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The present study investigates the spread of the ho Ôn (ὁ ὤν) inscription in Christ's halo. Developed in the early Palaiologan period, the inscription originates with the liturgy for the Feast of the Transfiguration and was popularized... more
ICONS DEPICTING ST CYRIL AND ST METHODIUS FROM THE STRANDZHA MOUNTAINS (SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH – EARLY 20TH CENTURY). During the time of the Bulgarians’struggle for ecclesiastical emancipation from the... more
Inscriptions on altar tables from Strandzha Summary The paper examines the restoration of the church network in the Strandzha Mountains region around the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, tracing the interaction... more
The Cultural Heritage of Strandzha: Wealth, Risks, Challenges. Ed. by Angel Nikolov. Sofia, 2019. Collected papers from an international scientific conference held in Burgas, 28-29 September 2019.
Book contains 59 short research-based article on warnings and associated concept published in the Human Factors Society Annual Meetings.
Why structure is usually represented iconically in visual images? A relevantist answer
This article focuses on a significant and hitherto unpublished icon painted around the mid-fifteenth century by the Master of the Amber-Spotted Tunic. By analysing its style and iconography, it furthers our understanding of... more
This is a paper on "Iconic Places in Motion: Rachel Tomb as Territorial Borderland" written for the The Biennale Architettura 2018 titled FREESPACE. The paper was published in Statu Quo: Structures of Negotiation Edited by: Ifat... more
Expression of faith through art (painting, sculpture and others) for Christians is not an optional but obligatory thing, because it expresses their faith in the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ. For such a statement, the Church came... more
What are the myths of Europe? This article provides the conceptual framework through which this question may be approached. It begins by defining myth in such a way as to distinguish it from other forms of political myths. From here, the... more
Max Imdahl is situated on the border between the theory and practice of visual arts. His life is an experience of combining academic art history with cutting-edge art criticism. His ‘ikonik’ was intended as a continuation and completion... more
As the first full-length article on the ballet "Liturgie," this study examines the extent to which Ballets Russes collaborators—Natalia Goncharova in particular—explored Orthodox liturgy, iconography, and theology for a Russian vision of... more
The photojournalistic icons of the Vietnam War result from a cultural construction and a process of iconization that took place over several decades. With every reprint and remediation, these pictures lost some of their historical context... more
The competing theories of state recognition and their failings actively demonstrate that recognition of a state does not have any normative content per se, but rather, that the rules of state recognition, although legal rules, are legal... more
Święte wizerunki w przekazie Dobrej Nowiny Opolska Biblioteka Teologiczna 161 ks. Dariusz klejnowski-różycki Wydział Teologiczny, Uniwersytet Opolski Nauka Addaja i legenda edeska o świętym Wizerunku Streszczenie Wśród acheiropitów... more
This article examines the implications of two distinct phases of international engagement in Kosovo. We argue that a number of flaws developed during UNMIK’s administration (1999 – 2008), which continue to undermine Kosovo’s stability. We... more
1. Why I haven't signed either petition? 2. Why the call for conversation may be a red-herring 3. What is problematic about the appeal to history? 4. What is vital to the appeal to history? 5. Moving beyond Remove and Remain
The speed, scale, and shape of digital circulation pose numerous challenges for rhetorical analysis that seeks to analyze image-texts in context This paper develops a framework for the rhetorical analysis of Internet memes through the... more
This essay considers the origins of the use of images to defend against pestilence, the diversification of these images in the Renaissance, and the beginning of their decline at the papal court.
Książka omawia dyskusje o ikonach, które miały miejsce na Rusi w XV i XVI w. Jej głównymi problemami były zagadnienia związane z ikonografią Staro- i Nowotestamentowej Trójcy Świętej oraz dopuszczalności wizerunków Boga Ojca.
Григоров, Дмитрий Александрович (1860-1929). Русский иконописный подлинник / / [Соч.] Д.А. Григорова. — [Санкт-Петербург] : тип. Имп. Акад. наук, [1887]. — 147 с., 3 л. ил. : 28.
This book investigates the ontology as well as the social and cultural impact of US icons. American Studies scholars from various nations have come together to explore origins, maintenance, and manipulation of icons and to trace their... more
Icons are a necessary feature of Byzantine architecture, with several of them being displayed in each Church on the screen (iconostasis) separating the nave from the sanctuary, and in the homes of faithfuls. They embody symbolically the... more
Who is the Ancient of Days in the book of Daniel 7: 9 ff? Is he a manifestation of God the Father, as some say, thus justifying images of the Father by the principle of what is visible is representable? This study seeks to show that the... more
Доклад «’’Звенигородский чин” прп. Андрея Рублева: современные проблемы изучения» на III Чтениях памяти В.А. Плугина на историческом факультете МГУ 14 ноября 2017 г. В докладе полностью доказана по данным всего комплекса источников... more
Celem ninejszej pracy jest analiza sytuacji politycznej w Republice Kosowa po 17 lutego 2008 roku, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem problemów wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych tego państwa. Zastanawiam się również nad stopniem suwerenności i... more
The article investigates the theological implications that various Trinity icons have in past and present, starting from the very famous and popular one of Andrei Rubljov. This investigation consists in three “considerations”, which are... more
The relations between tsar Alexis and patriarch Nikon between 1652–1658 can be seen as the realization of the Byzantine idea of symphony, but there was a sharp break from 1658 on which finally led to the deposition of Nikon. It means that... more
Amongst the vast human population lies one common fear – the fear of the unknown. As a result, most progressions made by humans are in pursuit of a source of explanation. In earlier days a cosmological presence was created to soften the... more