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Hadrianopolis is a site located on the principal western route from the Central Anatolian plain through the mountains to Bartın and the Black Sea, 3 km west of the modern town of Eskipazar, near Karabük, in what was in Roman times... more
Alabanda Ancient City takes place in Araphisar Street from Doğanyurt Village in the 7 km west of Çine Town, Aydın City. The city settled down on the foothill of the hills in the north of Gökbel Mountain, is positioned close by the Marsyas... more
La chiesa dei Santi Apostoli a Costantinopoli, costruita da Costantino intorno al 335 d.C. e rifatta da Giustiniano verso il 550 d.C, era una delle più importanti chiese della tarda antichità e del periodo bizantino. Domande... more
Wstęp Mirosław J. Leszka, Kirił Marinow................................................... 1 I Konstantynopolitańskie porty IV–XII w. [Constantinopolitan harbours in the 4th–12th centuries] Mirosław J. Leszka......... 5 II Wszystkie... more
19th Century Universal Exhibitions were essential opportunities for newly emerged countries to define a cultural identity. I explore in more depth here the architectural display of Greece, Serbia and Romania at 1889 Universal Exhibition... more
Studie byla publikována roku 1935 v knize ,,Sbornik statej po archeologii i vizantinovedeniju izdavajemyj Seminarijem imeni N.P. Kondakova" (Díl 7) / The study was published in 1935 in the book ,,Sbornik statj po archeologii i... more
INDICE: La Sapienza bizantina. Il contributo della Storia dell’arte (1896-1970) - Antonio Iacobini Le missioni di studio in Oriente e il Centro di Documentazione di Storia dell’Arte Bizantina (1966-2006) - Andrea Paribeni Il... more
This is an illustrated children’s book about the Byzantine Constantinople and its monuments, blended with a fantastic time travel of children from contemporary Istanbul. It narrates the adventures of İrem (a.k.a Irene), and her... more
The paper concerns the study of the architecture of the church of Hagios Nikolaos in Vevi, Florina, Greece. The church, which was constructed in 1460 constitutes an important sample of church architecture between Byzantine and... more
Mordoğan is a sea-side township in the district of Karaburun in Izmir, western Turkey. It is situated on the eastern shoreline of Karaburun Peninsula within the Gulf of Izmir at about 20 km to the south of the district center of... more
The paper is focused on the use of the meander motif in décor of the Old Rus’ church masonry from 11th to early 13th century. Attention is drawn to compositional peculiarities and the diversity of patterns in meander frieze on church... more
Content AD GLORIAM S. V. Beletsky, N. I. Platonova (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) Anatoliy Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov. Life and Works17 L. M. Vseviov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) List of Scientific Works by A.... more
Сборник «Византийская мозаика» включает тексты Публичных лекций прочитанных в 2018–2019 учебном году на собраниях Эллино-византийского лектория «Византийская мозаика», прошедших на базе кафедры истории древнего мира и средних веков... more
This book contains the lectures concerning the history of the exploration of the Armenian medieval art during 1830-1950.It represents the impact of the scholars of different nationalities in the exploration of the Armenian architecture,... more
Written in 1851 – 1869, Skarlatos Byzantios' three-volume masterpiece constitutes a feat of 19th c. scholarship, presented here for the first time in an annotated English translation. Drawing on Classical, Byzantine, Western European and... more
Archaeological digitisation turns to be a basic pillar of archaeology, supplementary to any conventional documentation, excavation, restoration or heritage management work because it covers efficiently and reliably multidimensional... more
The architecture of the Studenica katholikon is usually examined independently of its massive outer narthex. However, the dome of the Studenica katholikon and the narthex added by king Radoslav were built in a very small time span at... more
Sztuka Wczesnochrześcijańska jest książką wprowadzającą w zagadnienia najstarszej aktywności artystycznej - tak w dziedzinie architektury monumentalnej i prywatnej, jak i sztuk plastycznych (malarstwo, mozaika, rzeźba i drobna plastyka) -... more
IMAGINING DEMONS IN POST-BYZANTINE JERUSALEM: JOHN OF DAMASCUS AND THE CONSOLIDATION OF CLASSICAL CHRISTIAN DEMONOLOGY The Rev. Nathaniel Ogden Kidd, B.A., M.Div Marquette University, 2018 This dissertation traces the consolidation of a... more
The Basilica Cistern, also known as the “underground palace” (Yerebatan Saray), is the largest surviving Byzantine cistern in Istanbul. Located southwest of Hagia Sophia, this covered subterranean reservoir once held 78,000 m3 of water.... more
The restoration project of the so-called "Dungeons of Anemas" in 2006 brought to light a church sub-structure. The structure is located on the "Dungeons of Anemas", part of the Blakhernai Palace, and to the north-east of the towers of... more