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Colóquio Representações da Infância: Dinâmicas e Transversalidades -  29 junho 2018 – NOVA FCSH  – Lisboa
Instituto de Estudos Medievais IEM-NOVA FCSH) e Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA - Pólo NOVA FCSH)
Nell'ambito delle indagini archeologiche condotte tra il 2013 e il 2014 all'interno della chiesa duecentesca dei SS. Filippo e Giacomo di Nosedo (MI) - svolte in accordo tra la Soprintendenza Archeologia della Lombardia e l'Università... more
Archeologia e antropologia della morte: 1. La regola dell’eccezione, Atti del 3° Incontro Internazionale di Studi di Antropologia e Archeologia a confronto [Roma, École française de Rome – Stadio di Domiziano, 20- 22 Maggio 2015] / a... more
L’utilisation d’une nouvelle méthode de répartition des enfants en groupes d’âges sociaux permet de saisir différentes étapes dans leur traitement funéraire. L’âge de sept ans, bien plus que celui d’un ou de cinq ans, semble constituer... more
Segundo a UNICEF, nos países onde se inscreve maior instabilidade político-administrativa, regista-se uma expressiva indiferença ou invisibilidade relativamente às crianças, inscrevendo-se os índices mais baixos da sua saúde e... more
Abstract Children burials from the Middle Ages have been the subject of sustained attention from archaeologists for some thirty years. The increase of excavations of medieval cemeteries highlights two major facts : an underrepresentation... more
Jusqu’à une époque récente, la mortalité des jeunes enfants pouvait être jusqu’à dix fois supérieure à ce qu’elle est aujourd’hui dans les pays développés. Dans les populations archéologiques, on a montré que le taux de mortalité... more
Fieldwork of the Polish–Egyptian Mission to Saqqara in the 2020 season continued on the eastern bank of the Dry Moat, resulting in the discovery of a rock-cut structure directly south of Corridor 1. Fieldwork also included exploration of... more
En l’absence d’informations substantielles sur l’enfant dans les documents écrits du haut Moyen Âge, la majeure partie des données que nous pouvons exploiter proviennent des fouilles archéologiques. Les archéologues et les anthropologues... more
El objetivo general del presente trabajo de investigación es realizar una aproximación a la bioarqueología de la población subadulta que fue enterrada en la Catedral de Panamá Viejo entre 1540 y 1671. Este estudio se desarrolla a través... more
Entre le VIe et le XIIe siècle en Gaule, le traitement funéraire des enfants connut certaines évolutions, corrélées à une transformation plus large de l'espace des morts. Les tout-petits, enfants âgés de moins d'un an sont... more
The ambiguity of life is visible in the complex sets of beliefs that cultures develop around abortion, stillbirth, and neonatal death. This research grew out of ambiguities surrounding bioarchaeological methods of age estimation among... more
The study of child fictile burials provides a chance to understand the role and treatment of children within past societies, and this typology of burial customs has been rarely encountered in medieval Sicilian fu-nerary contexts. This... more
Se puede definir a la antropología dental como el estudio de la variación morfológica y métrica de la dentición de las poblaciones humanas en el tiempo y en el espacio (Zoubov, 1997a), incluyendo su relación con los principios del proceso... more
The Paleopathology course (8 days/16 classes, 2 times weekly, 6.4. - 29. 4. 2021.) aims to provide students with basic and applied training on paleopathology and the techniques on which diagnoses are based on their different projections... more
The skeletal remains of non-adults provide endless insights into numerous aspects of their personal, family and social lives. Although they were considered to be marginal members of society, children can potentially shed light on factors... more
Dental disease in childhood has the potential to inform about food availability, social status, and feeding practices, in addition to contributing to a child’s overall health status. This paper presents the first comprehensive overview of... more
The analysis of life expectancy and longevity is one approach to analysing diversity in the population of ancient Egypt. It is, however, important to understand the difficulties in such calculations and in the data from which such... more
Investigations of Midnight Terror Cave, Belize between 2008-2010 recovered a human osteological assemblage of over 10,000 bones, the largest reported for a cave in the southern Maya lowlands. Analysis indicates that approximately a... more
