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elementary particle physics 1 is an introductory physics of kinematics, dynamics and thermodynamics.
This book is a comprehensive presentation of the main topics of contemporary Theoretical Physics : the Geometry of the Universe and Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Mechanics and momentum, Force Fields and gravitation, Nuclear Particles and... more
This is the first of a series of papers in which we present a brief introduction to the relevant mathematical and physical ideas that form the foundation of Particle Physics, including Group Theory, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Quantum... more
The paper describes the relation between quantum particles,
consciousness, the unified field theory and relativity.
Editors: Ilya Selyuzhenkov (, Alberica Toia (; Reviewers: P.P. Bhaduri, C. Blume, S. Chattopadhyay, J. de Cuveland, I. Deppner, D. Emschermann, V. Friese, M. Golubeva, F. Guber, N. Herrmann, J.... more
Protons, Electrons & Neutrons are vortices in a 3 dimensional universe (propagation in the “Dark Matter”) spinning around the time axis – 4th dimension. The universe is composed of one particle the “Dark Matter” (I define it in a totally... more
This paper proposes a simple hypothesis on a plausible internal structure of all the elementary particles with non-zero rest masses, a hypothesis based on gravitational and electromagnetic standing waves (similar to string theory) that... more
To ponder different points of view is a good intellectual exercise to acquire wider perspectives. To be restricted to that of the Standard Model is an intellectual constrain. We propose an alternative approach which does not appeal to... more
New model task for testing of quantum computer is suggested. Mathematical metrics of hydrogen atom is used. Future perspective of logical programming of atoms and elementary particles is declared.
FERNÁNDEZ ÁLVAREZ-ESTRADA, R., RAMÓN MEDRANO, M., LLANES ESTRA-DA, F.-J., Partículas elementales. Una vía hacia el cosmos, Madrid, Pirámide, 2018, 299 pp., ISBN 978-84-368-4018-6. Es una obra de divulgación avanzada sobre las partículas... more
This short technical paper presents a new standard model for Elementary Particles. All elementary particle masses are related by simple math. This math is similar to the math used for wifi signals and it is called 1024-QAM. The 1024-QAM... more
This paper proposes a simple "Mirrored" Universe (toy-)Model (MUM) based on a relative big G (Newtonian gravitational constant [G]), a variable quantum big G and a finite mass ambitus of our universe (OU), with far reaching implications... more
Two and a half centuries ago, scientist discovered solutions of the wave equation that represent dark quanta. These quanta configure all other objects that exist in the universe. Dark quanta Two and a half centuries ago, scientist... more
This short technical paper presents a new standard model for Elementary Particles. All elementary particle masses are related by simple math. This math is similar to the math used for wifi signals and it is called 1024-QAM. The 1024-QAM... more
This paper proposes an M-theory(MT)-derived special type of bijective particle (toy-)theory (BPT), in which each type geometric/topological entity (brane) is assigned one and only one type of physical particle and vice versa. BPT is... more
I have deduced the value of the constant α like statistic limit, correspondent with the quantum-hypothesis “E=hν” d a least interaction between electric charges; in I.S. , others fundamental constants of interaction are a consequence:... more
This paper is a short summary of my Amazon book called "SUSYA-a SUSY alternative based on a newly proposed electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles". This book proposes a potentially viable... more
De acuerdo con un modelo consultado en materia de Ciencias Quìmicas considero muy útil el estudio del fenómeno químico y físico de COLMATACIÓN para comprender la natrualeza de la 4D y la dificultad pràctica de establecer un contacto con... more
This paper explains the anomalous magnetic moment for all elementary particles and composite particles (such as the proton). The special case regarding the Muon anomaly is addressed. It also presents a summary of the issues in accurately... more
The nuclear reactions are very interesting and very big topic in research field, In this research paper we are describing about all types of nuclear reactions taking for light weight, medium weight and heavy weight target nucleus, which... more
This book is a comprehensive presentation of the main topics of contemporary Theoretical Physics : the Geometry of the Universe and Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Mechanics and momentum, Force Fields and gravitation, Elementary Particles... more
The word space is used in many ways and most of these applications give this word a different meaning. This makes the notion of space very obscure. Already in the common life of humans takes the word space many different uses. Especially... more
One diagram compares my research work with DaVinci & Einstein.  The other diagram is my latest update for the Periodic Table of Elementary Particles.  1024-EPS-7.4a
The main online source of this paper: ==========================================================This paper proposes a potentially viable "out-of-the-box" alternative (called... more
High-energy e– and π– were measured by the multichannel plate (MCP) detector at the PiM1 beam line of the High Intensity Proton Accelerator Facilities located at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland. The measurements provide... more
Stable particles (p +, n0, D, He-3, α) moving with speeds (0,3 c-0,99 c) creates baryons and mesons. Stable electrons moving with speeds (0,99 cc) creates leptons (µ−, τ−), neutrinos (νe, νµ, ντ) and bosons W +, W-, Z. Speeds of electrons... more
The word space is used in many ways and most of these applications give this word a different meaning. This makes the notion of space very obscure. Already in the common life of humans takes the word space many different uses. Especially... more
This paper proposes a very simple universe (toy-)model (UM) based on 2D spacetime branes (2DBs) (2DBUM or even more briefly “BUM”), considered here the basic structural units of both our objective and subjective universes: more... more