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In this monograph, Steffen Ducheyne provides a historically detailed and systematically rich explication of Newton’s methodology. Throughout the pages of this book, it will be shown that Newton developed a complex natural-philosophical... more
עיון בפילוסופיה שעמדה בהגותם של ניוטון ולייבניץ כשפיתחו את החדו"א. עבודת סמינריון במחלקה לפילוסופיה בבר אילן
Als Goethe in seiner monumentalen Farbenlehre (1810) versuchte, Newtons Theorie des Lichts und der Farben anzugreifen, setzte er eine Methode ein, die er als Vermannigfachung der Erfahrungen bezeichnete: Er variierte verschiedene... more
Proofs of God in Early Modern Europe offers a fascinating window into early modern efforts to prove God's existence. Assembled here are twenty-two key texts, many translated into English for the first time, which illustrate the variety of... more
This essay uncovers to what extent the foundational principles of physics have endured since The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence through contemporary developments in Relativity and Quantum mechanics (QM). Clarke’s arguments reflect... more
This article analyses four unpublished draft letters from Nicolas Fatio de Duiller to Isaac Newton, dating from June to August 1693, and held in the Special Collections in the Universiteitsbibliotheek in Leiden. Overall, these letters... more
Read every page of the Principia (1687, 1713, 1726). Newton never wrote "acceleration" (a) and writing F =ma was impossible. Why Newton is given credit for Second Law of Motion. Swiss Scientist Leonhard Euler gave F =ma see paper E... more
When Newton articulated the concept of absolute time in his treatise, Philosophae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), along with its correlate, absolute space, he did not present it as anything... more
This fully illustrated 23 page paper traces the history of photography and our understanding of light from prehistoric times to the present day and also speculates about the future. From Aristotle to Einstein the camera is much older than... more
Well known for his scientific work and even his intesrest for alchemistry, Newton was also a great exegesist and a subversive protestant. In terms of quantity, he even wrote more about religion than in his Principia. If you're interested... more
Although Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1726) formulated “F = m a” as his Second Law of Motion, he inexplicably thought that the formulation for determining the kinetic energy of a moving body was “KE = m V”. For many contemporaries interested in... more
Theory of Knowledge - International Baccalaureate Essay Subject: “A model is a simplified representation of some aspect of the world. In what ways may models help or hinder the search for knowledge?” Author: Angel Versetti... more
Ενδεικτική Βιβλιογραφία: 1. Herbert Butterfield, Η καταγωγή της σύγχρονης επιστήμης (1300-1800), ΜΙΕΤ, Αθήνα, 2010. 2. David Nicholas, Η εξέλιξη του Μεσαιωνικού κόσμου, ΜΙΕΤ, Αθήνα, 2009 3. Alexandre Koyre, Δυτικός Πολιτισμός – η... more
Edwin Hubble discovered the Universe, Albert Einstein theorized dark matter, and Jan Oort, Vera Rubin & Fritz Zwicky helped to further its discovery. But what is dark matter, and how do we prove its existence experimentally?
This article investigates geometry’s importance within freemasonry and discovers the de facto guardianship provided geometry by operative masons through the Middle Ages. Operative masons passed their geometry and their philosophy from... more
Après la détermination de la vitesse du son par le calcul dans les Philosophiae naturalis Principia Mathematica de Newton, la communauté savante est perplexe. La vitesse calculée est très inférieure aux mesures effectuées. Newton se... more
Contribution to the Oxford Handbook of the History of Physics (draft; please refer to published version).
ÍNDICE La revolución newtoniana y la nueva representación de la Naturaleza. La Ilustración y la construcción de la Razón Moderna de la civilización occidental. La teoría del Progreso cristalización de la Modernidad Kant y la teoría... more
This book concerns transcendental approaches of modern physics. One may be surprised by this focus, as it has become commonplace to assume that transcendentalism has been invalidated by the successive developments of physics after Newton.... more
"This is a research proposal for YOU. It is directed to you, and you may use it for your own research. Just let me know about it please. Baruch (Benedict de) Spinoza (1632-1677), is a well-known figure of Western Enlightenment. As an... more
In this paper I will probe into Herman Boerhaave’s (1668–1738) appropriation of Isaac Newton’s natural philosophy. It will be shown that Newton’s work served multiple purposes in Boerhaave’s oeuvre for he appropriated Newton’s work... more
Numele lui Isaac Newton este de obicei asociat cu formularea legilor miscarii si ale agravitatiei universale, precum si cu dezvoltarea teoriei culorii. Exista insa o latura mai putin cunoscuta a marelui om de stiinta, surprinsa in acest... more
Demostración matemática de las Leyes de Kepler, suponiendo que los planetas cumplen las tres Leyes de Newton.
This article is the penultimate version (thus uncorrected preprint) of my forthcoming article in the volume celebrating the tricentennial of Newton’s General Scholium. It appears in the Working Paper series of the Fondation Maison des... more
While much is told of Isaac Newton’s role in the Scientific Revolution, less is known about his role in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. This English Revolution had tremendous implications for the future of rights and liberties in the... more
The concept of variation of mass with velocity was initiated by Thomson in 1893 ; on the basis of mathematical equation. Then for first time it was stated that no body can move with speed more than that of light. The concept of... more
While he continues to be held up as a paragon of rational enlightenment, Isaac Newton's science was steeped in traditions of classical thought, biblical exegesis, natural magic and alchemy. This lecture, for a general audience, explored... more