Given that sampling strategies and protocols in bioarchaeology are rarely discussed in the literature, this paper is an attempt at reflecting upon the skeletal sampling process (e.g. preparation period, development of strategies and... more
The incorporation of a wider range of bioarchaeological data with mortuary practices can provide a clearer method for archaeologists to perceive social structure. In isolation, each can provide an interpretation of an individual’s... more
In the cities of the Middle Ages children was the most sensitive group of people who responded to starvation, infection and social stress with high mortality rate and increased morbidity. 7 children’s burials (one belongs to twins of... more
Non-adult sex estimation is an active field of forensic inquiry as morphological variations between males and females are subtle, but observable, even from intrauterine development. The objectives of this study are threefold: to test the... more
Ancestral Puebloan people in the North American Southwest suffered high rates of disease, poor health, and early age-at-death. Four individuals with skeletal expressions of cancer were found in a pre-Columbian population in the Taos... more
Non-adult dental disease has the potential to inform us about childhood in the past; including factors such as oral health, oral hygiene, diet, nutrition, subsistence practices, social status, and temporal changes. Adult dental disease... more
Between 2005 and 2009, archaeologists excavated more than 100 skeletons from the medieval (1240s AD) Hungarian site of Solt-Tételhegy. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were conducted on dental enamel and dentin from 24... more
Fieldwork of the Polish–Egyptian Mission to Saqqara in the 2020 season continued on the eastern bank of the Dry Moat, resulting in the discovery of a rock-cut structure directly south of Corridor 1. Fieldwork also included exploration of... more
Desde la perspectiva bioarqueológica y arqueológica, la niñez no se muy considerada en investigaciones en Mesoamérica y Oaxaca. Para comprender mejor este problema, examinamos las diferencias en el tratamiento funerario para niños y... more
Methods for estimating body mass from the human skeleton are often required for research in biological or forensic anthropology. There are currently only two methods for estimating body mass in subadults: the width of the distal femur... more
Desde la perspectiva bioarqueologica y arqueologica, la ninez no se muy considerada en investigaciones en Mesoamerica y Oaxaca. Para comprender mejor este problema, examinamos las diferencias en el tratamiento funerario para ninos y... more
The Tiwanaku (AD 500-1100) colonized ecologically diverse, lower elevation areas to produce goods not easily grown in the high altitude heartland (3800 m a.s.l.). One colony near presentday Moquegua, Peru (900-1500 m a.s.l.) was comprised... more
Analysis of Taos Valley mortuary practices (A.D. 1200-1320) revealed distinct methods for burying the deceased. This paper explores variation between Northern Rio Grande Classic Period mortuary practices and Taos Valley Coalition Period... more
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the relevance of dental metrics for obtaining sexual information in individuals who inhabited the lower basin of the Colorado River during the Late Holocene (ca. 3000-250 years BP), to discuss the... more
A área da Praça da Figueira, em Lisboa, tem uma localização periférica face ao perímetro da cidade romana em sentido estrito. Na proximidade, a ocidente, foram detectados os restos de um circus, que de acordo com os dados publicados... more
Dental Anthropology has produced a huge amount of information in the last decades, covering many different aspects of human biological and cultural life. For the last twenty years, a process of diversification and specialization... more
Biomechanical analyses of past populations have primarily focused on adults and interpreted variation in limb bone robusticity as indicative of differences in behavior. However, prior to skeletal maturity large changes occur in limb bone... more
In October 2011, the symposium “Contributions of palaeopathology to the study of past human societies” was organized by the authors as the part of the Xth Meeting of Biological Anthropology Society of Argentina, La Plata, Argentina. The... more
The presence of non-adult individuals in the bioarchaeological record is characterized by gaps in information, study, and publication. Even though it is a period studied interdisciplinary, its integration is uncommon. Thus, systematized... more
This study explores the age at death structure, skeletal lesions, and artificial cranial modification (ACM) on 35 nonadults until their 38 months of life recovered from the Tarapacá 40 cemetery, Northern Chile. Age estimations were based... more