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Neurofeedback is emerging as a promising technique that enables self-regulation of ongoing brain oscillations. However, despite a rise in empirical evidence attesting to its clinical benefits, a solid theoretical basis is still lacking on... more
Declarations can be found on page 12 DOI 10.7717/peerj.1017 Copyright 2015 Perrineau et al.
Article in Dutch about the unfounded upheaval surrounding the paper "Electroencephalographic Recordings during Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Therapy until 30 Minutes after Declaration of Death" by Loretta Norton et al., of 2017.... more
This paper presents an implementation of an ef- fective synchronization between a registration and a stimula- tion module that form part of a steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)-based Brain Computer Interface (BCI). Each of the... more
Within the framework of a M.Sc. Neurosciences Master’s thesis, the present study assessed context-dependent memory (CDM) reactivation in the waking state and oscillatory activity in the brain during music listening at rest. CDM... more
Recent years have seen huge advancements in the methods available and used in neuroscience employing EEG or MEG. However, the standard approach is to average a large number of trials for experimentally defined conditions in order to... more
Introduction: “Sajdah”, a prostration position, is part of Muslim daily prayers. It seems to have several effects on the brain and heart function. This study aimed to investigate the prefrontal brain activity after 10 seconds of Sajdah in... more
Auditory novelty detection has been associated with different cognitive processes. Bekinschtein et al. (2009) developed an experimental paradigm to dissociate these processes, using local and global novelty, which were associated,... more
As the power of modern computers grows alongside our understanding of the human brain, we move a step closer in transforming some pretty spectacular science fiction into reality. The advent of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is indeed... more
In neuronal recording studies on anesthetized animals, reliable measures for the transitional moment of consciousness are frequently required. Previous findings suggest that pupil fluctuations reflect the neuronal states during quiet... more
The neurophysiological study of emotion regulation focused on the strategy of reappraisal, i.e. the cognitive reinterpretation of a stimulus. Reappraisal reduces emotional expression, the experience of both negative and positive feelings,... more
New treatments for Alzheimer's disease require early detection of cognitive decline. Most studies seeking to identify markers of early cognitive decline have focused on a limited number of measures. We sought to establish the profile of... more
SUMMARY  The dynamics of the sleep EEG were investigated by all-night spectral analysis of 51 sleep records. Power density was calculated for 1-Hz bins in the 0.25–25.0 Hz range. Values in non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS) were higher... more
In this paper designing of a battery operated portable single channel electroencephalography (EEG) signal acquisition system is presented. The advancement in the field of hardware and signal processing tools made possible the utilization... more
A better understanding of observable and quantifiable psychophysiological outputs such as electroencephalography (EEG) during computer video gameplay has significant potential to support the development of an automated, emotionally... more
The use of neuroscience tools to study consumer behavior and the decision making process in marketing has improved our understanding of cognitive, neuronal, and emotional mechanisms related to marketing-relevant behavior. However,... more
The current review addresses emerging issues that arise from the creation of safe, beneficial, and trusted artificial intelligence–air traffic controller (AI-ATCO) systems for air traffic management (ATM). These issues concern trust... more
Despite the widely documented influence of gender stereotypes on social behaviour, little is known about the electrophysiological substrates engaged in the processing of such information when conveyed by language. Using eventrelated brain... more
In speech communication, listeners must accurately decode vocal cues that refer to the speaker's mental state, such as their confidence or 'feeling of knowing'. However, the time course and neural mechanisms associated with online... more
The basis of the work of electroencephalography (EEG) is the registration of electrical impulses from the brain or some of its individual areas using a special sensor/electrode. This method is used for the treatment and diagnosis of... more
This dissertation presents both a theoretical understanding of Maharishi Gandharva Veda music and some exploratory research on its integrating effects for the listener. Five different experiments investigated the hypothesis that... more
Manual processing of sleep recordings is extremely time-consuming. Efforts to automate this process have shown promising results, but automatic systems are generally evaluated on private databases, not allowing accurate cross-validation... more
Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are the systems that translate the electrical activity of the brain into the commands to control the devices. A typical BCI system will contain hardware and software. Hardware collects the data from the... more
Educators have long sought to develop critical thinking ability and open-mindedness in their students, as well as to measure this development. Physiological and psychological research studies on practitioners of the Transcendental... more
Background. Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is characterized by stroke-like neurologic signs and symptoms in the absence of demonstrable structural neuropathology. There is no test for TIA, with classification often reliant on subjective,... more
Three methods of nonlinear time series analysis, Lempel–Ziv complexity, prediction error and covariance complexity were employed to distinguish between the electroencephalograms (EEGs) of normal children, children with mild autism, and... more
This open-highway investigation included the first recording of commercial driver EEG on the open highway and the definition of the standard deviation of lane position (SDLP) as a sensitive measure of driver fatigue.
Self-referential processing has been principally investigated using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). However, understanding of the brain functioning is not possible without careful comparison of the evidence coming from... more
We focus on the problem of detection of the user’s area of interest within a single web page, or the web page of interest within different web pages. Current methods either use some kind of manual ranking, or apply parameters such as the... more
Background: The present study aimed to evaluate the operators' mental workload (MW) of cement, city traffic control and power plant control centers using subjective and objective measures during system vital parameters monitoring.... more
Background: Electroencephalography (EEG) is an elec-trophysiological monitoring method to record electrical activity of the brain. It is typically noninvasive, with the electrodes placed along the scalp. Electromyography (EMG) is an... more