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This bachelor thesis uncovers how executions were managed by the judicial magistrate during 16th-17th century, and how it was considered by the population during the preterite tense. To accomplish this, the thesis is based on the... more
Con el objetivo de generar metodologías antropológicas-forenses en población mexicana, se ha elaborado un nuevo estudio que permite evaluar el sexo en la mandíbula mediante funciones discriminantes; en el cual, se demuestra la importancia... more
Kitabımız, adli antropoloji alanında yıllardır hizmet veren 12 uzman ve akademisyenin ilk kez bir araya gelerek saha, kazı, laboratuvar inceleme, genetik ve kimliklendirme çalışmalarında kullanılan metot ve teknikleri, yerel ve orijinal... more
Osteology is the study of skeletal structures &, though that may seem vague, the study of bones can be applied to a vast array of fields & careers. The primary challenge of developing educational programs is determining who can or should... more
A log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twenty-first century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give its occupants and contents new identity, new... more
Peter Shirts Project: Application of Methods from Forensic Anthropology, Archaeology and Osteology. Matthew Bond Though the Peter Shirts Project is still underway, this paper/presentation will illustrate the methods and current... more
The practice of cremation is often interpreted as an alternative to inhumation, taking place shortly after an individual's death. However, cremation could be a final stage in complex mortuary practices, with previous steps that are... more
The practice of cremation is often interpreted as an alternative to inhumation, taking place shortly after an individual's death. However, cremation could be a final stage in complex mortuary practices, with previous steps that are... more
A log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twenty-first century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give its occupants and contents new identity, new... more
This master's thesis is intended as a foundation for further development of methods for digital marine osteoarchaeology. The main purpose of this thesis was to examine and problematise the process of locating, documenting, and analyzing... more
Sex differences in the foramen magnum region of the cranial base have been identified with varying rates of success. Recent publications demonstrate a continuing strong interest in metric analysis of the foramen magnum region for sex... more
Cribra orbitalia (CO), or porotic hyperostosis (PH) of the orbital roof, is one of the most common pathological conditions found in archaeological subadult skeletal remains. Reaching frequencies higher than 50% in many prehistoric... more
A log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twenty-first century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give its occupants and contents new identity, new... more
Adli antropoloji, insan kemiklerinden biyolojik profil oluşturulan bir bilim dalıdır. İnsan kemiklerinden biyolojik profil elde etme safhalarının en önemlilerinden biri, bireyin ölüm zamanındaki yaşını tespit etmektir. Antropologlar yaş... more
Four recently discovered frozen child mummies from two of the highest peaks in the south central Andes now yield tantalizing evidence of the preparatory stages leading to Inca ritual killing as represented by the unique capacocha rite.... more
Ancient human mobility at the individual level is conventionally studied by the diverse application of suitable techniques (e.g. aDNA, radiogenic strontium isotopes, as well as oxygen and lead isotopes) to either hard and/or soft tissues.... more
'Disturbing Bodies – Perspectives on Forensic Anthropology' By Zoë Crossland and Rosemary A. Joyce (eds.), SAR Press, ISBN 978-1-938645-55-6 The book ‘Disturbing Bodies – Perspectives on Forensic Anthropology’ edited by Zoë Crossland and... more
Historical evidence documents mass migration from Ireland to London during the period of the Great Irish Famine of 1845–52. The rural Irish were reliant on a restricted diet based on potatoes but maize, a C4 plant, was imported from the... more
resumen El análisis discriminante es una herramienta de apoyo en la identificación de características para diferenciar a dos o más grupos, por ello en el campo de la osteología antropológica es frecuente su aplicación en el tema del... more
Forensic anthropology is an important investigative tool in human identification cases.
The advancement of modern diagnostic imaging such as digital radiography, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography (CT) permits the acquisition of large amounts of data from modern human populations. This study examines the... more
A log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twenty-first century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give its occupants and contents new identity, new... more
This study presents the results of an isotopic analysis of nine naturally mummified individuals three adults, two adolescents, one juvenile, and three infantsdrecovered from the Hets Mountain Cave site in southern Mongolia, where they had... more
Archaeological work in advance of construction at a site on the edge of York, UK, yielded human remains of prehistoric to Romano-British date. Amongst these was a mandible and cranium, the intra-cranial space of which contained shrunken... more
Using an Osteobiographical approach, this contribution considers the identity of the woman found alongside the St Bees Man, one of the best-preserved archaeological bodies ever discovered. Osteological, isotopic and radiocarbon analyses,... more
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the relevance of dental metrics for obtaining sexual information in individuals who inhabited the lower basin of the Colorado River during the Late Holocene (ca. 3000-250 years BP), to discuss the... more
background: Secondary dentine is deposition along the wall of the dental pulp chamber leading to a reduction in the size of the pulp cavity with age. Objective: Investigate the three dimensional volumetric change of the root canal systems... more
We describe the finding of five male bodies from the salt mine of Chehr Abad, Zanjan province, Iran. Radiocarbon determinations suggests that two of the bodies date to the late Sassanian period, while the other three died sometime between... more
The discovery of human remains dating to the time of the Second World War is a common occurrence in Europe and the Pacific regions. This case report demonstrates the analysis of a bone fragment recovered from a Luftwaffe crash site in... more
Examination of three frozen bodies, a 13-y-old girl and a girl and boy aged 4 to 5 y, separately entombed near the Andean summit of Volcán Llullaillaco, Argentina, sheds new light on human sacrifice as a central part of the Imperial Inca... more
Osteology is the study of skeletal structures &, though that may seem vague, the study of bones can be applied to a vast array of fields & careers. The primary challenge of developing educational programs is determining... more
A burial in a log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twentyfirst century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give it new identity, new origins and a new... more
The objective of this paper was to integrate excavation and post-processing of archaeological and osteological contexts and material to enhance the interpretation of these with specific focus on the taphonomical aspects. A method was... more
Sex differences in the foramen magnum region of the cranial base have been identified with varying rates of success. Recent publications demonstrate a continuing strong interest in metric analysis of the foramen magnum region for sex... more
Se reporta el caso de un cadáver esqueletizado abordado durante necropsia médicolegal en el Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses (INMLCF), cuyo análisis estableció su perfil bioantropológico, características óseas... more
A burial in a log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twentyfirst century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give it new identity, new origins and a new... more
The University of Bradford has an established reputation for the study of human remains. The archaeology of disease was an interest first established here by former clinician Keith Manchester, and we now have almost 25 years of continuous... more
RESUMEN. Este trabajo presenta los principales resultados y discusiones llevadas adelante durante el III Taller Nacional de Bioarqueología y Paleopatología, celebrado en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de La... more