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ed. by Goran Proot, David McKitterick, Angela Nuovo and Paul F. Gehl. With a preface by David McKitterick. Mechelen: Flanders Book Historical Society, 2018, ISBN 9789082927603, pp. 1-15. This paper aims to show how a family of... more
The publication of the Epigrammata Antiquae Urbis (Rome, Giacomo Mazzocchi, 1521) was a determining factor in the development of Roman studies in the 16th-century. As the first collection of classical inscriptions from the city of Rome,... more
L’articolo mette in luce il profilo e l’azione di Michele d’Acqui, soffermandosi principalmente sulla fondazione del Monte di Pieta` di Verona, promosso nel 1490 da questo predicatore francescano. L’analisi si concentra su un incunabolo... more
In the article there is a description and analysis of wooden architecture shown in the illustrations from a book released in 1571. The book contains information about farming.
La literatura medieval hispánica en la imprenta (1475-1600), edición de María Jesús Lacarra, con la colaboración de Nuria Aranda García. València, Prensas de la Universidad (PUV), 2016.
Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags im Sammelband „Biographien des Buches“ steht ein Exemplar des "Herbarius latinus", ein pharmakologisches Handbuch, gedruckt und verlegt bei Peter Schöffer in Mainz 1484, das sich heute im Bestand der... more
In two little-studied Middle Dutch texts, the authors present their readers with the distaff and the activities of spinning and cloth-making as a metaphor for Christ’s Passion, and, as such, as a meditative object and activity. These... more
Script for video on main handbooks and lexicons useful for beginners in manuscript studies; published in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
We have today no precise and adequate answer to the question of who the first Hebrew printers were, or even whether they were Sephardic, Italian or Ashkenazi. On the basis of the earliest available evidence we can only say that the first... more
La publicación en 1977 de A Critical Bibliography of Hispanic Arthurial Material, de Harvey L. Sharrer (Londres, Grant & Cutler) contribuyó a un mejor conocimiento de los textos conservados, ediciones y estudios de la literatura artúrica... more
Script for video: on concept of "manuscript" from codicological point of view. It is part of the series, "Deciphering secrets: the Illuminated Manuscript of Medieval Europe", offered from 15-7-2016 in... more
Alberto Petrucciani, La catalogazione degli incunaboli. In: Il linguaggio della biblioteca: scritti in onore di Diego Maltese, raccolti da Mauro Guerrini. Firenze: Regione Toscana, Giunta regionale, 1994 (stampa 1995), p. 567-588. (Altra... more
Dans un ultime effort pour s’adapter et survivre à la révolution édito- riale que fut l’invention de l’imprimerie, nombre d’enlumineurs pari- siens et des anciens Pays-Bas bourguignons (Picardie, Artois, Flandre) ont tenté d’imiter les... more
Con la presente ristampa anastatica dell’editio princeps del De rerum natura si restituisce all’attenzione degli studiosi di Lucrezio e agli storici del libro un’opera di eccezionale valore storico. La riscoperta di Lucrezio durante il... more
Early printed books of hours are distinguished by their extensive border schemes, executed in text and images, which have hitherto scarcely been studied. They are, however, integral components of these prayerbooks, and offer insights to... more
Barely twenty years after Johann Gutenberg invented printing using a press and movable metal types in the 1450s, printers began publishing herbals. Most of the several dozen herbals which came out before 1500 were amalgams of anonymous... more
The French version of an exploration of Armenian manuscript art for a vast exhibition catalogue on the occasion the 500th anniversary of Armenian printing, 1512-2012. The exhibit was held in the famous Correr Museum in the Piazzo San... more
Estado de la cuestión de la imprenta incunable en Salamanca: imprentas e impresores y su producción en el siglo XV, entre ca. 1478 y 1500, inclusive. Para ello se han revisado los repertorios y catálogos bibliográficos, monografías y... more
"The “Memoria” recovered: C. Umhauser, Artificiosa memoria, [Speyer], C. Hist, [1499-1500] Christian Umhauser is a minor figure in fifteenth-century German literature in Latin, the author of a treatise entitled Artificiosa memoria. The... more
Forty-five descriptions of printed Bibles from the Gutenberg Bible to a Biblia Slavonica from 1580. With an introduction by Heimo Reinitzer
El objetivo de este trabajo pretende acercar a los alumnos de la disciplina al conocimiento del material antiguo, presentándose en cuatro partes. En la primera se exponen las particularidades de los primeros libros impresos (incunables).... more
Script for video Black inks' origins go back to India, fourth millennium BC. These primitive inks' main component was soot or smoke black, mixed with some agglutinating substance. This black ink is chemically... more
Le notizie pervenuteci su Trifone Gabriel consentono di inquadrare il personaggio tra i grandi eruditi del XVI secolo. È indubbio, infatti, che egli – nonostante conducesse una vita ritirata e meditativa – avesse messo in piedi una... more
In 2021, the Italian Minister of Culture acquired Umberto Eco’s private library, whose collection of 1.200 early printed and rare books was placed in the Biblioteca Braidense in Milan. It includes 36 incunabula which are the subject of... more
A work in progress, this handlist surveys medieval and early modern texts dealing with dream divination and lunar prognostication in Latin and the European vernaculars in medieval and post-medieval manuscripts, and printed books up to... more
"La rappresentazione del lettore nelle illustrazioni xilografiche di alcune edizioni a stampa del XV secolo: iniziali figurate con lettori in uso nell'officina veneziana dei fratelli Giovanni e Gregorio de Gregori. Lo scopo del... more
Este libro es fruto de las discusiones, de los intercambios de pareceres, conversaciones y reflexiones que se han dado en el seno de la Red de Excelencia “Libro medieval hispánico”, integrada por investigadores cuyos trabajos confluyen en... more