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Population-level right-handedness is a defining characteristic of humans. Despite extensive research, we still do not know the conditions or timing of its emergence in human evolution. We present a review of research into the origins of... more
Współczesne prace neuroobrazowe ujawniają istnienie, niezależnych od ręczności, różnych fenotypów rozkładu funkcji mózgowych, za którymi stoją złożone i wielowymiarowe obwody neuronalne. Eksplorację i wyjaśnienie przejść pomiędzy... more
Predictions concerning the effects of handedness and attention on bimanual coordination were made from a dynamical model that incorporates the body's lateral asymmetry. Both handedness and the direction of attention (to the left or right)... more
Brain lateralization is a common term used to describe dominance of one brain hemisphere over another for a specific function. The right hand dominance in writing, controlled by the left hemisphere, is preceded by development of... more
Executive functions are proposed to underpin intelligent goal-directed behavior. Such skills, linked through multiple neuropsychological studies to functioning of the frontal lobes, are theorized to predict achievement in non-routine... more
The transversely bianisotropic uniaxial medium considered in the present article can be obtained, e.g., by mixing metal helices with an isotropic base medium in such a way that the axes of the helices are randomly oriented but... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the personality differences between male and female students according to brain asymmetries. 762 Subjects were chosen by random multi-session sampling method Tehran Universities. Subjects... more
This is a trial of the EHI_8, which has been available for example on ResearchGate and for about ten years and adopted for use in their research by numerous researchers (it has already received over twenty citations on Google... more
A list has been prepared (appendix A) of 182 articles featuring the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory prominently, ordered by citations received. The article introducing the inventory has been cited an extreme number of times (over 26,000 on... more
Previous research has attempted to understand why countries with relatively favorable conditions and high estimated average IQs (such as Finland and Japan) have a relatively low per capita number of scientific Nobel prizes. In the present... more
Cite as:
Bianca Trovò. (2015, September 4). Functional Brain Asymmetries: are two brains better than one? (Version 1). Zenodo.
Men and women living in New Zealand and California completed five studies regarding human physique and sexual attractiveness. In Studies 1–3, women rated images of male stimuli and, in Studies 4–5, men rated female stimuli. In Study 1,... more
Homo sapiens sapiens displays a species wide lateralised hand preference, with 85% of individuals in all populations being right-handed for most manual actions. In contrast, no other great ape species shows such strong and consistent... more
Des origines de la latéralisation et des rapports entre latéralités manuelle et cérébrale Bulletin de psychologie, Tome XXXIII, n* 343 , Université de Paris, déc. 1979. Des origines de la latéralisation et des rapports entre latéralités... more
The discipline of Paleoneurology goes beyond the determination of biological characteristics and morphologies; it can also be used to infer behaviour in extinct species. In Paleocognition, the cognitive capacities of extinct humans can be... more
In the history of jazz, only a very few bassists have played ‘left-handed’ on a ‘righthanded’ instrument. This ‘idiodextrous’ approach is an embodied phenomenon that affects the body-instrument interface, giving rise to unique physical... more
Introdução: A lateralidade é a diferença na capacidade de controlo entre os dois lados do corpo. Os métodos utilizados para avaliar a lateralidade manual incluem a observação efetiva do uso do membro dominante ou a aplicação de... more
The Tyrolean Iceman, a 5,300-year-old glacier mummy recovered at the Tisenjoch (South Tyrol, Italy) together with his clothes and personal equipment, represents a unique opportunity for prehistoric research. The present work examines the... more
In an earlier essay a discussion was presented of left- and right-handedness in writing-painting contexts on painted, incised, and carved Classic Maya ceramic containers. In an opening section entitled “Visualizing the Hand”, I referred... more
Right-handedness dominates among all human populations but the question is if and how the Aegean artists depicted it in their art, or whether they compromised between reality and artistic concepts. In order to find answers to those... more
Directional preferences in moving images are primarily theorized as deriving from 'cultural' factors, principally the dominant language's reading/writing direction. This study examines the origins of this notion and positions it within... more
Drawing tends to take place in the interval between two hands. Regardless of whether the hand manipulating the chalk, the pen, and the compass, is the right or left one, its counterpart will regularly have a share in the production of the... more
According to Greimas, the semiotic square is far more than a heuristic for semantic and literary analysis. It represents the generative "deep structure" of human culture and cognition which "define the fundamental mode of existence of an... more
Recent studies show that in the sport of fencing left-handers have an advantage over right-handers. This was recognised by fencing masters as early as the sixteenth century. They also agreed that the advantage was due to left-handers’... more
A number of paradoxical illusions occur when two streams of sound emanate simultaneously from different regions of space. Right-handers and left-handers differ statistically in terms of the illusory percepts obtained. The bases for these... more
The present study is a review of the key concepts in relation to the nature of handedness and in line with that, the phenomenon of brain lateralization. To this end, a number of articles have been overviewed and the critical concepts such... more
Ontogenèse des latéralités. Une revue et un essai d' interprétation Archives de pédiatrie, 1996, 3, 714-722.
To understand the evolution of lateralized motor biases and cognitive functions, we rely on archeological methods to give us a window onto the past. Currently, the overwhelming majority of prehistoric data on asymmetry and laterality... more