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Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through... more
The illustrations of the Benedictine monk, artist, and chronicler Matthew Paris offer a gateway into the thirteenth-century world. This new study of his cartography emphasizes the striking innovations he brought to it, and shows how the... more
The book is designed as a catalogue to accompany Rouben Galichian’s exhibition of cartographic texts and images of Armenia to be presented across various countries of the world during the Armenian Genocide Centenary year of 2015. The aim... more
Este artículo revisa y conecta diferentes eventos, construcciones urbanas y cartografías históricas de Nueva York en el marco cronológico definido por 1783, año de la firma del Tratado de París –que acabó con la guerra de la independencia... more
keywords: Rjabchikov, archaeology, Scythian, Sarmatian, Meotian, Sindian, Kingdom of the Bosporus, script, symbolism, map, coin, decipherment
"Few landscapes change more rapid than the marine. Sandbanks, channels and even complete coastlines can change dramatically overnight. This is a threat not only for modern mariners, our seafaring forefathers knew this problem also all too... more
Academic study on Urban Planning in Southern Italy. Originally published in 1979, this edition presents the full original text and all of the maps accompanied by a new introduction. Studio sull'urbanistica dell'Italia Meridionale.... more
Communiqué de presse relations presse : Atlas des migrations en Méditerranée de l'antiquité à nous jours Cet ouvrage propose un panorama original des migrations en Méditerranée depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours. Plus de 70... more
S tem prispevkom dopolnjujem v zaokroženo celoto članek z naslovom Zgodovina topografskih izmer habsburške monarhije, ki je bil od decembra lani do februarja letos objavljen po delih v treh zaporednih številkah revije Življenje in... more
Die Katastralunterlagen sind in diesem Aufsatz anhand des Bestandes S 79 des Ungarischen Nationalarchivs studiert. Dieser Bestand enthält Katastralschrifte meisten aus der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts über das heutige Ungarn, die... more
The series of the scientific collected works was founded by E.S. Kulpin-Gubaidullin for the purpose of a holistic constructive understanding of natural-historical processes based on the original methodology of socio-natural history -a... more
The growing use of geographic information systems (GIS) and geographical analyses in different areasof the digital humanities highlights the need for geocoding, i.e. assigning geographic coordinates torecords in a dataset. Such... more
Imre Vass, Engineer, The Surveyor of ’Gömör and the Underworld of the Country’ In the survey for the establishment of provisional land tax (provisorium), nearly 300 engineers were employed in 1851, some of whom were Hungarian-born, with... more
Resumen La Mapoteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica es una actividad permanente de extensión que busca promover el uso de las TIC (Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación), así como de las TIG (Tecnologías de la... more
Old maps convey messages about early spatial arrangements. In some cases, they also tell a story, and hence can be qualified as 'history maps'. The interpretation of such maps is not easy, because they are witnesses to a strong dichotomy... more
Phantom islands are falsely mapped islands that turned out non-existent. This paper examines the histories and the etymologies of the names of Bermeja, Hy Brasil, and Sandy Island. Appearing cartographically since 1539, Bermeja's... more
Abstract: Scholarship on Kurdish history discusses the boundaries of Kurdistan in terms of its geographical limits and the political frontier. Be it geographical or political, most of these works present the limits of Kurdish lands more... more
In the thirteenth century, Italian merchant and explorer Marco Polo traveled from Venice to the far reaches of Asia, a journey he chronicled in a narrative titled Il Milione, later known as The Travels of Marco Polo. While Polo’s writings... more
A survey of the earthwork remains of an early 18th-century formal garden in Suffolk, aided by contemporary map and documentary evidence. The remains include a canal, rectangular basin, circular ponds, a wilderness, and a woodland ride
The Temporary Cadastral Map Archive of Sopron, 1857–1860 The cadastral map archive of Sopron was founded in 1857 to keep, and copy the survey work segments, and to prepare the maps for lithography. The map archive was temporarily placed... more
Articol apărut în numărul pe anul 2017 al revistei HISTORIA URBANA, editată de Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane din Sibiu.
This presentation suggests an alternative to current theories regarding Columbus's voyage through the Bahama Islands on his first voyage. Parts of this paper were first presented in October, 1988, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the annual... more
“Antigua Grecia: Época Helenística. Anábasis” es un juego didáctico de aula diseñado para el alumnado de 1º de ESO en la asignatura Geografía e Historia. Sobre un mapa histórico que estaba en desuso y adaptado como un tablero de juego,... more
(ΙΒΥ 312 - Ιστορική Γεωγραφία του Βυζαντίου): Στο μάθημα εξετάζεται ο γεωγραφικός χώρος της Βυζαντινής αυτοκρατορίας (Μικρά Ασία, Αρμενία, βόρεια Μεσοποταμία, Συρία, Παλαιστίνη, βόρεια Αφρική, Νησιά, Ιταλία, Βαλκάνια), δηλαδή οι περιοχές... more
This paper discussed maps of the Arctic coast produced by the Orcadian explorer John Rae. Rae’s maps of the Arctic coast of Canada are little known, but represent the completion of the search for the North West Passage. The paper... more
Resumo: O mapa topográfico, que serviu para delinear a estrada entre a serra de Rio Maior e Leiria, em 1791 é um trabalho notável para a época. Mandado elaborar em cumprimento de determinações de D. Maria I, apresenta povoações, lugares,... more
This is the paper relating to the preparation of a Thematic map. It is the case study of Bagmati Province, Nepal.
El presente estudio examina los fondos cartográficos localizados en los diferentes archivos nacionales e internacionales que han servido para la elaboración de la base de datos del proyecto “arquitecturas Dibujadas. ingenieros militares... more
Οι ιστορικοί χάρτες αποτελούν ένα από τα σημαντικότερα στοιχεία της πολιτιστικής κι επιστημονικής κληρονομιάς μιας χώρας. Οι φορείς που τηρούν χαρτογραφικές συλλογές έχουν προχωρήσει στη ψηφιοποίηση του αρχειακού υλικού τους και στη... more
The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, 'enlightened') is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1... more
Üç kıtanın iç bölgelerine etki eden limanlara sahip olması nedeniyle Akdeniz, her çağda ticarete elverişli bir ulaşım yolu olmuştur. Özellikle coğrafi keşifler öncesinde, bu denizi çevreleyen kıtalardaki hem doğal sınırlamalar(Alpler,... more
An archaeological desk-based assessment of Taunton Castle (and the surrounding landscape) centred on N.G.R. ST 22620 24600 was conducted in January and February 2009. The evidence examined suggests that the area was sparsely populated... more
British Library Harley MS 3954’s Book of Sir John Mandeville has ninety-nine images, and another thirty-five blanks, carefully framed in thin lines of ink as part of the ruling of the manuscript. As is so often the case, the blanks appear... more
Lo studio sistematico e diacronico di documenti e cartografie inedite d’archivio è necessario per catalogare gli antichi opifici idraulici, attivi fino al secolo scorso sul territorio, come mulini per la macinatura dei cereali, gualchiere... more
1a The title of this project refers to the geographical area in Rome, the Campo Marzio (Latin: “Campus Martius”). This was the designated military grounds outside of the city limits predating the Imperial and Late Republican era of Roman... more