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Summary in English (text is in German): The purpose of this contribution is firstly to say something about the relations between Gestalt theory and didactics and secondly to explain some assumptions and concepts of Gestalt theory which... more
Reviews the book "Silence and Silencing in Psychoanalysis", edited by Aleksandar Dimitrijevic and Michael B. Buchholz (2020, Routledge).
Die Besprechung ist in deutscher Sprache abgefasst.
La autora analiza el significado relacional del fármaco desde el punto de vista de la Gestalt Therapy, señalando como, más allá de las específicas cualidades del fármaco, la prescripción asume valor terapéutico por el contexto relacional... more
Ciclo di seminari con professori, giovani ricercatori e studenti con l'obiettivo di esaminare, tramite l'incrocio transdisciplinare di filosofia, storia della scienza e etnosemiotica, lo statuto teoretico, etico e epistemologico del... more
Trabalho acadêmico que trata do behaviorismo, Gestalt, perspectivas e autoavaliação.
There is a widespread belief in the academic world—above all in the United States and in the scientific communities around the world accepting U.S. mainstream science as their standard —that »schools« have lost their grounds and their... more
Abstract in English (paper in German): Gestalt psychology, with its concepts of the dynamics of tension systems and the formation of isolated subsystems dating back to Kurt Lewin, offers a dynamic approach to explaining the occurrence of... more
ABSTRAKSunan Drajat merupakan salah satu wisata religi potensial di kota Lamongan dengan total pengunjung mencapai 515 ribu di tahun 2017. Selain itu, hal menarik lainnya adalah adanya ragam hias yang menghiasi kompleks makam yang... more
Summary For Gestalt psychology and Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy the "top-down approach" is characteristic. The article elaborates the four meanings in which one can refer to this: On the one hand one can speak of "top-down"... more
From the 16th DGGO conference in Berlin, June, 18-20, 2015: "Feldkräfte – Was bewegt Menschen, Gruppen und Organisationen?" [Field forces - What is moving individuals, groups, and organizations?] The talk presents and discusses some... more
Summary in English (article in German): The Intuion can suddenly strike us like a flash of genius, without us being able to say how it came about. In psychotherapy, intuitive processes are of great importance in that they can give... more
Summary: Gestalt theoretical developmental psychology has always seen the infant as an active being. Current research findings support this view. In addition, they show that the investigations of the mother-child dyad, as they were... more
Evolutionarily and ontogenetically, cognition primarily comes from interactions that are to be understood as epistemic actions of a situated-embodied observer. Only gradually do cognitive simulations (as mental rehearsals) and abstract... more
Daniel N. Stern’s research on the first years of life offers the view of an active newborn, developing in a continuous dialogue with the Other. The mother places the infant feelings at the center of her attention. The infant gets in tune... more
English summary (text is in German): This paper examines the question of the utility and practical relevance of epistemological models for psychotherapy on the basis of Critical Realism, the epistemological position of Gestalt... more
The article analyzes the "two-chair" (or "empty-chair") technique in psychotherapy from a Gestalt psychological view. The main emphasis in this analysis is that the meaning and effect of this technique for the client are not determined by... more
In che modo i principi di organizzazione della Psicologia della Gestalt possono facilitare l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento?

In questa ricerca rispondo a questa domanda e presento  molti esempi pratici di applicazione.
Howard Gruber, a founder member of Psychologists for Social Action, reviewed the dissertation. His review, dated May 7, 1978, as Parkovnick (2015) points out, "... is worth quoting in full, as it captures the very essence of the... more
Summary in English (article is in German): Today's ideas about the development of habits and addictions go back to the early days of behaviorism and are still determined by it. They are stimulus-response models, according to which... more
La Psicologia della Gestalt nasce e si sviluppa in Europa nel '900 e cerca di spiegare e strutturare i fenomeni psicologici della percezione, trattandoli come insiemi di "regole" organizzate e strutturate, piuttosto che come somma delle... more
Summary: Wolfgang Metzger's explanations of the concept of reality offer a good basis for reflection for educational and therapeutic work with children. In this article, the differentiations of the concept of reality proposed by... more
Summary (paper in German language): Practical Aspects of Epistemology: On Developing an Appropriate Therapeutic Approach in Working with Patients with Eating Disorders Patients with symptoms of an eating disorder grow up in a... more
This paper provides a long-overdue discussion of Häring's "philosophy of gestalt" and its intellectual roots. I shall argue that his gestalt theory-alongside the notion of the "New Building" (Neues Bauen)-can be understood as an... more
While on the one hand for Merleau-Ponty, ‘the perception of the other founds morality’; on the other, it is the rationalizing of perception by stripping it of empathic responsiveness, becoming an inhuman gaze, that allows ethical failure.... more
This document is a study of how Gestalt principles of organization are at work in “Désordre” (1985), the first etude in the first book of piano etudes by György Ligeti (1923–2006). After explaining how Gestalt principles can be applied to... more
Gestalt Therapy techniques are considered to be powerful tools for the remobilization of human growth and change. I will attempt to show that the power of these techniques lies in the fact that they are effective ways of dealing with our... more
Summary: The paper [in German language] outlines the key concepts of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy, a strictly Gestalt psychology based psychotherapy method. Preprint of the book chapter: Zabransky, Dieter; Eva Wagner-Lukesch; Gerhard... more
My previous monographs justifying architecture as the making of metaphors were steeped in deductive formal reasoning since we could not find new research about metaphors. Many of my monographs included analyzing and explaining the... more
This paper will reflect on the possible relationship between Gestalt Psychotherapy and Autism. It expands on how the phenomenological approach that Gestalt therapy is based on can offer a richer understanding in the reality experienced by... more
INTRODUCCION La autoexigencia vive desde tiempos inmemorables en el artista, la cual ha llegado a provocarle insatisfacción y ser un limitante en su carrera artística. Miguel Ángel, encargado de decorar la Capilla Sixtina del Vaticano, su... more
Summary: This paper (in German language) examines the possible effects of changes in the psychotherapy settings through the involvement of further persons in a therapy that was dyadic before. In particular, it is worked out to what... more
Psicologia dell'apprendimento