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R. d'Inverno - Introducing Einstein's relativity (1992, Clarendon Press Oxford University Press)
Unfortunate curve theory explains how universe is expanding and why hubble constant changing in time . This paper is about dark energy and mystery of expanding universe
We report on a new test of the gravitational redshift and thus of local position invariance, an integral part of the Einstein equivalence principle, which is the foundation of general relativity and all metric theories of gravitation. We... more
In the theory of General Relativity, it introduces the innovative concept of spacetime intrinsically related to the density of matter. In the past century, there has been an exemplary computing progression to complement theory,... more
We will first develop Einstein field equation with cosmological constant using Riemannian geometry. Now I considered that cosmological constant is associated with the vacuum energy density of particle physics model. Using Euclidean... more
Dans la théorie du “réseau cosmologique” qui est présentée dans ce livre, le problème de l’unification des théories physiques et de la recherche d’une Théorie du Tout est traité d’une manière radicalement différente des autres approches... more
The writers investigate the possibility of an atomistic theory of matter and electricity which, while excluding singularities of the field, makes use of no other variables than the g μν of the general relativity theory and the ϕ μ of the... more
We will define the mass of an electron in the context of Weinberg's empirical formula that relates the mass of a pion to fundamental physical constants, namely the gravitational and Planck constants, the speed of light in vacuum and the... more
In this paper we will illustrate how to constrain unavoidable Kähler corrections for N = 1 supergravity (SUGRA) inflation from the recent Planck data. We will show that the non-renormalizable Kähler operators will induce in general... more
This paper summarizes how a new approach to the Universe based on the existence of a "crystalline ether", which has recently been detailed in the third versions of two books [1], makes it possible to find a simple, unified and coherent... more
Based upon the idea of vacuum quanta, the paper proposes a model for the action of the gravitational force. This hypothesis offers a mechanistic theory of the local curvature of space-time and it leads to an explanation of the expansion... more
Around 1936, Einstein wrote to his close friend Max Born telling him that, together with Nathan Rosen, he had arrived at the interesting result that gravitational waves did not exist, though they had been assumed a certainty to the first... more
The case is made that the Hilbert or "textbook Schwarzschild" solution is an excellent choice for the most misunderstood exact solution in theoretical physics. This is based on the manner in which the solution is obtained, the underlying... more
The Energy Problem (EP) in General Relativity (GR) is analyzed in the context of GR’s inconsistencies. EP is classified according to its local and global aspects. The local aspects of the EP include noncovariance of the energy-momentum... more
In this research, I will try to give a simple, more general understanding of how gravity works. To do that, we will go in a journey to see what the old (Newtonian) and the new (Einstein) picture of gravity is. And to season that, we will... more
Special Relativity Theory (SRT) has two postulates, one stating that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, and the other stating that the speed of light is the constant 186,000 miles per second, regardless of any reference... more
In our previous article in reference [1], we were able to reformulate Maxwell's equations in a simplified and microscopic form. This article on the other hand is a follow-up of the aforementioned article but in this case it is shown that... more
Dans cette brève communication, nous résumons comment une nouvelle approche de l’Univers, qui a été récemment exposée en détail dans deux livres, permet de trouver une explication simple, unifiée et cohérente de l’ensemble des théories... more
Since the end of the 18th century scientists have pondered over, what is today, one of the most exotic and mysterious objects in the universe. The mathematical definition of a black hole is a direct consequence of Einstein's Theory of... more
All alleged black hole solutions pertain to a universe that is spatially infinite, is eternal, contains only one mass, is not expanding, and is asymptotically flat or asymptotically curved. But the alleged big bang cosmology pertains to a... more
The Dynamic Universe theory is a holistic description of the observable physical reality. Like the Copernican revolution, the DU creates a system perspective allowing straightforward mathematics and a conceivable cosmological picture of... more
In a recent comment published in EJP [1], we have derived the relationship between coordinate acceleration and coordinate speed for the case of radial motion in Schwarzschild coordinates by using the Euler-Lagrange formalism. The... more
In special relativity, this article shows that Newton's second law can be applied in any inertial reference frame.
The combination of the quantum operators with the stress tensor from General relativity .
A description of new particles for space and time. While the chronon is a superluminal, acoustic fracton, the space particle is a ten dimensional, superliminal, acoustic phonon of deva life. Space is analogous to an ocean of water without... more
A complete theoretical and mathematical description of how electric fields change due to relative motion that includes an in-depth analysis of relativistic electric fields and the methods to effect motion. This new description is based... more
Thomas Kuhn defined the characteristics of scientific revolutions based to a large extent upon his knowledge of the first and second Scientific Revolutions. He concluded that scientific revolutions are the result of crises faced by... more
Time is a simple word, though it remains truly the most mysterious and vicious phenomena where every living and non-living ones are its victim. This antediluvian force of nature shows no mercy as it moves along every path, every corner... more
In this work, we tried to utilize some programs with special packages in order to efficiently perform GR calculations with computers, while decreasing the time required and increasing the accuracy with no calculation errors. The chosen... more
This essay uncovers to what extent the foundational principles of physics have endured since The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence through contemporary developments in Relativity and Quantum mechanics (QM). Clarke’s arguments reflect... more
This is a follow up from the Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordström Black Hole Quasinormal Modes paper, where the energy released by different types of black holes was analysed. In this paper the physical properties of these black holes,... more
This book is a comprehensive presentation of the main topics of contemporary Theoretical Physics : the Geometry of the Universe and Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Mechanics and momentum, Force Fields and gravitation, Nuclear Particles and... more
We show that the earliest epoch of the universe from its origin at the Planck scale contains an exponential expansion up to a time denoted t end. It creates a matter equivalent to the mass in the observed universe. We use the Planck mass... more
The first two attempts to derive a unified field theory as an extension to general relativity were made by Weyl and Kaluza. The main idea was to develop a geometrical model whereby both gravity and electromagnetism emerged naturally from... more
In this article, we derive the gravitational time dilation factor in a new manner, which allows us to identify the mathematical cause of Schwarzschild radius, to give a theoretical way to avoid it and to compute properties of black hole.... more
The Theory of Relativity is a collection of research articles combined into an insightful and thought-provoking anthology. Authors have come together to discuss key elements of the theory including: original theories, impacts, and future... more
Work in progress explaining the flight of the Tic Tac UFO Close Encounter with US Navy Nimitz Battle Group off the coast of San Diego for two weeks in November of 2004. The apparent accelerations of ~ 6,000g and shape shifting are smoking... more
Having found several erroneities, chimerae, lacunae, malaphors and their sequalae, or (at least generally considered) 'sub-literate' comments and notations in the work of renowned SuperPhysicist Albert Einstein, I have concluded that it... more