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We examine the status of massive gauge theories, such as those usually obtained by spontaneous symmetry breakdown, from the viewpoint of causal (Epstein-Glaser) renormalization. The BRS formulation of gauge invariance in this framework,... more
In this Ph. D. Thesis we concentrate on the study of the extension of the AdS/CFT correspondence to theories with less supersymmetry. In particular, we search for the possibility of adding supersymmetric D-branes in type IIB supergravity... more
AbstractThe work extends the A. Connes’ noncommutative geometry to spaces withgeneric local anisotropy. We apply the E. Cartan’s anholonomic frame approachto geometry models and physical theories and develop the nonlinear... more
John Stewart Bell (1928-1990), a truly deep and serious thinker, was one of the leading physi-cists of the 20th century. He became famous for his discovery that quantum mechanics implies that nature is nonlocal, ie, that there are... more
In this work I will study electromagnetic duality, a symmetry between the electric and the magnetic field in Maxwell equations. I will discuss its properties and implications in the conventional formulation of electromagnetism and in a... more
In this notes the background independent formulation of the gauge theories on D-branes in flat space-time is considered, some examples of the solutions of their equations of motion are presented, the solutions of Dirac equation in these... more
This is the first of a series of papers in which we present a brief introduction to the relevant mathematical and physical ideas that form the foundation of Particle Physics, including Group Theory, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Quantum... more
The geometric Langlands program can be described in a natural way by compactifying on a Riemann surface C a twisted version of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. The key ingredients are electric-magnetic duality of gauge... more
We study the gravity duals of symmetry-breaking deformations of superconfor- mal field theories, AdS/CFT dual to Type IIB string theory on AdS5 ×Y where Y is a Sasaki-Einstein manifold. In these vacua both conformal invariance and... more
In this review article we discuss some of the applications of noncommutative geometry in physics that are of recent interest, such as noncommutative many-body systems, noncommutative extension of Special Theory of Relativity kinematics,... more
An elementary introduction to Maldacena's AdS/CFT correspondence is given, with some emphasis in the Fefferman-Graham construction. This is based on lectures given by one of us (E.A.) at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
Lifting supersymmetric quantum mechanics to loop space yields the superstring. A particle charged under a fiber bundle thereby turns into a string charged under a 2-bundle, or gerbe. This stringification is nothing but categorification.... more
We review the holographic correspondence between field theories and string/M theory, focusing on the relation between compactifications of string/M theory on Anti-de Sitter spaces and conformal field theories. We review the background for... more
In this notes the background independent formulation of the gauge theories on D-branes in flat space-time is considered, some examples of the solutions of their equations of motion are presented, the solutions of Dirac equation in these... more
Recent studies of QCD Green's functions and their applications in hadronic physics are reviewed. We discuss the definition of the generating functional in gauge theories, in particular, the rôle of redundant degrees of freedom,... more
In Elementary Cycles theory elementary quantum particles are consistently described as the manifestation of ultra-fast relativistic spacetime cyclic dynamics, classical in the essence. The peculiar relativistic geometrodynamics of... more
]: 1.Derivation of Lorentz Invariance and Three Space Dimensions in Generic Field Theory (C D. Froggatt and H. B. Nielsen) 2.Unitary Representations, Noncompact Groups SO(q; d - q)...(N. Mankoc Borstnik, H. B. Nielsen and D. Lukman)... more