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This is the brochure for the April 2018 conference “Corporeal Restrictions, Embodied Freedoms: Italian Interventions on the Body” organized by the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College, City University of New York.... more
CALL FOR PAPERS: "Italian Sonorities and Acoustic Communities: Listening to the Soundscapes of Italianità" conference, April 27-29, 2017 at Queens College's John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Manhattan.... more
This special Forum explores some key aspects on Italian migrants’ relationships with First Nations people in Australia, including their complicity in settler colonialism and their solidarity with Indigenous struggles. Taking into... more
This chapter aims to review the participation of engineer Adamo Boari on the design competition for the construction of the new Legislative Palace at Mexico City in 1897. Likewise, the details of the controversy unleashed by the Italian... more
Families dispersed for social or political reasons to different parts of the globe were like satellites or capsules of culture, who then became the main custodians of a cultural preservation: where time more or less stood still. Settlers... more
This article builds on the growing scholarship on material culture studies concerning the experiences of Italian immigrants and their descendants in the United States. We examine what happens when objects are removed from their previous... more
Maurizio Gusso, "‘Canzoni d’autore’ sulle migrazioni dall’Italia e in Italia": traccia della relazione nel terzo incontro – "Emigranti e immigrati nella letteratura, nelle canzoni e nella storiografia dell’Italia repubblicana" - (Sala... more
Il volume è incentrato sulla ricerca delle molteplici influenze che contribuirono a creare il mito del “colonialismo popolare”, un modello politico e culturale che riuscì a catturare l’immaginario collettivo di molti italiani e costituì... more
For Italian immigrants and their descendants, needlework represents a marker of identity, a cultural touchstone as powerful as pasta and Neapolitan music. Out of the artifacts of their memory and imagination, Italian immigrants and their... more
I approach this cultural apprehension through a three-pronged reading of Pierre Bourdieu’s examination of taste regimes, Erving Goffman’s understanding of stigma, and Robert Viscusi’s discussion of the internalized colonialism afflicting... more
This is a story written at the confluence of Italy and its Diaspora. It is a tale that emerged from the dialogue between residents of Italy and members of the diasporic community using hip hop, a constellation of Afro-centric cultural... more
In the early 1960s the Victorian town of Myrtleford could boast of a ‘theatre precinct’ in Myrtle Street: two venues served as cinemas, both presenting weekly programs that included films of all kinds screened in Italian—parlato in... more
It may be said that families dispersed for social or political reasons to different parts of the globe were like satellites or capsules of culture, who then became the main custodians of a cultural preservation, where time more or less... more
Since 1898, Adamo Boari, very professionally engaged in Mexico, had received interesting assignments to build religious buildings in the main Dioceses of the country. A rewarding experience for an architect who came from Italy, a country... more
The work, the result of an international research project that sees the collaboration of scholars from Mexico, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Spain and Italy, is the result of an important dialogue of scientific diplomacy... more
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Boston’s North End became home to thousands of European immigrants, mostly from Ireland and Italy. The majority of these immigrant families lived in crowded tenement apartments and... more
Venezuela was one of the main destinations for Italian migrants in the aftermath of the Second World War. Italians made an important contribution to the modernization and the growth of the country. Even if they integrated successfully,... more
Origine ed evoluzione della diaspora postcoloniale

in S. Bassi e A. Sirotti (eds.), Gli studi postcoloniali, Firenze: Le Lettere, 2010
In this article, we focus on Francisco Durini Vasalli´s first commercial activities in the Costa Rican cultural market during the period 1883-1889, and the role that his company began to play within the political and ideological project... more
Italy and the Pacific Rim April 27–29, 2023 JOHN D. CALANDRA ITALIAN AMERICAN INSTITUTE Queens College, The City University of New York 25 West 43rd Street, 17th floor (between 5th and 6th Avenues), Manhattan This interdisciplinary... more
Nati da occasioni seminariali, i saggi qui raccolti a rontano la questione della diaspora italiana in prospettiva multidiscipli-nare e interculturale, con una particolare attenzione rivolta agli Stati Uniti. Dalle questioni teoriche... more
Vedere o rivedere il film a episodi Bianco, Rosso e Verdone, scritto, diretto e interpretato da Carlo Verdone nel 1981, dopo intere esistenze, o quasi, vissute fuori dall'Italia, comporta confrontarsi brutalmente con l’episodio di... more
This study proposes the re-orienting of the radical transnational politics exchanged in the first anti-fascist and anarchist newspaper Il Risveglio, produced in 1927 in Australia. It combines a critical analysis of its transnational and... more
In his 1984 book Acoustic Communication, Barry Truax defined acoustic communities as “any soundscape in which acoustic information plays a pervasive role in the lives of the inhabitants. . . . The community is linked and defined by its... more
This essay investigates the way in which Paulo Menotti del Picchia, author of the famous poem “Juca Mulato” and an important intellectual and political figure in Brazil during the 20th century, reimagines the role of Italians in Brazil.... more
Italian American Review WINTER 2018 • VOLUME 8 • NUMBER 1 ARTICLES 1 The Making of Home in a New Land: A Study of the Significance of Personal Objects and Cultural Practices of Aging Italian and Greek Migrants in South Australia within a... more
The presence of Italians in Sub Saharan Africa has not received much attention. Although migration flows have always been – and remain – marginal from a quantitative viewpoint, there are some contexts in which the numbers of Italians are... more
This essay describes how the Italians who settled in Nashville between the end of the nineteenth century and before the outburst of the First World War favoured first and foremost their occupational mobility thus prioritizing their... more
This document is the booklet for the final exhibition for the project, 'Tracing the threads of the Calabrian diaspora to North-West Victoria: Explorations through performance, video and relational art.' 28 & 29 April 2017, 7 Chaffey... more
"In & Out. Storie di emigranti e immigrati nell'Italia repubblicana. Il cinema, la letteratura, le canzoni": Ciclo di lezioni-proiezioni per le scuole (Milano, 12 gennaio - 6 aprile 2017), nell'ambito della terza edizione di "Cinema e... more
This paper was written for the first global Dante Day commemorated on 25 March 2020 in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been published online by the Dante Alighieri Society Canberra. Dante Alighieri is a household name in... more
Studiul de faţă se bazează pe cercetările efectuate în anii 2002 şi 2003 în localitatea Greci în care mai dăinuie încă un mic grup de italieni, descendenţi ai celor care, la sfârşitul secolului XIX, au emigrat din nordul Italiei.... more
Il volume è uno studio approfondito della vita e dell’opera di Joseph Penso de Vega, esponente del «barocco sefardita». Nel testo, la sua figura viene studiata in una prospettiva interdisciplinare, alla luce dei contatti che ebbe con la... more
Table of Contents for the 'Italian American Review' 7.1 (Winter), a peer reviewed social science and cultural studies journal published by the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College, City University of New York.
L’analisi transnazionale dell’anarchismo in quanto fenomeno globale implica l’utilizzo di prospettive diferenti che connettano luoghi e contesti attraversati da persone e gruppi, idee ed esperienze. Dalle biografe individuali, ai... more