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The book discusses the development of the legend of the so-called Mass of St. Gregory, or the apparition of Christ as the Man of Sorrows to Pope Gregory the Great during a Mass. The role of the Roman Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme... more
Christ shown in half-length with his head inclined to one side, arms folded at the elbows, and hands crossed at the wrists to exhibit the stigmata, executed in the micromosaic technique of Byzantine imperial icons, occupies a prominent... more
In Vienna's Diözesanmuseum is housed a triptych, painted in Lombardy in the fifteenth century. This article's intent is to bring up this artwork - which has never been thoroughly researched - to the attention of scholars, and to offer a... more
This entry is a reprint of the catalogue of the collection of the Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, ed. Donati-Viroli 2006.
The subject depicted in the "lunetta" painted by Girolamo Romanino for the Corpus Domini chapel in the church of San Giovanni Evangelista in Brescia has always been somewhat uncertain. Various hypothesis have been assumed, but the... more
Art gòtic dels segles XIII i XIV al Pla de l’Estany,
( Torres, A. & Moner, J., ed.), Quaderns, 27, CECB,
Banyoles, 2008
A review of the exhibition at the National Gallery, London. I points out that for Mantegna the male body is essentially the speaking body, whereas Bellini's possess a mute eloquence. Giovanni Bellini's paintings display a special... more
Recensione della mostra "Vesperbild. Alle origini delle Pietà di Michelangelo", Milano, Castello Sforzesco (13/10/2018 - 13/01/2019)
Until the late eighteenth century on the plaza of the Sforza Castle in Milan a small column could be seen. Probably a late-fourtheenth artifact, this column was said to mark the location where saint Protasius, one of the patrons of Milan,... more
Příspěvek pojednává o gotické dřevěné soše Piety pocházející přibližně z 30.–40. letech 15. století. Tato socha byla do konce 20. století umístěna na hlavním oltáři barokního kostela Narození Panny Marie v Popovicích u Jičína. Na základě... more
The Sculpture Garden of San Marco The spirituality of Girolamo Savonarola and the freedom of the arts The Lamentation of Christ in Florentine art in the late 15th century The commissioning of the Vatican Pietà by Michelangelo The figure... more
El icono en micromosaico que representa a Cristo de medio busto con la cabeza inclinada hacia un lado, los brazos doblados y las manos cruzadas a la altura de las muñecas para mostrar los estigmas, ocupa unlugar prominente en la historia... more
In the late Trecento, after a long period of disregard, the Roman basilica of Santa Croce in Gersualemme attracted the attention of Napoleone Orsini, count of Manoppello, and Nicola Orsini, count of Nola, who financed the creation of a... more
Información del artículo Ecos de una iconografía francesa de la imago pietatis en la Corona de aragón.
Il Capitello della Peste, una piccola edicola situata tra le colline di Zugliano, è stato lì collocato dopo la peste del 1630. Al suo interno è presente la scena raffigurante la "Pietà", di chiaro gusto rinascimentale, con tutta... more
Book project, to be completed in 2024. Related publications: > Gallori, Corinna T. Alle origini di una leggenda: la Messa di san Gregorio Magno tra testi e immagini. Milan: Scalpendi, 2021. > Gallori, Corinna T. "A Mass of St. Gregory... more
The article investigates the life of the Observant Franciscan preacher Michele d’Acqui, particularly focusing on his initiatives to promote the foundation of the Monte di Pietà in Verona, in 1490. The article analyses and integrally... more
This essay reconstructs the history of the Pietà of Giovanni Bellini housed in the Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan. Starting from the issue of its first owners, the Bolognese Sampieri, it details how the painting arrived to its present... more
In Milan's Duomo is housed a late fourteenth century relief showing Christ as the Man of Sorrows, ascribed to the German sculptor Hans von Fernach. The relief was originally decorating a pillar in the other cathedral of Milan, Santa... more
In Milan's Duomo is housed a late fourteenth century relief showing Christ as the Man of Sorrows, ascribed to the German sculptor Hans von Fernach. The relief was originally decorating a pillar in the other cathedral of Milan, Santa... more