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La complejidad y cotidianidad relacionadas a la alimentación humana, nos revela que debe ser analizada a través de un enfoque holístico, que incluya aspectos de naturaleza biológica, social, cultural, económica y política (Álvarez et al.... more
En este trabajo se discuten las inferencias que pueden realizarse sobre salud bucal a partir de diferentes opciones de abordaje estadístico en el marco de la antropología dental. Las decisiones tomadas por el investigador en la definición... more
Autorka prezentuje współczesne techniki badań mumii egipskich oraz ich rozwój, począwszy od badań inwazyjnych, polegających głównie na rozwijaniu mumii, poprzez nieinwazyjne badania radiologiczne, a skończywszy na laboratoryjnych... more
Nell'ambito delle indagini archeologiche condotte tra il 2013 e il 2014 all'interno della chiesa duecentesca dei SS. Filippo e Giacomo di Nosedo (MI) - svolte in accordo tra la Soprintendenza Archeologia della Lombardia e l'Università... more
The European Migration Period (c. AD 400–550) was characterised by political, social and economic instability. Recent excavations at Sandby borg ringfort on the island of Öland in Sweden have revealed indisputable evidence of a massacre... more
The identification of deviant burials as those of ‘vampires’ is a feature of excavated skeletons from sites across Eastern, Central and Southern Europe as well as the Balkans. Based on a close reading of historic and folkloric sources... more
Here I use a biohistorical approach to examine the connection between 19th-century nation building in the United States and physicians’ collection of crania, notably “specimens” amassed by Dr. Samuel Morton. Globally disparate places are... more
English abstract: Since the discovery in 1860 of La Pastora, one of the most beautiful and outstanding megalithic constructions of Iberia, the Copper Age and Bronze Age site of Valencina de la Concepción – Castilleja de Guzmán has... more
To obtain data about the sexual differences among subadult skeletons is very important to bioarchaeology, paleodemography and forensic anthropology, likewise to the physical anthropology
Sublime expression of three ectocranial occipital superstructures (OSSs)—occipital torus tubercles (TOTs), retromastoid processes (PRs), and posterior supramastoid tubercles (TSPs)—is virtually restricted to Oceania, with epicenters in... more
A log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twenty-first century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give its occupants and contents new identity, new... more
Clyde Snow’s osteobiographic approach, with its focus on the individual and acknowledgment of speculation’s part in analyses, provides a starting point (a counterpoint, more appropriately) for developing a subdisciplinary bioethos. The... more
This paper uses an osteological approach and applies the study of entanglement in an attempt to understand the crematoria on Rapa Nui (Easter Island), which represent a unique tradition within the ceremonial spheres of the Polynesian... more
Multi-proxy approaches to kinship in the Greco-Roman world The study of kinship in past societies is an imperative, but difficult task. On the one hand, kinship is a key aspect of human life, as it defines people’s sense of identities,... more
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo caracterizar desde una perspectiva bioarqueológica a los individuos inhumados en el sitio Az-143, uno de los tantos cementerios ubicados en el valle de Azapa (extremo norte de Chile) durante el... more
Se puede definir a la antropología dental como el estudio de la variación morfológica y métrica de la dentición de las poblaciones humanas en el tiempo y en el espacio (Zoubov, 1997a), incluyendo su relación con los principios del proceso... more
Archaeological investigations identified several Bronze Age cultures and populations in the Carpathian Basin. Exchanges among them were not only economic and cultural but also biological. The transformation of the archaeological cultures... more
Research on the emergence of institutionalized inequality has traditionally maintained an analytical divide between lived institutions that affect daily life and performed institutions materialized in mortuary contexts. Here, we argue... more
The “Lapa do Santo” is an archaeological site located in the Lagoa Santa region (central Brazil) which was excavated from 2001 to 2009 as part of a large scientific project entitled “Origins and Microevolution of Man in America: a... more
Gallisai, A., Rodriguez, C., Mazzarello, V., Subirà, ME., Candilio, F. 2022. A possible case of Chiari malformation in a Late Eneolithic / Bronze Age site in Sardinia (Italy). 49th Annual North American Meeting of the Paleopathology... more
SLO: Zgodnjesrednjeveško grobišče na Muljavi je datirano večinoma v 10. stoletje z odstopanji v 9. in začetek 11. stoletja. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz arheološke analize grobnih pridatkov in antropološke analize 129 posameznikov,... more
"The mega-site of Valencina is currently a major focus of interest for the study of Copper Age Iberia. Remarkable megalithic monuments such as La Pastora, Montelirio or Structure 10.042-10.049 at PP4-Montelirio are found alongside... more
U špiljama i drugim speleološkim objektima kao arheološkim lokalitetima ponekad nalazimo ostatke ljudskih kostiju. Za većinu takvih špilja možemo pretpostaviti da su mjesto ukopa, odnosno izvjestan oblik nekropole, mada je ponekad riječ i... more
Investigations of Midnight Terror Cave, Belize between 2008-2010 recovered a human osteological assemblage of over 10,000 bones, the largest reported for a cave in the southern Maya lowlands. Analysis indicates that approximately a... more
RESUMEN Los modelos bioantropológicos y arqueológicos proponen cambios en la demografía, en la organización social, en las dinámicas poblacionales y en las redes de interacción social entre los grupos cazadores-recolectores del norte de... more
En este trabajo se discuten las inferencias que pueden realizarse sobre salud bucal a partir de diferentes opciones de abordaje estadístico en el marco de la antropología dental. Las decisiones tomadas por el investigador en la definición... more
The incorporation of a wider range of bioarchaeological data with mortuary practices can provide a clearer method for archaeologists to perceive social structure. In isolation, each can provide an interpretation of an individual’s... more
Resumen: La osteocondritis disecante (OCD) es una patología que afecta el cartílago articular y el hueso subcondral en las epífisis articulares de humanos y otros mamíferos. A pesar de que su etiología es multifactorial, la presencia de... more