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Transmedia storytelling presents an integral structure relies on both today’s technological, sociological, economical qualifications which formulated through convergence, and also extensions between media and industries. The opportunities... more
ABSTRACT At the turn of the century, the explosion of over-the-top (OTT) services such as Amazon Prime, HBO Now, Hulu and Netflix, along with the never-ending production of a wide variety of serialized formats, have swiftly raised the... more
This Master Thesis deals with the phenomena of "fans" and "fandom" in mainstream television. The work is divided into three parts. In the first part, after an introduction about the research process, and the... more
Swimming in the waters a half hour drive from Hermione's house, Hermione found some special seashells. She thought they were remarkably different from regular ones, in that these sparkled and transmitted coloured reflections from the... more
Full content of this issue is available at: Years after the Frankfurt School, Roland Barthes’s work, Laura Mulvey’s film analysis, The Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, various... more
College sports coaches and administrators can use open letters to repair images and weather crises, especially during losing seasons. Our rhetorical analysis uses Benoit’s typology of image repair to reveal three primary strategies... more
This article examines the Game of Thrones (GoT) fan phenomena in the Arab world. Although I contextualize GoT as a commodity within HBO’s global ambitions to attract a global audience, I study GoT Arab fans as an organized interpretive... more
The animated music videos of Radiohead, Chris Hopewell and Gastón Viñas are entwined by intertextual threads that refer to each other in a reciprocal and generative way. As a graphic artist and applied fan of the band Radiohead, Viñas has... more
Ro: A analiza popular culture din Japonia, dar și popular culture în general, devine un demers local și global în același timp, tocmai pentru că mediul digital și fluxurile inegale de distribuție, adesea oficiale, cât și generate de fani,... more
Not Here. David Bowie has always been a significant figure of the screen. Through appearing in experimental music videos, tense television interviews, controversial live performances, biographical documentaries, and auteur and genre... more
The 2012 film The Hunger Games and its three sequels, appearing quickly over the following three years, represent one of the most successful examples of the contemporary popularity of youth-oriented speculative film and television series.... more
Video gaming is economically, educationally, culturally, socially and theoretically important, and has, in a relatively short period of time, firmly cemented its place within contemporary life. It is fair to say, however, that the... more
Within the broad historical context in which transmedia has been practiced and studied, David Bowie and Floria Sigismondi are instructive for their transformative approaches toward creating art across media, and for their alchemical... more
Por meio da compreensão do ativismo de fãs como uma forma de resistência cotidiana cultural, econômica e criativa, o objetivo deste capítulo busca problematizar as relações entre participação, resistência e consumo de fãs do jogo on-line... more
Fans constitute a very special kind of audience. They have been marginalized, ridiculed and stigmatized, yet at the same time they seem to represent the vanguard of new relationships with and within the media. ‘Participatory culture’ has... more
Audiences for blockbuster event-film sequels and adaptations often formulate highly developed expectations, motivations, understandings and opinions well before the films are released. A range of intertextual and paratextual influences... more
Introducción El pasado mes de marzo la Asociación de Productoras de Animación Japonesas presentó el informe anual sobre el estado de la industria. De acuerdo a los datos revelados en dicho documento, en el año 2012 se exhibieron en las... more
Resumo Com o crescimento da indústria de entretenimento, o conhecimento sobre a relação entre os consumidores e o consumo de experiências pode trazer importante contribuição para a área de marketing. Nesse sentido, o trabalho visa... more
Conception of ‘star performance’ through popular music is stratified which generates diverse and often contradictory forms of thought. For example, stars and celebrities plausibly act as a ‘culture medium’ in which, through imagination,... more
Anime fandom has been a fairly constant subject in fan scholarship, although only recently have conversations about fan subbing begun to circulate. As useful as those conversations are, none have directly dealt either with the mechanisms... more
While anthropomorphizing nonhuman animals has been shown to increase identification with them and, by extension, concern for their wellbeing, little research has directly tested whether identifying with nonhuman animals is similarly... more
“‘You’re not a human being, you’re a number, a product, an asset as long as you can perform. If you can’t perform, then you’re a liability and they’ll drop you.’” Professional athletes suffer tremendous damage to their bodies over the... more
Classical sociologists like Max Weber pointed out the relationship between processes of modernization and cultural discontents. In this chapter it is argued that such discontents where at the heart of the critique of the romantic... more
New Forms and Interactions is a collection of eleven articles highlighting the controversial relation between the two traditionally opposed realms. By determining the forms, conditions and consequences of interaction between fiction and... more
Australians watch live sport in large numbers and traditionally consume high quantities of meat pies, chips and beer within stadiums. However, the food and beverage preferences of stadium-attending Australian sports fans are not well... more
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
This thesis deals with the emergence of fan communities around user-generated content. I will examine two case studies dealing with users and their transition to productivity through the use of contemporary technology, and characters and... more
The Takarazuka Revue is a popular Japanese theatrical company consisting solely of female performers. Since its establishment in 1914 Takarazuka has often been considered as part of shōjo culture but was its representation the same... more
Historically, emerging music and music-engendered forms of youth expression and aggregation have been considered a threat to mainstream culture, due to the belief that they can corrupt it at a societal level. Expanding on these... more
O conceito de fã vem sendo revisitado pela academia há décadas. Transita, de um lado, por imagens estigmatizadas – marcadas por estereótipos – e, por outro, por apreciações mais produtivas, nas quais os fãs são considerados como... more
This article investigates how young Australians who consume both Japanese and Korean popular culture conceptualise their multicultural identities. Through semi-structured interviews with 14 fans, I chart how they first encountered... more
Chinese-speaking popular cultures have never been so queer in this digital, globalist age. The title of this pioneering volume, Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols: Queer Fan Cultures in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan... more
Regendering, where fan creators change the gender of an existing character as part of the adaptation, offers a deconstruction of gender via the simultaneous examination of the engendering of the original character, and the manifestation... more
"Azriona's story "The Heart in Him" quoted in the title is an example of Omegaverse slash fan fiction, where characters develop supplementary gender identities at puberty. We can have male or female alphas, and male or female omegas. Male... more
This paper examines the ways in which television imagines the relationship between creators and audiences in the contemporary media landscape. This is developed through an examination of the inaugural seasons of three American television... more
There’s increasing evidence that, as media blogger Aja Romano notes, the “female, queer, genderqueer, nerdy, and unashamed” fans of Supernatural that make up the series’ own family are “diametrically opposed to the straightlaced... more
Draft version of Olaison, Lena; Saara L. Taalas. (2017). “Game of Gamification – Marketing, Consumer Resistance and Digital Play”, in Mikolaj Dymek and Peter Zackariasson (eds.) The Business of Gamification: A Critical Analysis.... more