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The Postmodern Retrieval of Neoplatonism in Jean-Luc Marion and John Milbank and the Origins of Western Subjectivity in Augustine and Eriugena
This is the synopsis of my new book, which is now available from Stanford University Press, but also Amazon etc/. See further here on the SUP page: "A fresh and more capacious reading of the... more
In these essays Peter Dronke looks at some of the relations between sacred and profane ideas and images, and Christian and pagan motifs, particularly in the early Middle Ages. The first two parts of the book dwell on aspects of (in the... more
In the hexaemeral part of the Periphyseon, Eriugena reports on two hermeneutical traditions on the first light of creation. According to the first tradition, attributed to Basil, primordial light is corporeal and of fiery nature.... more
Convergences between Platonism and the Abrahamic Religions Parts 3, 4 & 5 Adapted for the De Li Non Aliud Reading Group 2021 Perspectives and Directions: Light illuminates but blinds eyes accustomed to darkness. Darkness defeats eyes... more
It is not anachronistic to talk about the Self in medieval philosophy, but it is often a self without subjectivity. I look Boethius on the self as an ideal; Eriugena and the unknowable self; how Anselm avoids Augustinian ideas of... more
A smaller version of this paper was published as “Conversion: Ontological & Secular from Plato to Tom Jones”, Numero Cinq, V: 7, July 2014 and is posted elsewhere on Its aim is to present some features of conversion as... more
Written by a natural scientist, this book is an essay on universal consciousness, which the author explores using a comparative approach borrowed from the neurosciences and Physics. A super sentient being, God is relative to a level of... more
“Whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.” (Genesis 2.19) PANTOKRATOR, the Cosmic Christ: A Christian Theology of Nature Lent Two, March 7, 2004 at Evensong Last Sunday evening, we left the first Adam... more
Contiene el texto Hebdomadibus de Boecio, con la glosa que realizó Eriúgena y los comentarios que a esta obra hizo Tomás de Aquino, tanto en latín como en español.
In this article the cosmological and metaphysical dimensions of the Logos concept in the Hellenic and Patristic traditions are explored. Heraclitus initially depicted the logos as the ontological link between the One and the many, with... more
Gottschalk of Orbais (808-867): His influence upon the transmission of Augustinian theology to the future reformers may make him the de facto source of Protestantism. His name meant “God’s Servant” (Ussher, Elrington 124) and he was an... more
Dionysius in Albertus Magnus and his student Thomas Aquinas Oxford Handbook to Dionysius the Areopagite Edited Mark Edwards, Dimitrios Pallis, George Steiris “Dionysius nearly everywhere follows Aristotle as will be evident to anyone... more
The centrality of natural theology in this period and its inescapable formation of what succeeds are indicated by the multiple forms it takes throughout its extent in Hellenic, Jewish, and Christian philosophies, religious practices, and... more
After rehearsing the steps through which the mind has passed in its ascent into God he passes to the last where, paradoxically, by looking above itself to intellect and what intellect contemplates, it is properly called «mind» «supra se,... more
This chapter on later Platonic traditions focuses on Denys, otherwise known as Ps-Dionysius the Areopagite. A late fifth- to early sixth-century theologian dependent on Plotinus, Damascius, and, above all, Proclus, assumed to have been... more
The central logic of Origen’s De Principiis rests upon the axiom that “the end must be like the beginning.” Despite the importance of this principle, Origen never elaborates upon it, but simply asserts it as the incontrovertible ground of... more
Augustine’s Trinitarian Cosmos for God Everyday and Everywhere, the 37th Annual Atlantic Theological Conference June 22nd 2017 at the University of King’s College Wayne J. Hankey DRAFT Please send comments and suggestions to me at... more
This paper represents my first thoughts in developing a broader project that will question unexamined assumptions regarding gender essentialism within the Eastern Orthodox tradition and the contemporary roles of men and women within the... more
In this book, the author presents a novel thesis regarding apophatic philosophy. He traces the roots of "De Mystica Theologia" by Dionysius Areopagite (pseudo Dionysius) in the poem of Parmenides "peri physeos". As a secondary theme, the... more
This paper has two parts. In the first I bring out, almost exclusively from the Confessions, how God’s Trinitarian life is both his own being and that of everything else in the cosmos; in humans, God, as the structure of our being, is... more
The purpose of this paper is to explore Eckhart’s possible reception of Gregory of Nyssa’s anthropology, whose radical theory of the divine image reached the West probably since the times of Ambrose of Milan. Subsequently, Gregory’s De... more
AUGUSTINE’S TRINITARIAN COSMOS for God Everyday and Everywhere, the 37th Annual Atlantic Theological Conference, June 22nd 2017 at the University of King’s College This paper and my “The Conversion of God in Aquinas’ Summa theologiae”... more
Among leading contemporary Western philosophical and theological phenomena is making the ineffable immediately incarnate, i.e. the immediate union of the extreme ends of Platonist systems. The ineffable first is immediately joined to the... more
This paper was presented to the “God Everyday and Everywhere” Conference in June 2017 the day after I delivered “The Conversion of God in Aquinas’ Summa theologiae: Being’s Trinitarian and Incarnational Self Disclosure” to the “Wisdom... more
This paper will argue that the order and the unity of St. Thomas Aquinas’s five ways can be elucidated through a consideration of St. Thomas’s appropriation of an Avicennian insight that he used to order and unify the wisdom of the... more
Per Lumina Vera ad Verum Lumen: The Anagogical Intention of Abbot Suger Symmeikta: Collection of Papers Dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of the Institute for Art History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 2012 This... more
Il presente lavoro intende ricostruire, nelle sue tappe salienti, l'evolversi storico-concettuale di quella particolare modalità di “riflessione filosofica intorno al principio primo della realtà” nota come “teologia negativa”,... more
Neoplatonism and Trinitarian Difference in Aquinas, John Milbank, Jean-Luc Marion and John Zizioulas The position of Postmodern Christian theology vis a vis philosophy is strikingly ironic. The totality with which it asserts its right... more
Ezra Pound's sustained use of ancient and medieval philosophical sources, particularly those within the Neoplatonic tradition, is well known. Yet the specific influence of the ninth-century theologian Johannes Scottus Eriugena on Pound's... more
ENGLISH In the 12th century European context, predominates the iconography of Christ placed in a light mystic mandorla holding an open book containing inscriptions concerning a special theology of light. The Maiestas Domini... more
The main aim of this work is to investigate the logics of negation and the concept of 'nothing' in three works of medieval philosophical theology: Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite's the Mystical Theology and the Divine Names, and John... more
John Scottus Eriugena: Treatise on Divine Predestination. trans. Mary Brennan, with an introduction to the English translation by Avital Wohlman. University of Notre Dame Press, 1998. The Medieval Review 2000... more
In this essay we discuss the teaching on the creation of the world and humankind by three of the greatest Christian thinkers of the first millennium. Two of them came from North Africa and one from Ireland; two wrote in Latin and one in... more
Reproduced with kind permission from 'Theofilus' Vol. 8, n 1, 2016 The theological sensibility of Radical Orthodoxy in its quest to return to traditional sources of orthodoxy for a ‘radical’ critique of secular thought has particularly... more
For the month of June, EG has become a print journal.
The 110-page magazine features work from 21 writers, four artists, and no analytic philosophers.
Participatio divini luminis, la doctrine de Thomas d'Aquin sur l'Intellect Agent : Notre capacité à la contemplation En 2001 deux travaux en Anglais sont revenus sur l'enseignement de Thomas concernant la lumière intellectuelle de l'homme... more