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The cognitive structure of children from minority group, poor,rural, aboriginal, or otherwise socially disadvantaged backgrounds are hypothesized to be gestalt-synthetic in mode of thought and field-dependent in cognitive style; cognitive... more
Der 30 Sekunden Test (Browser) Der 2 Sekunden Test (Browser) Hirndominanztest der Süddeutschen Zeitung (Browser) Linke oder Rechte Gehirnhälfte Test (Browser, Handy) Hirndominanztest Lerntipp (Browser-Fragebogen) „Mit welcher Gehirnhälfte... more
Anthropology of Consciousness vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 15-26. ABSTRACT: In "primitive" cultures, dual symbolic classification systems draw rigid temporal and spatial boundaries between the Sacred and the profane. The right and left hands are... more
La innegable polarización política causada por la ola dictatorial solapada de los Estados en América Latina y la convocatoria de los EEUU a los países exceptuando aquellos en donde se han apreciado regímenes donde no se respetan los... more
A second version of this essay, published in the "Encyclopedia of Creativity," 2nd edition, Volume I, pp. 588-594, edited by Mark A. Runco and Steven R. Pritzker. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. SUMMARY: In this entry, I place the study of... more
In the target article, Iain McGilchrist draws upon his work, The Master and his Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World (=ME), to develop the relevance of its central claims to religion. Here and elsewhere... more
To understand the evolution of lateralized motor biases and cognitive functions, we rely on archeological methods to give us a window onto the past. Currently, the overwhelming majority of prehistoric data on asymmetry and laterality... more
This address provides a review of evidence for a deconstruction of executive functions, the set of cognitive operations which allow goal-directed behaviour. The underlying working hypothesis is that some complementary and computationally... more
This chapter explores in a theoretical manner the potential correlations, previously suggested by Heine et al. (2015), between hemispheric specialization in neurolinguistics and a dual organization of discourse. The dual processing of... more
Das Gehirn 3 - 5 Fähigkeiten beider Gehirnhälften 6 V.V. Nalimov – Zugang zum Unterbewußten 7 - 8 The left brain corresponding to Yang, the right brain to Yin 9... more
A B S T R A C T Sensory input from and motor output to the two sides of the body needs to be continuously integrated between the two cerebral hemispheres. This integration can be measured through its cost in terms of processing speed. In... more
On the basis of a review of the extant literature describing emotion– cognition interactions, the authors propose 4 methodological desiderata for studying how task-irrelevant affect modulates cognition and present data from an experiment... more
The planum temporale (PT) is a critical region of the language functional network in the human brain showing a striking size asymmetry toward the left hemisphere. Historically considered as a structural landmark of the left-brain... more
Asymmetrical control areas in a continuous visual search were examined in two experiments.Two mechanisms for target detection were identified – one operating in the centre of the visual field engaged with processes requiring a high level... more
The neural basis of self-recognition is mainly studied using brain-imaging techniques which reveal much about the localization of self-processing in the brain. There are comparatively few studies using EEG which allow us to study the time... more
This study examined the relationship between trait impulsivity and cognitive control, as measured by the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS) and a focused attention dichotic listening to words task, respectively. In the task, attention was... more
Two meta-analyses of 66 behavioral studies examined variables influencing functional cerebral lateralization of each language of brain-intact bilingual adults. Functional lateralization was found to be primarily influenced by age of onset... more
The most well know attribution of different brain regions to different psychological functions (types of thinking, types of memory, levels of consciousness) is that of hemispheric specialization. ‘Left Brain’ and ‘Right Brain’ is common... more
Individuals show marked variation in their responses to threat. Such individual differences in behavioral inhibition play a profound role in mental and physical well-being. Behavioral inhibition is thought to reflect variation in the... more
Teil 1: Das limbische System Das unterbewusste Programm Balanceinstruktion Dominanzinstruktion Stimulanzinstruktion Teil 2: Der Aufbau des Gehirns 1 Kleiner Rundgang durchs Gehirn... more
We examined the relationship between cognitive style, empathy, and willingness to help. In Study 1 (N = 186), we measured preference for visuospatial or verbal cognitive style using the ZenQ (Zenhausern, 1978), and empathy using the... more
JYOTSNA VAID AND WALLACE E. LAMBERT McGill University Abstract The cognitive processing strategies of two groups of French-English bilinguals were studied by means of an auditory Stroop test designed to evaluate cerebral hemispheric... more
To study the role of scanning biases in visual half field studies, native readers of Hindi (a language read and written from left to right) and Urdu (a language read and written from right to left) were tested in a language analogue of... more
The right hemisphere has traditionally been considered as dominant in odor and emotion perception, whereas little is known about odor influence on emotion recognition. This study aimed to examine a possible difference in the recognition... more
A bit of "discussion and criticism" that appeared in Current Anthropology, vol. 18, pop. 344-346.
Hemispheric lateralization of early event-related potentials (ERPs; e.g. N1) is largely based on anatomy of the afferent pathway; lateralization of later auditory ERPs (P2/N2, P250, P3b) is less clear. Using 257-channel EEG, the present... more
In the present study, schizotypal personality traits and their neuropsychological correlates were examined amongst a non-clinical sample, so as to gain insight into the variables mediating neurobiological vulnerability to schizotypy. To... more
Performance on tasks involving cognitive control such as the Stroop task is often associated with left lateralized brain activations. Based on this neuro-functional evidence, we tested whether leftward structural grey matter asymmetries... more
We assessed language lateralization in 177 healthy 4-to 11-year-old children and adults and atypical asymmetries associated with unilateral epileptic foci in 18 children with benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS). Dichotic... more
The existence of an ultradian rhythm of alternating cerebral dominance has been reported, together with corresponding the changes in nostril dominance. Further, it was demonstrated that forced unilateral nostril breathing causes... more
The typical finding in dichotic listening with verbal stimuli is the right ear advantage (REA), indicating a left hemisphere processing superiority, thus making this an effective tool in studying hemispheric asymmetry. It has been shown... more
Recent fMRI studies comparing the processing of alphabetic versus logographic scripts provide evidence for shared and orthography-specic regions of neural activity. The present study used near-infrared spectroscopy to compare (within and... more
From a neuropsychological perspective, our understanding about how knowledge is organized in the human brain has emerged largely from the study of so-called ‘category-specific’ deficits in neurological patients. Category-specificity is,... more
A chapter from "The Dual Brain," edited by D. Frank Benson and Eran Zaidel (pp. 341-358). New York: The Guilford Press.
In the present study, the level of nonlinear interhemispheric synchronization has been estimated by using wavelet correlation (WC) method for detection of emotional dysfunctions. Due to non-stationary nature of EEG series in addition to... more
Conversation of linear energy is a major problem until you include distance scale of hemispherical coordinates systems for curvature and that causation for rotational energy, specifically, hemispherical relativity. When that is included... more