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Presented at the French Graduate Seminar, All Souls’ College, University of Oxford, 8th March 2016. My thesis research focuses on the theatrical works by French Caribbean women writers; Ina Césaire, Michèle Césaire and Suzanne Dracius,... more
Jean Racine (1639-1699), seguramente, é um dos grandes mestres do teatro moderno e, em conjunto com Shakespeare, com Corneille e com Molière, representa até hoje referência obrigatória para aqueles que desejam reconstituir a trajetória... more
During the Napoleonic period, in the Italian peninsula the pedagogical and civic role of the theatre, described by the philosophes, assumed also an imperialistic meaning. The article focuses on the competition created between an Italian... more
The article explores the metamorphosis of a vampire figure in the beginning of the 19th century, when it evolved from a mindless walking corpse, well-known from Slavic folklore, into a deadly dangerous seducer of aristocratic backgrounds.... more
En 1937, Louis Jouvet publiait un article sur « L'apport de l'électricité dans la mise en scène au théâtre et au music-hall ». Il y livrait des vues pénétrantes sur la lumière au théâtre, sans dissocier technique, histoire et esthétique.... more
One of the important and widespread motifs in the French culture of the first half of the 18th century, from painting to literature, was that of imaginary voyages: voyages imaginaires. Marivaux makes frequent use of it in his work, most... more
This PhD thesis aims to highlight the emergence of new ways to represent collectivity in the French and Francophone theatrical lanscapes from the early eighties until now. I hereby confront selected theatrical pieces written by Abla... more
Pierre de Marivaux, L'Île des esclaves - Polish translation published by Dufour (1782), with notes and description, ed. by Piotr Olkusz.

Research financed by Polish National Centre Science (KBN; DEC --2012/04/S/HS2/00161)
This volume rests upon two premises: 1) That collective creation is pivotal to the evolution of the modern theatre; and 2) That women have been central to the emergence and development of collective creation. Though written to be read... more
Brought on by the influence of the Oriental culture, and specifically from his encounter with Balinese Theatre, Artaud was very concerned about the usage of the idea of Duality with regard for the expression of the body. He was... more
In 19th century French very successful melodrama, discourse is seen as a powerful way to get attention. Criminals and traitors are masters of speech and seductive persuasion, but they never achieve their goals by the end of the play. On... more
Molière’s The Doctor in Spite of Himself is a three-act comic masterpiece influenced by farce and inspired by a fabliau from the Middle Ages. It was first performed in 1666 at the Palais-Royal in Paris and had a huge success but it is... more
This book focuses on the biographies and artistic activities of the actresses Elena Balletti Riccoboni, known as Flaminia (Ferrara 1686-Paris 1771) and Jeanne Benozzi Balletti, known as Silvia (Toulouse 1701-Paris 1758), two prima donnas... more
Cette intervention porte sur l’adaptation du roman de Zola, Germinal, créée au Théâtre National de Strasbourg en 1975. Somme panoramique que l’on pourrait penser particulièrement à même de porter le projet de mettre la totalité d’un monde... more
European Drama and Performance Studies, dossier spécial "Le suicide en scène", dir. Noémie Courtès, n° 7, 2016, p. 157-170.
"Authorship of a text seldom, if ever, rests solely in the authority and control of a single individual; to turn a phrase, it takes a village to raise a story. Plays and productions perform within conversations and circumstances dictated... more
Marquée par le surgissement d’une parole jusqu’alors inouïe et inaudible, la révolution symbolique à laquelle De Certeau associe 1968 a conduit le théâtre à redéfinir ses missions et ses exigences. Comme en témoigne la déclaration de... more
Alors que nous fêterons le 250e anniversaire de sa première représentation cette année, Hirza ou les Illinois (25 mai 1767) de Sauvigny demeure une pièce relativement méconnue. Néanmoins, dans cette étude j’entends montrer que... more
Consacré aux représentations théâtrales du monde ouvrier, ce dossier est composé de deux parties. La première porte sur la création collective du Théâtre de l'Aquarium : La jeune lune tient la vieille lune toute une nuit dans ses bras... more
Pierre de Marivaux, Igrzysko miłości (Jeu de l’amour et du hasard), ed. by Piotr Olkusz Jeu de I’amour et du hazard, the play considered by many to be Marivaux’s best, while using a well-known comedic motif of dressing up (employed,... more
Analyse de la préface de Phèdre par rapport à Hippolyte Cette analyse vise à appliquer la formule qui se trouve dans la préface de Racine : « Phèdre n'est ni tout à fait coupable, ni tout à fait innocente​ » par rapport à Hippolyte.
The eponymous hero of this little-known play by Jean Anouilh is perceived by other protagonists as absent. Nevertheless, his presence is becoming more and more vivid with the development of the plot, which is illustrated by the analysis... more
Cette étude a pour but d’expliquer les procédés linguistiques et littéraires dont Reza s’est servie dans « Art » , avec une attention spéciale portée à la mise en pratique de l’humour et de la négation.
From Claudio Vicentini, "Theory of Acting. From Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century"¸ Marsilio & Acting Archives, Napoli, 2012 (
The first history of acting theory in the West, from antiquity to the eighteenth century when the specific characteristics of the actor’s art were established. An account of the long cultural journey to understanding every aspect behind... more
The one-act play Villa for Sale by Sacha Guitri presents an early twentieth-century French social setting. The entire action takes place in the salon of a small villa near Nogent-sur-Marne “a stone’s throw from the French Hollywood... more
ΑΠΟΣΠΑΣΜΑΤΑ ΘΕΑΤΡΙΚΩΝ ΕΡΓΩΝ των ( Carlo Goldoni, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Harold Pinter, Mystery Plays, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Sartre, Bernard Shaw, Paul Claudel, Pierre Corneille ) ΚΑΡΛΟ ΓΚΟΛΝΤΟΝΙ ΜΟΥΣΤΑΦΑ ΜΑΧΜΟΥΝΤ... more
The work of the French playwright Bernard-Marie Koltes, although phenomenally successful in continental Europe, has been staged less frequently in Anglo-American theatres; and a major feature on his work in NTQ49 in February 1997, and the... more
Ce mémoire de maitrise vise à analyser les trois pièces suivantes de Bernard-Marie Koltès : Quai ouest (1985), Le retour au désert (1988) et Roberto Zucco (1990) en prenant pour point de départ les thèses développées par Jacques Rancière... more
À l'œuvre notamment dans le théâtre de Marguerite Duras et de Nathalie Sarraute, la répétition-variation fait de la parole le lieu exclusif du drame, entérinant la désertion de l'action au profit d'un dialogue ressassant qui porte... more
After experiencing trouble with Tartuffe, in 1665 Molière offered the French audience a “pièce à machines”, Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre, which was enthusiastically received on the opening night, only to be almost immediately withdrawn... more
Ouvrage désormais accessible sur CAIRN : Placée sous le signe du quotidien, une part importante de la production théâtrale des années 1970 est marquée par la volonté de faire... more