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Summary of the doctoral dissertation The main purpose of this work was to recognize the technological construction of individual elements of hand-held firearms. The analysis of literature sources and conducted material science researches... more
The cannon or the naval gun was first installed on ships about seven hundred years ago. Since then, the gun as an instrument of naval warfare has undergone numerous evolutionary changes catalysed by various technological innovations,... more
מחשבות על הסובייקט, חלומות, והגבולות בין פילוסופיה וידיעה שפוגעת בבשר
Firearms are a crucial link in the chain of violence, but they are also part of a bigger picture of social inequality in the US.
Some documents from the Friuli area, dating back to 1336, attesting the use of firearms in Venzone and the preparation of black powder, were quickly forgotten immediately after their publication, not finding feedback, even today, even in... more
Forthcoming in Bernasco, W., Elffers, H. & van Gelder, J-L. (Eds.). Oxford Handbook of Offender Decision-Making. This chapter describes the contradictory roles that weapons play in offender decision-making as mechanisms that can both... more
This short conference paper re-examines claims made in 1996 and 2003, by Canadian historian, the late Peter Hart, that in the early 1920s southern Ireland experienced the forced migration of tens of thousands of native Protestants.... more
This paper focuses on the weapons of the Queen Anne, an English merchantman that was wrecked on the Zuiderzee near Kuinre (province of Overijssel) in the first quarter of the 18th century. The wreck was discovered in a now-reclaimed part... more
A kind of manuel for Hotchkiss Machine Guns wich captured from Greek Army during Turkish National War. Wrotten by Refik [A.Refik] in 1926.
Beliefs once limited to the extremes of the North American gun culture have become mainstream, while the US Supreme Court’s ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) and a spate of right-to-carry laws have contributed to the... more
The Chang Feng submachine gun (SMG), known in its latest iteration as the "CS/LS06", is in service with Chinese law enforcement and paramilitary personnel, as well as specialised units from other nations. The design is notable for its... more
This paper analyzes a Bushmaster gun advertisement through the lens of Kenneth Burke's dramatism to show how gun manufacturers manipulate ideas about masculinity to sell weapons.
Project SAFTE, an international research project funded by the European Commission, has addressed this knowledge gap by improving the intelligence picture on illicit gun markets across the EU and throwing light on, in particular, on... more
The full text of the Handbook is freely available online: Arms and ammunition are evidence. Many weapons carry marks that, combined with... more
This research report investigates the myths and misconceptions surrounding the FN Herstal 5.7 × 28 mm cartridge, assessing the technical characteristics of both the armour-piercing, restricted ammunition types, as well as those available... more
With the trend toward so-called “intermediate caliber” cartridges following World War II, several influential studies deemed the range requirements for contemporary infantry small arms to be substantially less than provided by earlier,... more
Using the National Institute of Justice body armor threat-level scale, this study classified 1,055 firearms confiscated by police officers from juveniles in St. Louis, Missouri, from 1992 to 1999. The authors found that for this city, the... more
In  this  paper  we  try  to  track  the  effects  of  the  stricter  gun  law  introduced  in  Belgium  in  2006.  To   structure  the  analysis,  we  start  from  the  objectives  defined  at  the  time  when  the  Belgian  weapons  law... more
Although Ethiopia has produced small-calibre ammunition for more than sixty years, little information is publicly available regarding their outputs, and knowledge of Ethiopian cartridges is largely restricted to specialist circles. This... more
What are the levels of firearms availability in Europe? Are there links between the levels of gun ownership in European countries and these countries’ rates of violence and violent death? And what is the impact of European gun laws on... more
Estre artigo aborda a farsa desarmamentista sobre a Austrália.
Two models of artillery of the 16 th century are analyzed in the article from the collection of Lviv Historical Museum. The technology of application of hook cannons and long-barrel small-caliber guns is considered. A comparative... more
While both men and women can, and do, use violence against each other, men's violence against women is far more common, less justified, and more destructive than women's violence against men. One of the reasons for this asymmetry is that... more
Every year in Europe around 1,150 people are shot dead with firearms. These deaths occur in various contexts, including the relational and criminal spheres. The little available research into the weapons used during these fatal crimes... more
Guns are an enduring symbol of imperialism, whether they are used to impose social order, create ceremonial spectacle, incite panic, or to inspire confidence. In Guns and Society, Saheed Aderinto considers the social, political, and... more
Ульянов О.Г. Древнейший арсенал в Московском Кремле – место рождения русской артиллерии // Война и оружие: Новые исследования и материалы. Труды Шестой Международной научно-практической конференции 13-15 мая 2015 года. СПб., 2015. Ч. IV.... more
Americans can be divided into two groups: those who own guns and those who do not. Although people who own guns and people who do not own guns are often separated along social, cultural, and political lines, it is unclear whether these... more
In 2013–2014 a collection of metal objects originating from various sites in Moravia and in the eastern half of Bohemia was handed over to the Regional museum in Vysoké Mýto. The only artefact which can be securely da - ted to prehistory... more
During the ongoing civil unrest in Kiev, several images have circulated showing Ukrainian security forces equipped with a range of lethal weapons, including sniper rifles. In addition to the SVD-type rifles commonly seen, security forces... more
Explosive infantry weapons are becoming more and more common on the battlefield. Many soldiers carry repeating grenade launchers, man-portable guided missiles and so on, instead of rifles. It is common to see soldiers walking around... more
In the 1990s and 2000s, small arms and their proliferation emerged as a major issue in the international as well as in the domestic public policy sphere. The authorities in many countries made efforts to restrain civilian possession and... more
"An assemblage of 23 fired 9 mm bullets found at the atrium of the Menga dolmen during the University of Málaga 1991 excavations is described and studied. These bullets are first described from a morphological and ballistic viewpoint;... more
While both men and women can, and do, use violence against each other, men’s violence against women is far more common, less justified, and more destructive than women’s violence against men. One of the reasons for this asymmetry is that... more
The Australian Government gave him a gun. It was 1964, before the system got really professional.  They said, Put it in your pocket. Neat little Browning .32 automatic ...
Arms acquisition is a crucial venture for armed insurgency groups for carrying out their militant activities. I argue that the specific manner in which these groups obtain weapons may have important consequences for the dynamics of... more
Although there has been no direct empirical evidence linking sexual dysfunction (SD) with gun ownership, speculation has been widespread and persistent for decades. In this paper, we formally examine the association between SD and gun... more
Policy and research dealing with the relationship between women and firearms usually stress the role of women as victims. Of the estimated 66,000 annual homicides of women committed each year, roughly 40 percent involve firearms. Guns are... more
Ai avut vreodata in vedere serviciile de inchiriere arme pentru siguranta ta, a persoanelor dragi tie si a bunurilor de care dispui? Vrei sa fii sigur ca apelezi la o companie autorizata care iti va pune la dispozitie toate informatiile... more