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In this paper, we examine Abel’s 1824 proof of the insolubility (in radicals) of the general polynomial of degree five. We give a precise description of what his proof establishes and what is does or does not imply, and we give a sense of... more
This brief article recalls the life of the English weaver-turned-mathematician Thomas Simpson (Aug. 20, 1710 – May 14, 1761), whose name became attached to Simpson’s Rule for the numerical approximation of integrals. The article takes... more
The minimum spanning tree is a problem which has become fairly popular among mathematicians after the Second World War. However, already before the War, before the graph-theoretical terminology that is now used in connection with this... more
While there is general agreement among scholars that the modern numerals with the decimal system in use today hail from India and that these reached medieval Europe via the Arabs, there is no consensus as to whether or not the zero digit... more
The Jinkōki's first edition was published in 1627 by Yoshida Mitsuyoshi (1598-1672), when commercial publishing in Kyoto was still in its early stares. Despite its voluminous size and the fact that it was not initially intended for a... more
par Marianne Michel. — Que nous ont légué les textes des scribes mathématiciens et quelles sont les spécificités de « leurs » mathématiques ? Les nombreux problèmes et extraits analysés relèvent du corpus mathématique de base datant du... more
This study aims to find a solution to problem 53 of the "Rhind Mathematical Papyrus" housed in the British Museum since 1864. To date, the problem has not yet been solved and is considered incomplete by Egyptologists who have dealt with... more
Phallacies are scientific ideas, hypotheses and theories that may have once been considered true but should no longer be considered completely true. They are more than just fallacies since they control science and its history to such a... more
L'autore dopo una breve introduzione sulle origini dell’astronomia, passa in rassegna le classiche fonti storiche sulla vita e le opere di Talete e sulla cultura dell’antico Egitto, espone un metodo per la misurazione delle altezze delle... more
No mainstream math professor or math educator I've ever known, could tell the difference between C : 2r and C/2r. In fact, most people mistakenly believe these are the same thing. The difference is both significant and important. One... more
A summary of the ancient mathematical text "Jiuzhang Suanshu (“Nine Chapters on the Art of Calculation”), with accompanying challenge questions for students.
The proof that pi is a transcendental number, first provided by Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann in 1882, was and remains one of the most celebrated results of modern mathematics. The proof was of interest in its own right, and it also... more
This is the third chapter from this book posted on this website. It concerns the possibility that numbers, writing, and pictures are related to one another in the Western tradition. Writing and picturing are often associated, but... more
This paper will concern itself with the ancient and widespread practice of finger amputation and the symbolic significance of handprints. The historical record provides sufficient evidence to show that fingers or finger joints were... more
Due to the 20th century mathematical and scientific developments of Georg Cantor, Max Karl Planck, Albert Einstein, and Werner Heisenberg, concepts once relegated to obscurity, such as irrationality, infinity, insolvability, and chaos,... more
A treatment in English can be found in my: Oberwolfach in the French Occupation Zone: 1945 to early 1950s, in: Revue d'histoire des mathématiques 21(2020), 121-172, pp. 127-131... more
A partir de alguns textos escritos pelos cosmógrafos do Reino, entre os séculos XVI e XVIII, em Portugal, pretendemos evidenciar as bases técnicas e científicas que possibilitaram a expansão marítima europeia destacando as relações entre... more
Essay review of Florin Diacu and Philip Holmes, Celestial Encounters: The Origins of Chaos and Stability.
A module for the CBSE course "Knowledge Traditions & Practices of India", published in a textbook by the same name, Kapil Kapoor and Michel Danino, (eds), Vol. 1, for Class XI, CBSE, New Delhi, 2013
The fold introduces a double movement: on the one hand, it introduces the “becoming” of an (often marginal) mathematical object inside mathematics, which is, at the same time, marginalized in mathematical discourse; on the other hand, it... more
Le fonds Élie Cartan résulte d’un don fait en 2009 à l’Académie des Sciences. Nous présentons, ici, une partie de ce fonds, les cahiers de notes de Cartan qui contiennent des recherches de Cartan, des notes de lecture (notamment sur les... more
Tento popularizačný článok o matematických hádankách z včasného stredoveku vyšiel na stránkach 19.10. 2016. Článok nájdete na:... more
In 1915, Einstein introduced a radical and revolutionary new idea into science and human thought: Gravity was not a force. The observed gravitational attraction between two or more material bodies was the product of the material bodies... more
ABSTRACT: The 3rd BCE Stoic logician “Chrysippus says that the number of conjunctions constructible from ten propositions exceeds one million. Hipparchus refuted this, demonstrating that the affirmative encompasses 103,049 conjunctions... more
This paper reconstructs the relationship between the now, motion, and number in Aristotle to clarify the nature of the now, and, thereby, the relationship between motion and time. Although it is clear that for Aristotle motion, and, more... more
As Ahmed Djebbar has pointed out, 11th-century and earlier al-Andalus produced a “solid research tradition in arithmetic”. So far, no continuation of this tradition has been known, but analysis of three sections of two Latin works suggest... more
Вторая часть статьи посвящена младшему поколению математиков Петербургской стороны: Якову Викторовичу Успенскому, Герману Мюнцу, Владимиру Ивановичу Смирнову, Григорию Михайловичу Фихтенгольцу, Якову Давидовичу Тамаркину, Сергею Львовичу... more
In 1940 the mathematician Walther Lietzmann published his book ”Frühgeschichte der Geometrie auf germanischem Boden” (Early history of geometry on Germanic ground), in which he investigated the geometric characteristics of prehistoric... more
Recorrido crítico por la figura y la obra de Hipócrates de Quíos (fl. mediados del s. V a.C.), matemático (geómetra) y astrónomo griego "para-pitagórico", de cuya obra sólo nos han llegado testimonios indirectos. Esquema del trabajo:... more
This is a book length study of Galileo and his most devoted disciple, Niccolo Aggiunti, making use of previously unstudied manuscript materials in the Galilean collection.
In this paper, I study Richard Dedekind and Heinrich Weber's 1882 Theorie der algebraischen Funktionen einer Veränderlichen, with a focus on the inherently arithmetical aspects of their work. I show that their paper provides an... more
A summary of the medieval mathematical text by Bhāskara II known as Lilāvātī, with accompanying challenge questions for students.
Traces the origins of terminology for trigonometric functions to the study of mathematics and astronomy in ancient India.