Recent papers in Heraldry
This paper suggests a journey through the history of the Lithuanian heraldry from the 15th century until nowadays in searching fantastic creatures such as Centaur, Griffin, Two-headed Eagle, Unicorn etc. Some of these creatures were... more
En heráldica existe una amplio repertorio de figuras propias que pueden representarse si bien, a diferencia de la gran variedad de estilos con que los pintores y dibujantes pueden reproducir o colorear una cierta figura, los heraldistas... more
This was a first presentation of Greek coats-of-arms as recorded at the then unpublished Codex No. 482 in the Old Archives of the University of Padua, Italy (17th -18th centuries). Mostly belonging to students of the "Natione... more
Elementary metaplasmic analyses of forename levels in twenty coats of arms: King Afonso of Algarve (Portuguese), Queen Petronilla of Aragon (Latin), King Ludwig of Bavaria (German), King Leopold of Belgium (French), Count Ramon of... more
Studio sullo stemma civico di Finale Emilia, sulla sua origine e sui suoi caratteri estetici nonchè sulla sua percezione nella storia della città. Study on the civic coat of arms of Finale Emilia , about its origin and its aesthetic... more
Труды Государственного Эрмитажа. Т. 104. Геральдика: исследования и практика: материалы научной конференции. СПб., 2021. С. 89-95. (Afonasenko I.M. Russian cavaliers of the Dannebrog Order and their coats of arms: New materials from the... more
The middle age city of Pisa displayed an army consisting of different arrays. Among them civic militia that was organized in several companies selected on neighbours criteria, the so-called societates armorum. After Pisa was conquered by... more
Queridas amigas, queridos amigos: En nombre de todo el equipo docente del Máster en Genealogía, Heráldica y Archivos de la Universidad de Córdoba nos complace enormemente anunciar una nueva edición de nuestro programa de estudios, una... more
Гречило А. Герби та прапори міст і сіл України. — Львів, 2004. — Част. 1. — 120+XLIV с. (ISBN 966-02-0994-0);
Grechylo A. Coats-of-Arms and Flags of Towns and Villages in Ukraine. Lviv, 2004. Pt. 1. 120+XLIV pp. ISBN 966-02-0994-0
Grechylo A. Coats-of-Arms and Flags of Towns and Villages in Ukraine. Lviv, 2004. Pt. 1. 120+XLIV pp. ISBN 966-02-0994-0
Estudio del origen y desarrollo del emblema heráldico del reino de Navarra, desde el siglo XIII hasta nuestros días.
Spätmittelalterliche Wappenbücher, die teilweise über 1000 Wappen umfassen, werden oft als Ausdruck eines spezifisch (land-)adeligen Selbstbewusstseins verstanden. Soweit die Auftraggeber nachweislich dem Stadtadel angehörten, oder... more
Željko Heimer: Grb i zastava Republike Hrvatske, Leykam International, Zagreb, 2008. 195 str. : ilustr. ; 27 cm + 1 CD-ROM, Biblioteka Grbovi i zastave, Str. 8-9: Predgovor / Žarko Domljan. Ilustrirana monografija o hrvatskom grbu i... more
Mstislavas Dobužinskis (1875-1957) almost became the author of the official Lithuanian state coat of arms and the flag. Despite his considerable heraldic and vexillological legacy, today, undeservedly, he is forgotten. Dobužinskis is... more
This dissertation proposes an historic perspective on the symbolic identity elements evolution used by municipalities in Portugal, from the 13th century heraldry to the new 21st century municipal brands. Methodologically based on... more
« A propos d'un arbre héraldique », in: Archivum heraldicum, Neuchâtel, 1980, no. 1-2, pp. 19 - 20.
Focusing on the account book of the MP and antiquary Sir Edward Dering (1598–1644), which covers the decade of his life in which he came of age, was knighted, and embarked on an ambitious political and courtly career, this article argues... more
Libro en el que se estudian los testimonios heráldicos de la ciudad de Cabra (Córdoba), con especial atención a su nobleza, de la que se realiza un estudio de conjunto y se reconstruyen las genealogías de las familias cuyos testimonios... more
Si les lambris peints de la chapelle de Merléac (22) font depuis longtemps déjà parler d’eux, de même que les splendides vitraux qui ornent encore l’édifice, l’impressionnant décor héraldique des intrados des grandes arcades de la nef est... more
Η προσωπική ιστορία του Σερ Δήμου Βαλσαμάκη όπως προκύπτει από το προσωπικό του οικόσημο. The personal history of Sir Dimo Valsamachi as evidenced by his personal coat of arms.
Elektronički prilog knjizi Željko Heimer: Grb i zastava Republike Hrvatske, Leykam International, Zagreb, 2008. ISBN 978-953-7534-12-7
Prilog 56 str., provedene manje tehničke korekcije 2015
Prilog 56 str., provedene manje tehničke korekcije 2015
A short dissertation about the English gentleman who bought the Island of Montecristo. His family were the sugar cane tycoons in Jamaica and assembled one of the most important private art collections of the 19th Century in England.
The theft of the Irish Crown Jewels by a person or persons unknown in 1907 is one of the most famous and puzzling mysteries of Irish history, and has been the subject of numerous books and articles, as well as several television... more
Аннотация. В статье рассмотрен вопрос о создании флага для первого русского корабля «Орел», построенного по указу царя Алексея Михайловича от 1667 г. Создание этого флага находится в контексте формирования новой государственной символики... more
The House of Griffin or Griffin dynasty was a dynasty ruling the Duchy of Pomerania from the 12th century until 1637. The name "Griffins" was used by the dynasty after the 15th century and had been taken from the ducal coat of arms. Duke... more
Henrietta Louisa Fermor (1698–1761), the Countess of Pomfret, was particularly interested in medieval architecture and commissioned the only Gothic Revival town house in mid eighteenth-century London. The house, 18 Arlington Street,... more
Laurent Macé, La majesté et la croix. Les sceaux de la maison des comtes de Toulouse (XIIe-XIIIe siècle), Toulouse, Presses universitaires du Midi, 2018 (coll. Tempus, 61), 389 pages + ill. noir et blanc, et couleur ; reliure souple. ISBN... more
Хмелевский А.Н., Афонасенко И.М. "Гербовник Талызина. Российские дворянские гербы XVIII века". – М.: Старая Басманная, 2021. – 254 с. + 50 с. ил. ISBN 978-5-907169-49-4 (Khmielewski A.N., Afonasenko I.M. Talyzin's Armorial. Russian noble... more
The Quincy lineage changed its coat of arms at the beginning of the Thirteenth Century, when Saer IV became earl of Winchester: the fess and lambel were abandoned in favor of seven mascles. This major change is probably due to the title... more
In 1781 John Maclaurin, the Edinburgh Advocate who would later become Lord Dreghorn, matriculated Arms and was recognised by the Lord Lyon of the day as the Chief of the MacLaurins of Tiree. In this paper I show that the whole exercise... more
Per una manifestazione eugubina