argue that Dubai, as a model of urban development, for contemporary Gulf cities is based primarily on Images and icons rather than... more
Based on the concept of the knowledge economy, higher education institutions can be used as knowledge hubs in order to train knowledge workers. In addition the formation of knowledge hubs will be the foundations of the Knowledge Cities.... more
CRRID, Chandigarh proposes to organize an International Conference on “Mountain Cities, Climate Change and Urban Sustainability” and 1st Chandigarh Climate Meet from November 6-8, 2017 and a two days Pre Conference Workshop on “Towards... more
This paper is part of my research exploring the architectural design studio (ADS) and its engagement with the real world. This engagement is partly investigated by identifying instances where the architectural design brief (reflecting the... more
Honored to be one of the carefully selected speakers to investigate the relation between creativity, economy and the city. My talk will focus on the concepts of Creative Cities and how it can be introduced and implemented in the post... more
This paper discusses the way digital services advance urban knowledge ecosystems. The introductory part sets the frame of this paper; the second part conducts a systematic literature review regarding the association of knowledge with... more
Urbanization and Globalization are two main factors that affected the Cities Future. Many cities around the world witnessed urban transformation due to their shift towards technology and knowledge-based economy. The concept of " growing "... more
This paper is part of my research exploring the architectural design studio (ADS) and its engagement with the real world. This engagement is partly investigated by identifying instances where the architectural design brief (reflecting the... more
This Conference Paper is brought to you by the Institute of Sustainable Development and Architecture at ePublications@bond. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mirvac School of Sustainable Development by an authorized administrator of... more
The paper discusses the integration of digital services in the physical and functional space of cities, enhancing the performance of knowledge cities. The introductory part conducts a systematic literature review regarding the evolution... more
... Una aproximació al projecte "Barcelona Ciutat del Coneixement" des de l'anàlisi crítica del discurs. Autores: Marc Martí Costa; Localización: Àmbits de política i societat, ISSN 1578-9918, Nº. 34... more
Neolitik Devrim'den başlayıp Sanayi Devrimi ile yeni bir forma dönüşen kentlere yönelik göç hareketi kentler üzerinde ciddi bir nüfus ve kentleşme baskısı oluşturmuştur. Özellikle milenyum öncesindeki son on yıla denk gelecek şekilde... more
Always considered an important resource, it is in the last decade that strategicknowledge management was become a reality with outstanding protagonism. Thus, inplanning and urban development issues, the association between knowledge and... more
Always considered an important resource, it is in the last decade that strategicknowledge management was become a reality with outstanding protagonism. Thus, inplanning and urban development issues, the association between knowledge and... more
Prof. Ali Alraouf
Cited Research Abstracts Bulletin at University of Bahrain 2009
Cited Research Abstracts Bulletin
In view of the increased popularity of e‐Government in the development of Informational World Cities, i.e. prototypical cities of the knowledge society (such as Singapore, Seoul or Hong Kong), we present two research questions: What is... more
In this study, we extended the practice of six city theoretical systems, namely "sustainable city," "eco-city," "low-carbon city," "smart city," "resilient city," and "knowledge city" to obtain a clear understanding of, the sustainable... more
الهدف من البحث هو "التعرف على مدى مساهمة الصناعات الابداعية فى مصر على خلق فرص عمل للشباب والتحول نحو اقتصاد المعرفة" وقد اتبع البحث منهج إعادة التحليل، ومراجعة التراث والدراسات السابقة، وأسلوب التحليل الرباعى لنقاط القوة والضعف الداخلية،... more
O viziune a centrelor urbane ale viitorului, care au la bază capitalul uman este întruchipată sub denumirea de “Oraşele cunoaşterii” (“knowledge cities“ sau “the cities of knowledge”). Care sunt atributele pe care ar trebui să le... more