Historical maps
Recent papers in Historical maps
التباين المكاني لتوزيع محطات الوقود
Protagonisti di una secolare stagione di migrazioni dalla Scandinavia verso numerose aree del continente europeo, i Normanni furono responsabili di profonde trasformazioni sociali e politiche. Ricostruire la storia dei loro spostamenti è... more
SANTRAUKA Iš užkariautų kraštų įkūrusi imperiją carų valdžia jos administraciniam padalijimui skyrė nuolatinį dėmesį. Prie Rusijos mokslų akademijos 1739 m. įsteigtas Geografijos departamentas, kuris vadovavo visiems geodeziniams... more
The exhibition accompanied by a book of the same title (as a bilingual Italian-English edition) is designated to explore how humans build the image of the world as we know it today. By displaying forty world maps as high-definition... more
This study is devoted to the history of Ingria (Ingermanland) and St Petersburg at the beginning of the Great Northern War (1700–1721). Fundamental problems in the historiography of early St Petersburg are examined in essays based... more
Field Sketches, Indication Sketches and Cadastral Maps. The detailed, land parcel survey of Hungary began in 1856. Three kinds of maps at a scale of 1:2880 were produced: field sketches, indication sketches and cadastral maps. Field... more
Un articulo histórico. El geógrafo belga Paul Gallez -naturalizado argentino y castellanizando su nombre como Pablo J. Gallez- publica en la Revista "Karukinka", su primera contribución en el área de la Protocartografia. En este artículo... more
The physical community of Cork Hill in Montserrat, West Indies, was abandoned in 1996 as a result of volcanic activity; some 20 years later there commenced a small gradual attempt to reclaim parts from the ravages of the volcanic ash,... more
Original map appended to my book 'County and Nobility in Norman Italy. Aristocratic Agency in the Kingdom of Sicily, 1130–1189'.
Revised and updated. Some thoughts about the author and date of a hand-drawn 19th century map of Montserrat (West Indies) in the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University. In an exhibition of maps at the JCB Library in 2010 it bore... more
Epeli Hau‘ofa’s essay on a ‘sea of islands’ was intended to offer a bottom-up, corrective, and holistic view of Oceania. Instead of colonial images of the Pacific as a vast ocean with tiny isolated islands in it, he included the sea as... more
Abstract The initial idea of this book is about ten years ago, when a group of scientists conducting research at the Foundation for Iranian Studies and the preparation of the book "describes the Persian Gulf in Historical Maps" was. The... more
Pomůcka, je zamýšlena jako první průvodce praxí používání běžně dostupných historických mapových děl. Je koncipována s ohledem na potřeby studentů architektury, kteří chtějí lépe pochopit historické proměny prostředí, jímž se ve svých... more
INTRODUCTION Drawings and images of Islam’s holiest places, the Kaaba and the city of Mecca, alongside Medina with the Mosque of Prophet, have been very popular over the centuries. These images have been used for various purposes and had... more
A compilation of texts, graphs, tables, diagrams maps and images designed for commentary in economic history of Spain's classes, with a method for commentary and indications for answers
Maps relate to a part of the Earth’s surface, they are representations of space in two dimensions. One way to study maps is to look at them as cultural historical sources to our past. Historical maps tell us how the North, the North... more
A finales del siglo VIII, Beato de Liébana compuso el Comentario al Apocalipsis en el monasterio de San Martín de Turieno. Aunque no nos ha llegado en su estado original, esta obra es bien conocida gracias a las numerosas copias que se... more
The article focuses on the fear of unknown and its representation on medieval and renaissance maps (e.g. The Hereford Mappa Mundi [c. 1300], the map of Iceland f rom Theatrum Orbis Terrarum [1590] or The Map of New-England [1677]). By... more
[ITA] La posizione dell’isola di Ponza, strategica per il controllo delle rotte marittime da e per il porto di Napoli, ha fatto sì che l’interesse Reale si spingesse oltre il semplice controllo del territorio con un presidio militare, ma... more
“Collection of rare books”, which is the second edition of the service, includes information on names of books / sources (atlases or maps), time of publication / creation, as well as pictures of general views of books, information about... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Banat’s historical geography was not yet written. Each new source made available is a true treasure. In this situation are the ten district maps done for the region between 1718–'25. In this study I try to analyze the map done in 1720 for... more
Terrae Incognitae, vol. 46, 2, (April 2014), pgs. 86-102. Argues that the Northwest land mass on the Waldseemuller 1507 Wall Map does not represent North America but rather Christopher Columbus's erroneous concepts of Cuba.
Borders are traces, that is to say, they are a form of writing – and thus they are also texts to be read. We often think of that which is on the other side of the border as something unknown, and the border itself also in some sense... more
Towards the end of the eighth century, Beatus of Liébana composed the Commentary on the Apocalypse in the monastery of San Martín de Turieno. Although it has not come down to us in its original state, this work is well known thanks to the... more
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Features Itinerario, first published in 1596 by Dutchman Jan Huygen van Linschoten. The publication is valued for revealing directions into the trade routes of the East, besides its beautiful engravings and early modern maps which... more
Une bonne partie du territoire des Hauts de France a été conquise par Louis XIV sur les Pays-Bas espagnols. Les premières cartes de ces régions datent de l’âge d’or de la cartographie flamande. Après un rappel de cet épisode, l’article... more
The article is a chapter from a book dealing with a Late Antique site Tonovcov grad (Slovenia). This article analyses lidar-derived DEM, historical maps and other data in order to obtain the optimal path network.
The study of maps allows us to utilize information and technology to contribute to the betterment of society. New interactive forms of mapping are changing the way we understand natural and built spaces, and opening up new possibilities... more
There are several aspects of rune stones that can be discussed and analysed. With the help of digital tools, it is possible to look at social dimensions of archaeological objects in ways that were previously difficult to explore. In... more
A comienzos del siglo XVI España y Portugal comenzaban a consolidar lo que serian imperios marítimos que abarcarían el mundo conocido. De la misma forma procedía el imperio Otomano a una escala mas reducida, pero igualmente creando un... more
20. yüzyılın başından günümüze ulaşan ve çözümlenemeyen dünyanın en önemli meselesi Filistin’in taksimi meselesidir. Her ne kadar 1947 taksim planı ve 1948 yılında İsrail’in kurulması ile görece bir paylaşım sağlanmış olsa da sorun devam... more
Rediscovery of deserted sites - vineyards - near Bad Honnef, Northrhine-Westfalia
The Anglo Saxon Mappa Mundi is ACCURATE. It depicts places, places, and ore sources. It is also the earliest depiction of Australia on a European map. It rewrites history.
In this study we set out to present an unknown map regarding the capital of the Principality of Moldavia, Iași city, and its surroundings from the middle of the 19th century. The map is entitled Jassi und Umgebung, it is provided by the... more