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This article offers a survey of scholarship on the historian Procopius of Caesarea in the last eleven years (2003-2014). It reviews his origins and upbringing in Caesarea in Palestine before moving on to consider his portrayal of the... more
"Il saggio traccia una sintesi della civiltà bizantina, dalla fondazione di Costantinopoli alla Quarta Crociata. A tutti gli effetti continuazione dell'impero romano, Bisanzio riuscì ad assimilare positivamente le Völkerwanderungen che... more
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
Reinventing Procopius Abstract Competing Histories in the Sixth Century: Procopius and Justinian Justinian’s laws (including both the Corpus Iuris Civilis and the Novels) and Procopius’ writings are two of the most extensive and... more
In 553, the Second Council of Constantinople issued a series of anathemas against various doctrines and certain bishops in order to settle the so-called " Three Chapters Controversy. " It also condemned Origen and several of his theses,... more
un lavoro sulle cosiddette silique gepide, con spunti per una nuova attribuzione e datazione, ed un catalogo dei diversi conii a noi attualmente noti
Una progresión que vale por una constante histórica quiere que los focos culturales se sucedan en el tiempo siguiendo el derrotero del sol. A tenor de esta ley singularmente patentizada en los pueblos costeros, y de modo especial en el... more
... Inspired by Rabun Taylor's article [1], which proposes that Hagia Sophia's original vaulting system consisted of an upper dome supported by a fenestrated drum, the present team of authors, which... more
At first sight the present-day Saint Sophia seems to have an appearance that is almost that of the 6th century, with the only difference being the presence of Ottoman furnishings for its use as a mosque. However, closer examination... more
I cannot help but recognize, in the first awestruck commentators on the Megale Ekklesia, the great sixth-century church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, kindred spirits of a deep and special sort. I refer, of course, to Procopius,... more
The book attempts to present –for the first time in the international bibliography– a detailed description of the historical life of Abydos (Άβυδος) of Hellespont (Ελλήσποντος, Δαρδανέλλια); the latter was an important ancient and... more
This thesis is a systematic examination of the use of the term phoideratos in Greek and how it relates to the Greek word symmachos. The term was recognized as not precisely equivalent to its Latin cognate foederatus over a century ago by... more
This copy of this paper was written in or translated into the French language. The verbatim Abstract is not readily available for reproduction here; it was manually re-translated from English using Google Translate: En 553, le Deuxième... more
This dissertation argues that martial virtues and images of the soldier’s life represented an essential aspect of early Byzantine masculine ideology. It contends that in many of the visual and literary sources from the fourth to the... more
This paper seeks to visualise Justinian’s church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople. Although this church was demolished after the Ottoman conquest, it was described by Byzantine authors including Prokopios (6th century), Constantine... more
This paper is part of my ordination process for the Christian Universalist Association ( It is a lengthy review of Ilaria Ramelli's book entitled A Larger Hope? Universal Salvation from Christian... more
Der Text behandelt die erste Welle der Justinianischen Pest im östlichen Mittelmeerraum, von der zeitgenössische Autoren wie Prokop oder Johannes von Ephesos ein fast schon apokalyptisches Bild zeichnen. Ihnen zufolge wirke die Seuche... more
Extracto de la Obra del Profesor Tulio Alberto Álvarez-Ramos, Comentarios a las Institutas de Justiniano. Tomo II [Contratos]. Caracas: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, 2012. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas Universidad Católica... more
The Byzantine Empire had a few great emperors, a few poor emperors, and many mediocre emperors during the fourth through the ninth centuries. Three of the emperors who made the most impact on the Empire were Constantine I, Justinian I,... more
ENGLISH ABSTRACT This article examines Agathias of Myrina's presentation of Italy, Italians, and the Gothic War. His presentation of these subjects is framed around the historical methodology outlined in his preface, which is centered on... more
Μια ηρωϊκή πόλη δραματικών γεγονότων, επιβλητική όσο και μαρτυρική, βρίσκεται στη δεξιά όχθη του ποταμού Άλυος, χτισμένη στην πλαγιά του βουνού Παρυάδρου, σε υψόμετρο 1600. Ανάμεσα στις ωραίες πόλεις της Ανατολής είναι από τις ωραιότερες!... more
Book chapter. Corona Encinas, Á. “Apuntes sobre la fundamentación política de las reformas justinianeas ante la crisis de las estructuras administrativas protobizantinas”, in Pérez González, J. & Bermúdez Lorenzo, J.M. (eds.). The Romans... more
Die Ergebnisse des fünften Teils der „Forschungen“ verdeutlichen die bis in die Kaiserzeit andauernde personenrechtliche Ordnung der Außenbeziehungen Roms, womit quasi vom Ende der in den "Forschungen" in den Blick genommenen Zeitraums... more
R. Haensch (ed.), with the collaboration of F. Hurlet et al., Recht haben und Recht bekommen im Imperium Romanum. Das Gerichtswesen der Römischen Kaiserzeit und seine dokumentarische Evidenz. Ausgewählte Beiträge einer Serie von drei... more
"The broad reception of Vitruvius in architectural history has especially accounted for the fact that fields of knowledge essential for the understanding of ancient processes of design and planning remain hitherto unconsidered. Although... more
Studiu introductiv la ediţia bilingvă Chiril de Schitopolis - "Vieţile pustnicilor Palestinei", trad. din lb. greacă veche de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2013.
In this paper, I am arguing that the theological conflict with Justinian about the aphthartic doctrine was not the main reason for the deposition of patriarch Eutychius of Constantinople. Rather, this affair is connected to the unclear... more
Cet article explore les stratégies déployées par les familles pour favoriser certains de leurs enfants, en consacrant le plus souvent une fille à la vie religieuse menée à la maison à peu de frais. Les cas de consécration d’enfants issues... more