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T. P. Ellis’ 50 pages of legal analysis of the Mabinogion (1928) is exceptionally methodical and detailed, with supporting quotes on all important points, and page referencing to the mediaeval MSS. As a high court judge in a tribal... more
There are certain thoughts - intimations - that will seem corny, or laughable, and therefore dismissed - and only seriously absorbed into the changing mind when felt, in the shelter of the quietly moving music of the soul. It is the... more
This paper - first published in German, in Herdfeuer (2020) 56 - presents, as an important finding for the history of Germanic religion, in the Christian Middle Ages, an analysis of the praise poem, Carmen de Imagine Tetrici, by the... more
This book examines the link between Platonism and the Hermetic Tradition in the Latin World through the Middle Ages until early Modern times. It can be downloaded for free from:... more
This essay, published in: Herdfeuer, no. 39 (2/2014), (Beyss, Barbara (ed.), Eldaring e.v. (publ.)), pp. 4 – 46, follows some traces of a pre-Christian heritage on a chapel dating from the early Middle Ages. It refers to the long history... more
The beautiful 'Cobden' Book of Hours in the Special Collections Archive at Bristol University has three sections devoted to the saints. The calendars are examined, and the saints have been analysed as saints of Troyes, where the Book was... more
This paper will argue that the order and the unity of St. Thomas Aquinas’s five ways can be elucidated through a consideration of St. Thomas’s appropriation of an Avicennian insight that he used to order and unify the wisdom of the... more
Per Lumina Vera ad Verum Lumen: The Anagogical Intention of Abbot Suger Symmeikta: Collection of Papers Dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of the Institute for Art History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 2012 This... more
ENGLISH In the 12th century European context, predominates the iconography of Christ placed in a light mystic mandorla holding an open book containing inscriptions concerning a special theology of light. The Maiestas Domini... more
due saggi: sui dottori della Chiesa in genere e su quelli della scuola francescana del XIII sec.
poi confluiti nei miei due libri I Dottori della Chiesa e La Navata della Sapienza
For the month of June, EG has become a print journal.
The 110-page magazine features work from 21 writers, four artists, and no analytic philosophers.
‚Frau Holle‘ ist im kulturellen Gedächtnis deutschsprachiger Länder lebendig geblieben und ist durch Grimms Märchen weltweit bekannt geworden. Die ehrenvoll als 'Holda', die ‚Holde‘, bezeichnete, gehört zu den germanischen Gottheiten,... more
This paper examines William of Malmesbury's (c.1090—c.1142) detailed description of ancient Roman remains at Carlisle in northern England. This remarkable passage features in his 'Gesta pontificum Anglorum' (Book III ch. 99) and has been... more
Anhand von zeitgenössischen Quellen wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie die Rolle Heinrichs des Löwen auf dem Wendenkreuzzug beschrieben und charakterisiert wird. Bei der Untersuchung wird in den Fokus gestellt, wie es möglicherweise zum... more
Aim of this paper is to follow the paths of eriugenian thought in one of his most topical argument: the creation of everything in the Verb. Moving from the fourfold division of nature, set at the beginning of Periphyseon, two main... more
It is necessary to consider medieval Western Neoplatonism as a current of thought inserted in a wide cultural atmosphere where liturgical, theological, aesthetic, and artistic patterns play an important role as elements of a common... more
Il saggio è poi confluito nei miei libri I Padri della Chiesa e La Navata della Sapienza
A Homily on the Prologue to the 4th Gospel (the "Homily") written by Eriugena was attributed to Origen in the Medieval Period, but that attribution was not conclusively proven to be wrong until the mid-20th century. Consequently, the... more
This article examines textual descriptions of smiling, laughing and joking with the pope in thirteenth-century Rome. It focuses on two Anglo-Norman accounts of conducting litigation at the papal curia: Thomas of Marlborough's (d.1236)... more
The result of a colloquium organised by the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies (Cambridge, UK), Divine Essence and Divine Energies offers a rich repository of diverse opinion about the distinction between essence and energy in... more
When Kant read Newton (and Clarke) the following conceptual space could have been opened up for him: space is neither a substance nor an accident, but is the way in which objects are present to the (divine) mind. Space is the divine... more
Despite his importance both as a historical figure in twelfth-century Constantinople and as a theologian, Hugh Eterianus and his output have remained almost unknown and his works never properly edited. In the wake of Antoine Dondaine’s... more
introduzione ai mistici del XIV secolo

Questo saggio è poi confluito nei miei due libri I Dottori della Chiesa e La Navata della Sapienza
From The City of Reason vol 3 Universitas by Dr Peter Critchley Augustine is the last great ancient thinker, using all of his pagan education and training for powerful and cogent statement of Christian thought. Augustine “provided the... more
The works of Polish archaeologists in Sudan, ongoing since "The Nubian Campaign" (1961-1964), constantly enrich our knowledge about Christian Nubia. New research not only forces us to correct our knowledge on Nubia, but also to take a... more
World Tree Music is a journey into love, legend and mystery through music and song. A cool rippling stream of organic and electronic sound ... a collage of energetic rhythms; topped with a voice like burnished crystal. This is our long... more
Imago Dei is one of the important issues of the theological debate in western Europe between the twelfth and thirteenth century. Focusing on the exegesis of Genesis 1, 26 medieval theologians reconsider the patristic heritage. From the... more