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Brief blog post drawing from Dorothy Sayers to critique the modern and post-modern cult of Relevance over Doctrine, Dogma, and strong arguments.
Abstract This thesis sets out to understand the theological method of Dorothy L. Sayers, a complex woman of letters. The preeminent argument is that a new and helpful paradigm for understanding Sayers’ work and evaluating her... more
A partir da ideia de trindade criativa de Dorothy L. Sayers e da concepção agostiniana de Trindade, tentaremos mostrar que em O Silmarillion de J.R.R. Tolkien existem vestígios da Trindade cristã refletidos em Eru Ilúvatar, o Deus Criador... more
A variety of psychoanalytic readings of late-Victorian and early-twentieth century crime fiction often place the detective at the centre of their analysis, depicting them as a conduit through which readings of other aspects of the genre... more
Advisor: Professor James Hopkins Master of Arts conferred May 14, 2016 Dissertation completed April 15, 2016 Southern Methodist University Today’s popular culture is inundated with adaptations of and references to Arthur Conan Doyle’s... more
Barbara Reynolds, famed Italian scholar, developed a deep and collegial friendship with Dorothy L. Sayers. Reynolds wrote the biography, "Dorothy L. Sayers: Her life and soul," and when Sayers passed away before finishing her translation... more
Literary Images of Christ as Hero in the Early Poetry of Dorothy L. Sayers: The Influence of English and French Romanticism Barbara L. Prescott As a Christian apologist, Dorothy L. Sayers is rarely considered to be an author whose... more
This article offers a preliminary exploration of the ironical paratexts accompanying published articles and books of Sherlockian Scholarship. This beloved genre, a specialty of Sherlockian enthusiasts, features playful expository texts... more
A partir de alguns trechos específicos de O Silmarillion, investigamos os vestígios trinitários de Eru Ilúvatar que sugerem a possibilidade dele, assim como o Deus cristão, ser uma trindade.
J.R.R. Tolkien versus Dorothy Sayers: comparing the theories in 'On Fairy Stories' and 'The Mind of the Maker'. The former sees in Fantasy the highest form of Art, while the latter makes a case for its opposite, Drama. Nevertheless their... more
Dorothy L. Sayers is most famous for her detective fiction, particularly the mystery novels involving Lord Peter Wimsey. Her greatest gift to history, however, is the application of a faithful concept of vocation to her art. Based on a... more
"What is the meaning of life?", Haack begins, is a bad question. But there are good questions about what makes lives worthwhile, and it is these that occupy her in this paper.
An entry for the Literary Encyclopedia on Dorothy L. Sayers's first novel, _Whose Body?_ (1923).
The Patterson Papers: Inklings of Lewis, Williams, and Sayers collects the work of prolific scholar Nancy-Lou Patterson, active primarily in the 1980s and 1990s. Most of the essays first appeared in the journal Mythlore but are... more
This series collects the works of prolific scholar Nancy-Lou Patterson (1929-2018), active primarily in the 1980s and 1990s. Most of the essays first appeared in the journal Mythlore but are supplemented by articles that were unpublished... more
Ngaio Marsh is recognised as one of the original Queens of Crime: her works sit alongside the greats of the crime fiction genre’s golden age including Agatha Christie, Dorothy L Sayers and Margery Allingham. Dame Edith Ngaio Marsh is just... more
A specific structure is crucial to the design of the detective novel. This idea was already prevalent in the interwar period, when the detective genre was booming (therefore it was called “the Golden Age detective novel”) and various... more
"The robust criticism of contemporaries is most salutary, and we, undoubtedly, had the sense to profit from it." "The lecturer expoundeth what we think we think, And why we think we think we do." Not Old, Madam, Vintage Charis Ursula... more
This talk looks at the presence, influence and purpose of animals in popular detective fiction, ranging from some of its earliest incarnations in Edgar Allan Poe’s short ‘Dupin’ stories of the 1840s, through to the infamous Sherlock... more
The Table of Contents for the most recent edition of The Lamp-Post (38.2 Fall/Winter 2020).  The Spring/Summer issue (39.1) will be posted within the month.
Background: The aim of the article is to offer a possible way to the theme of imagination in relation to Christology, Trinitology and the theme of holiness with the help of C. S. Lewis and Dorothy L. Sayers. This concept is opened by... more
In her 2015 monograph Guilty but Insane: Mind and Law in Golden Age Detective Fiction, Samantha Walton performs a rare and comprehensive analyses of the significance of psychology in golden age detective fiction, exploring ‘the detective... more
En este ensayo (con la ayuda de Dorothy Sayers, autora tanto de obras de ficción detectiva como de ensayos importantes sobre la muchas temas, incluyendo el feminismo) Haack presente su concepción de un feminismo que reconoce tanto lo que... more
"What is the meaning of life?" --- A bad question, Haack replies, inviting a religious answer. The better question is "what can make a life worthwhile?" to which there are many true answers.
Yuletide greetings! Hobbits celebrate Yule, too, at the turning of the year. Our present to all of you this year: the contents of Mythlore 80/Mallorn 30, the elusive, out-of-print Tolkien Centenary Conference Proceedings, are now... more