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This research-based storybook for young children, contains research information in the back for parents, educators and family workers. The narrative follows the experiences of five-year-old Anthony who describes his struggles with waiting... more
14 Facilitating Family and Community Resilience in Response to Major Disaster JUDITH LANDAU JACK SAUL THIS CHAPTER EXAMINES the devastating psychosocial impact of major disasters and the capacity of families and communities to forge... more
The authors utilized hierarchical multiple regression to understand the relationships between complex trauma, family environment, family cohesion, and resilience in 485 young adults aged 18-35. The young adults varied regarding their... more
El autor nos presenta un exhaustivo estudio de caso único en el que se aborda la construcción de la identidad de Rafael Calderón, un joven estudiante del Grado Superior de Música. Rafael ha conseguido elaborar su identidad más allá de la... more
This article describes the Summer Institute in Global Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, a brief immersion training program for mental health, health, and allied professionals who work with populations that have endured severe... more
身心障礙家庭照顧者得及早面對自己步入中高齡階段仍須扮演「永遠的父母」角色之沈重事實(意即他們對照顧之責的承擔是從孩子出生到自己離世) ;同時照顧者也得尋找適當資源,以安然度過在其生理老化事實與原有家庭照顧功能交互影響下所出現的複雜需求。 筆者的大女兒雖罹患有先天性右腦發育異常(HME, Hemimegalencephaly半腦巨大畸形)... more
Published by: NASW Children & Schools (doi: 10.1093/cs/cdv028) Publication URL: Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people ages 15... more
How does anybody describe the difference between simply being heard and really being listened to? Listening is an art. When someone has been harmed, understanding the person’s situation can be like fitting puzzle pieces together. It means... more
Despite contemporary acceptance that children are active agents in their own socialization, that causality between parents and children is bidirectional, and that context matters, basic concepts used in socialization research continue to... more
Quanto il contesto fa l'uomo delinquente e quanto il delinquente influenza il contesto? Che cosa spinge il figlio di una famiglia degradata moralmente e socialmente, o comunque chi vive in un contesto criminale, a non assecondare le... more
Using a sample of 118 drug-involved women originally released from prison in the 1990s and re-interviewed between 2010 and 2011, this paper examines the role motherhood played in the desist-ance process from crime and substance abuse.... more
This paper presents a brief description of the environmental disaster that occurred in Minamata, Japan, in the 1950s, and its consequences to the current society, emphasizing actions that seek the prevention of heavy metal poisoning,... more
The aim of this study is to present an explanation of relational resilience in families with a disabled child with spousal support, which can be a protective factor, and couple burnout, which can be a risk factor. The study group of the... more
Background Information on the psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) in family caregivers of children with chronic diseases is currently unavailable, indicating a sig- nificant gap in the literature.... more
Resilience theory, although it has been evolving over the past 70-80 years, has enjoyed a renaissance in the past two or three decades. What started as an enquiry into the childhood roots of resilience has grown into a broad, dynamic and... more
Vizsgálatunk az anyaotthonba kerülő családokra fókuszál, mely intézményi forma átmenetet képez a nevelőotthon illetve a teljes családban felnövők intézménye között. Az anyaotthonban együtt vannak a családtagok (anya és gyerekek), azonban... more
The study examined the nature and prevalence of Violence Against Women (VAW), and how such affects women to make recommendations to reduce the same in Tanzania. Quantitative data were analysed by use of Statistical Package for the Social... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the family resilience and the role of sibling relations among family members who have lost their father in the last five years. Criterion sampling method was employed in the study, which is... more
In The 2013 Kennedy Center VSA Intersections: Arts and Special Education Exemplary Programs and Approaches. Pg 103-126
Three different sources of information were analyzed and integrated to shed light on resilience in intimate relationships. Three family therapists were interviewed about their experiences with couples in distress, excerpts from five... more
The purpose of the qualitative grounded theory study was to explore organizational, educational, and social science paradigms of the resiliency phenomenon. Analysis focused on discovering the data that could identify traits of... more
The subjective nature of human experiences continuously exposes us to those (re)constructed ‎realities that are pivotal in defining any particular phenomenon. The global pandemic Covid-‎‎19 has led to unprecedented measures like... more
Se desarrolló una estrategia cognitivo‐conductual para el manejo del duelo en la diada madre‐hijo. Participaron una mujer de 40 años y su primogénito (e hijo único) varón de 9 años. El motivo de consulta de la madre fueron síntomas de... more
Háttér, célkitűzések: A 10 tételes Reziliencia Kérdőív a lelki ellenálló képesség mérésére kidolgozott eszköz. Az itemek Connor–Davidson Reziliencia Skálájának 25 itemes változatából származnak, az eredeti angol kérdőív megfelelő... more
Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan uji coba rancangan konseling pranikah bagi pasangan yang sudah berencana untuk menikah. Tujuan penelitian ialah melihat efektivitas rancangan program dalam memberikan pengetahuan mengenai kehidupan... more
This PhD thesis presents an anthropological analysis of informal education activities among two French autochthonous communities: the Wayana-Apalaï people, living in French Guiana, and the Enata people, in French Polynesia. Thanks to the... more
Resilience, understood here as the way that parents cope with the vulnerability situation of having a child with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), gains importance when experiencing negativity in the family, school and social settings. The... more
"Resilience as an experience of the Kingdom of God" is the title of the book written by María Stella Rodríguez Arenas, published in 2015 by the publishing house of the Pontifical Javeriana University in Colombia. In a certain novel way,... more
Resilience can be defined as establishing equilibrium subsequent to disturbances to a system caused by significant adversity. When families experience adversity or transitions, multiple regulatory processes may be involved in establishing... more
Abstract Objective: This commentary reviews current conceptualizations of well-being, examines explanations for the lack of attention to well-being research, and provides justification for investing research time and funding into... more
La resilienza come chiave di trasformazione e di approccio efficace al mondo. Il testo affronta in più ambiti e da diverse esperienze e competenze degli autori il significato, il valore e il concetto della resilienza in ambito... more
En este artículo se presenta el concepto resiliencia familiar, revisando sus antecedentes históricos, desarrollos actuales y posibles aplicaciones en el campo de la intervención clínica, psicosocial y de salud con familias altamente... more
Panel paper presented at the International Women Leading Education across Continents (WLE) Conference 2015 at the University of Waikato, Aotearoa, New Zealand. 1-3 September 2015. ISBN 978-0-9807965-7-5 The 1971 liberation war in... more
In this article, we call for greater recognition of friendship as a basic social relation that should play a pivotal role in re-imagining social resilience if it is to be future-proof in the face of social upheaval, such as the current... more
In this era of education reform, school counselors are among educators being held accountable for the academic achievement of minority and poor children. School counselors in urban schools serve a disproportionate number of minority and... more
Anchored in a ‘core story’ of early childhood development, ‘the biology of adversity and resilience’ (TBOAR) is an emerging scientific paradigm that seeks to explain how and why adverse childhood experiences have consequences in the form... more
Resilience is a theoretical framework that has gained increasingly popularity over the past few decades as a way of understanding why some individuals bounce back from adversity while others succumb. This paper endeavours to demonstrate... more
Many global catastrophic risks threaten major disruption to global food supplies, including nuclear wars, volcanic eruptions, asteroid and comet impacts, and plant disease outbreaks. This paper discusses options for increasing the... more