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Gated Communities in İstanbul: Development and the Reasons of Preference As being the most important trade and financial center of Turkey and the world, İstanbul is the crowded and most immigrated city of Turkey. According to the economic... more
Draft, please do not quote without permission This paper reviews the arguments and some of the evidence on the emergence of gated communities and contends that the concept of the partitioned city has a useful application both in the... more
In Fortress America, Edward Blakely and Mary Gail Snyder pose the question: ‘Are gated communities a metaphor of the exclusionary fortress, creating walls between citizens, or are they refuges from the forces that threaten family,... more
In 'Vloeibare tijden. Leven in een eeuw van onzekerheid' (2007) drukt Zygmunt Bauman een productie- en een houdbaarheidsdatum op de droom van Andersland: ‘Utopieën werden samen met de moderniteit geboren en alleen in de sfeer van de... more
Since the 1978 economic reform, more and more residential areas in Chinese cities have walled themselves away from their surroundings to improve security. What do these gated communities look like as compared to their US counterparts?... more
In this paper, I aim to analyze the phenomenon of Gated Communities in Sao Paulo. Focusing specifically on Alphaville, a suburban real estate and gated community in Brazil, I want to stress and elaborate on the process of suburbanization... more
Abstrakt: Projektowanie współczesnych miast dostosowuje się do konsumpcyjnych zachowań mieszkańców, którzy ulegając różnorakim hasłom i ideologiom, są gotowi zapłacić za swoje pozorne bezpieczeństwo i zamieszkać w bezdusznej, ale... more
Abstract – This article draws from eldwork conducted in 2004-2008 in San Felice and Milano 2, using among other methods ethnographic observation and 34 in-depth interviews. It analyzes how discrimination- based segregation takes place in... more
La privatización de las funciones de la seguridad pública constituye uno de los fenómenos más significativos de la transformación del Estado y la sociedad contemporáneos. Los nueve trabajos aquí reunidos ofrecen miradas transversales... more
The global privatisation of the built environment is seen as a contemporary theme leading to today’s range of socio-spatial disparities. This study investigates the historical roots of Metro Manila’s enclave urbanism using the spatially... more
En las periferias del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) se viene imponiendo desde los años 1990 un patrón de urbanización fragmentado y polarizado socioeconómicamente, observable incluso a pequeña escala. La expansión urbana... more
תקציר ספר זה עוסק במגדלי היוקרה בתל אביב, המהווים תופעה מתוקשרת מאוד, שתופסת תאוצה גדולה בשנים האחרונות. המחקר בוחן את התופעה מנקודת המבט של הספרות העוסקת בקהילות מגודרות (Gated communities). מתוך התבססות על שני חוקרים, שטוענים שמגדלים... more
People have built walls for thousands of years to protect cities, to divide cities and along the borders of polities. This paper examines this process to place modern walls in a historical context and to ask in what ways is modern wall... more
Chapter 8 from The City of Reason vol 5 The Economic Concept of the City by Dr Peter Critchley This paper analyses the emergence of the Informational City as the Dual City entrenched in social polarisation. This development has a... more
RESUMEN Este trabajo presenta una primera aproximación al estado de situación de los barrios cerrados en el área metropolitana de Cochabamba. Con el objeto de comprender las características de la ciudad fragmentada así como las... more
Each year, millions flock to the US Lowcountry South in search of the illusory appeal of a bygone era; one that never existed outside the white imagination. The contemporary grand narrative of long defunct plantations, standing as beacons... more
prepared by Deputy Governor of Jakarta for Spatial Planning and Environment for Workshop of Gated Community Development in Indonesia
Tarumanegara University
25 April 2017
In recent decades, gated communities have multiplied in Marseille, the third French metropolis. The dynamics of enclosure have taken the form of secure new-built residential projects or closure of existing streets. These dynamics are... more
The paper focuses on differences and similarities between two types of private residential communities (or homeowners associations): cohousing and gated communities. The reasoning is structured as a reply to a paper by Maria L. Ruiu in... more
Cirka zwei Autostunden von Mexiko-Stadt liegt die Metropole Puebla, welche durch ihre koloniale Barockarchitektur und der außergewöhnlichen Küche berühmt geworden ist. In den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde Puebla weltweit besser bekannt als... more
In this article I examine grassroots responses to state-directed urban renewal in two poor neighborhoods in Istanbul. Through detailed analysis of resident perspectives and urban association tactics, I explore various factors that shape... more
Gated communities are considered to be the most reflective mirror of neoliberal approaches. Within the Egyptian context, they have attracted a large sector of the elite residents in order to subsume a considerable percentage of the... more
When residential segregation is mentioned in news coverage and when it is talked about in everyday discourse in Sweden, it is very often associated with immigration and minority groups living in the poorer areas of the city. A common... more
Development-Induced displacement have become a common phenomenon in developing countries where in order to facilitate any infrastructure project, Dam project or any Transportation project, there is a huge displacement that takes place.... more
Gated communities represent a modern housing trend that is quickly gaining prominence across the United States and challenging how researchers typically conceptualize neighborhoods. Gated communities feature distinct characteristics that... more
The term globalisation suggests ideas that resemble a process of homogenisation in a global scale. However, empirical evidence suggests that in numerous places a revitalisation of the local has taken place. Free Cities are spaces of... more
Kairo hat mit zahlreichen ökologischen und sozialen Problemen zu kämpfen: Eine hohe Luftverschmutzung, die Degradierung der älteren Stadtviertel sowie das stetige Anwachsen informeller Siedlungen auf eigentlich wertvollem Agrarland, sind... more
During the last decade, ‘gated communities and urban segregation’ has become a widely analysed subject for the researchers. Due to the fast urban restructuring of neoliberalism, the number of gated communities still increases dramatically... more
El libro presenta los resultados de la investigación cualitativa realizada en Cali (Colombia) en al año 2007 sobre la seguridad y la convivencia al interior de los conjuntos residenciales o barrios cerrados.