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Témou príspevku je jednak analýza Heglovej koncepcie ideovej („obsahovej“) roviny umeleckého diela, a zároveň polemika o životaschopnost i Heglovej umeleckej estetiky. Prácou usilujem najmä o zodpovedanie otázky, či Heglovo myslenie... more
Una lettura del saggio di De Sanctis sulla Fedra di Racine, contro Wilhelm Schlegel, fra Hegel e Blanchot / A Reading of De Sanctis's Essay on Racine's Phèdre, against Wilhelm Schlegel, between Hegel and Blanchot / Une lecture de l'essai... more
In David Joselit’s influential essay ‘Painting Beside Itself’ he examines the place of painting in a digital economy where the image of the artwork is disseminated globally, and its power (both politically and economically) is inflated... more
Il faut sauver la tragédie grecque de toute la gnose philosophique et tragique qui l'accable depuis près de trois siècles. Il faut la sauver de notre conception moderne de la littérature et du théâtre. Il faut la sauver de nous-mêmes pour... more
Table of Contents: Introduction Mark Alznauer Part I: Tragedy 1. The Beauty of Fate and Its Reconciliation. Hegel’s The Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate and Goethe’s Iphigenia in Tauris Douglas Finn (Villanova University) 2. Two... more
Almeja-se neste trabalho apresentar as linhas gerais de uma filosofia (neo)hegeliana contemporânea. A partir da questão “Como compreender a vida e a nós próprios ?”, discute-se algumas das possíveis respostas a ela, correlacionado-as com... more
Addentrarsi nelle riflessioni hegeliane sulla musica significa esplorare un aspetto che, a un primo sguardo, sembra marginale nell'economia della trattazione. Tuttavia, a ben guardare, la musica, nell'estetica hegeliana, è po-sta nella... more
This paper argues that Hegel’s account of subjectivity and agency as historically coined is essential to an accurate understanding of his theory of tragedy. Focusing on Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, I argue that Hegel’s historical account... more
Nel passaggio tra il secolo 18 e il secolo 19 la discussione sulla tragedia diventa un tema centrale della discussione estetico-filosofica. Da un lato la questione dell’effetto e del significato morale della rappresentazione tragica... more
What follows here is not a definition of art by decree. Nor is this some kind of art manifesto. We are not saying this is how art should be, or could be, but how it is, if you let go of the prison of aesthetics, and follow an infinitely... more
Turkish translation of Die Errettung des Schönen (Byung-Chul Han)

Die türkische Übersetzung von Die Errettung des Schönen (Byung-Chul Han)
In this paper, the concept of liquidation (Verfluessigung) from the chapter on Self-consciousness in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit is reconstructed and then used to deconstruct the systematic transition from sculpture to painting in the... more
L’ironia rappresenta oggi uno dei caratteri distintivi dell’Orlando furioso. Eppure quell’ironia che Ariosto ha infuso in modo consapevole e magistrale nel suo capolavoro venne misconosciuta per secoli e non fu apprezzata se non molto... more
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
O Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Hegel Brasileira (SHB) é um evento que ocorre a cada dois anos com a finalidade de promover o intercâmbio científico-filosófico sobre estudos e pesquisas relativas à filosofia de G. W. F. Hegel... more
Hegel proclaims that art no longer has a fundamental role to play in modern society not because he thinks poorly of art but because he himself integrates art--specifically drama--into the operations of philosophy. Thus, his famous... more
This book forms the first critical study of Jacques Rancière's impact and contribution to contemporary theoretical and interdisciplinary studies. It showcases the work of leading scholars in fields such as political theory, history and... more
The aim of this special issue is to tackle Hegel’s approach to the constitution of the normative on the basis of natural premises and to investigate his original version of naturalism. In the ambit of the American analytical philosophy,... more
Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου / Σχολή Ανθρωπιστικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστημών. Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών: “Ελληνική Γλώσσα και Λογοτεχνία”. Θεματική Ενότητα: ΕΓΛ 61: «Ειδολογικοί Μετασχηματισμοί». Τμήμα: 2017_ΕΓΛ61.02. Διδάσκουσα –... more
This dossier contains the critical edition of the first text on aesthetics written by the argentine philosopher Luis Juan Guerrero. "A Panorama of the German Classical-Romantic Aesthetics as an Introduction to the Study of Current... more
Gombrich: la Historia del arte y las humanidades hace un estudio de la sobresaliente figura de Ernst Gombrich (1909-2001), como un punto de encuentro común para el investigador y el alumno sobre el arte y sus relatos legitimadores en la... more
Link: In Objektiver und absoluter Geist nach Hegel. Kunst, Religion und Philosophie innerhalb und außerhalb von Gesellschaft und... more
Tunç Yıldırım: "Ricciotto Canudo’ya Göre 'Yedinci Sanat'
Olarak Sinema: Arthur Schopenhauer ve Georg Wilhelm
Friedrich Hegel’in Felsefelerinden Yola Çıkan Yeni Bir
Bütüncül Sanat Görüşü Mü?", 12 Aralık 2021, salon-1, saat: 10.00-11.00.
It is seemingly an accepted fact that no Sanskrit poets or playwrights wrote tragedies akin to those of the Greeks or Elizabethans. Indeed, the absence of tragedy is considered a marked characteristic of Sanskrit literature. There are... more
The article aims to understand the notion of the contemporary relevance of Hegel's Philosophy of Art. It does not address whether or not Hegeli-an Philosophy of Art is (or can be) relevant for the present, but instead addresses the very... more
Die vorliegende Auseinandersetzung beschäftigt sich mit Friedrich Theodor Vischers posthegel'scher Ästhetik und deren Umsetzung im Roman "Auch Einer". Vischer schildert darin die Grundproblematik einer in ihrem Fundament dissonanten... more
Ongoing discussion of this paper here: Philosophy – whether traditional or contemporary – has nothing to say about the human metaphysical predicament, and cannot even offer a basic... more
In this article, I outline a logic of design of a system as a specific kind of conceptual logic of the design of the model of a system, that is, the blueprint that provides information about the system to be created. In section two, I... more
Jean Delville was not only a gifted painter, but also a prolific author, poet and polemicist. He is unique amongst his artistic contemporaries for having written extensively on the subject of Idealism in art. Idealist philosophy, as an... more