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The social cooperative is the opportunity for social and professional reintegration of people threatened with social exclusion: Reintegration tool; The objectives of the social cooperative; The threefold nature of the social cooperative;... more
This report presents the comparative findings of research spanning two years on migrants caught in situations of crisis in destination countries. The research focused on the longer-term socio-economic impacts of these crises on migrants,... more
In Portugal, three terms are used to define the final phase of an intervention of conservation and restoration: reintegration or integration, pictorial or chromatic, and retouching. This article is a survey of some bibliographic reference... more
Youth gangs proliferate in Guatemala and across the Americas; targeted by social cleansing campaigns and singularly conceived by society as violent aggressors, their purpose is ill-understood. Theirs is a society that has devised answers... more
In 553, the Second Council of Constantinople issued a series of anathemas against various doctrines and certain bishops in order to settle the so-called " Three Chapters Controversy. " It also condemned Origen and several of his theses,... more
This copy of this paper was written in or translated into the French language. The verbatim Abstract is not readily available for reproduction here; it was manually re-translated from English using Google Translate: En 553, le Deuxième... more
In the context of rising global mobility, managers and policy makers need to understand the complexity of cultural adjustment issues experienced by educational and professional sojourners, taking into account the context-specific nature... more
Abstract The aim of this research paper is three fold: (1) to shed some light on the struggles Albanian return migrants are facing in their psycho-social, cultural and labor market reintegration in the origin country, looking as well to... more
Published by: Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) Title: Reintegration of returning foreign fighters: what approach best suits Kosovo? Author: Arife Muji Date: 04 May 2017 As in many other countries of the world, Kosovo is also... more
This chapter has been published in The Civilian Lives of U.S. Veterans: Issues and Identities, edited by Louis Hicks, Eugenia L. Weiss, and Jose E. Coll. The research is an ethnographic case study of community outdoor recreation for... more
La superación de las vulnerabilidades socioeconómicas de las personas en proceso de reintegración y resocialización, durante y después del retorno a la vida civil, constituye, todavía, un déficit institucional. Los análisis filosóficos,... more
The article deals with the issue of adolescents’ delinquency and the adolescents placed in social rehabilitation centres in the city of Oran. To analyse this situation, we rely on a reading of the educational trajectories of a sample of... more
Cellulose pulp, mainly utilized as a support for cleaning stone material, in this study, is proposed as a filler for wooden supports. In the last 10 years, pulp has been used in many restoration works carried out in the laboratory of the... more
In 553, the Second Council of Constantinople issued a series of anathemas against various doctrines and certain bishops in order to settle the so-called “Three Chapters Controversy.” It also condemned Origen and several of his theses,... more
Recent questions surrounding the repatriation, rehabilitation, and reintegration of those who traveled to join the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the reintegration of violent extremists in conflict zones including Somalia,... more
This article introduces the special issue on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) and 'Armed Non-Statutory Actors' (ANSAs), whose title we prefer to the less precise label of Armed Non-State Actors. The understanding that... more
Involvement in prosocial prison activities can ameliorate rule breaking conduct and assist in the reinforcement of conventional behavior. Extant research shows a connection between participation in traditional educational/vocational... more
Contracts between state and individual change, as do the locations and people. Ignorant of the evolution of ideological loyalties and social networks, the UNHCR’s programme in Afghanistan highlights a reductionist and simplified approach... more
The aim of this research paper is three fold: (1) to shed some light on the struggles Albanian return migrants are facing in their psycho-social, cultural and labor market reintegration in the origin country, looking as well to the... more
Este artículo describe los retos políticos de las sociedades en etapa de postconflicto desde una perspectiva tanto normativa como empírica. Luego de una discusión teórica sobre los desafíos en los niveles sistémico, grupal e individual,... more
This book compares post-civil war societies to look at the presence or absence of organized violence, analysing why some ex-combatants return to organised violence and others do not. Even though former fighters have been identified as... more
Niger Delta region of Nigeria is an area where crude oil which is the mainstay of Nigeria economy is being produced. In the process of producing crude, their environment has been violated, and the region has faced and is... more
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction. \u2013 2. The Crisis in Figures. \u2013 3. Anti-crisis Measures across Europe. \u2013 3.1. Measures to Create Employment and to Promote Reintegration. \u2013 3.2. Income Support for Unemployed People.... more
En ausencia de un pacto de paz global de la guerra interna en Colombia se han suscrito acuerdos de paz con varias guerrillas (M19, EPL y otras) pero con otras persisten hostilidades (FARC y ELN) A la vez, hubo un acuerdo con los... more
This paper investigates the suitability of the economic reintegration strategy for former Colombian combatants, taking into account the challenges facing this population. It argues that the international discourse primarily consists of a... more
Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar as estratégias utilizadas pelos trabalhadores para enfrentar a situação de desemprego. Investigaram-se estratégias objetivas de sobrevivência e de reinserção profissional, e subjetivas,... more
Long hailed as “a haven of peace”, Cote d’Ivoire has been facing, since 19 September 2002, its worst political crisis ever since its independence in 1960, leading to the partition de facto of the country, the Northern half part held by... more
Nyaope is a relatively new drug on the South African market and mostly (mis)used by youths. Without targeted intervention, this drug could negatively affect the wellbeing of the people involved. Aftercare and reintegration services are... more
Les activitats laborals que les dones duen a terme dins dels centres penitenciaris durant el compliment de la seva pena, es troben, tal i com apunta la literatura, en desavantatge en relació a les activitats que desenvolupen els homes en... more
The purpose of this work is to determine whether it is likely that a community reintegration approach in the government-led DDR process will help to build a sustainable basis to ensure reconciliation within the armed conflict in Colombia.... more