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Introduction et traduction en français de l’Histoire des Mongols de Jean de Plancarpin, accompagnée d’une traduction de documents ayant trait au voyage dans l’empire mongol de Jean de Plancarpin (lettres et privilèges missionnaires... more
The article poses the thesis that the authors of the Gesta Francorum and the Historia de Hierosolymitano Itinere in their vision of the First Crusade’s events used a conventional, i.e., pre-existing tradition of missionary practice, and... more
Üsâme b. Münkız, İbretler Kitabı = Kitabü’l-İtibar : Selahattin Eyyubi’nin Danışmanlarından Emir Üsame’nin Anıları, trc. Yusuf Ziya Cömert, Kitabevi, İstanbul 2015, 5. Baskı, 264 sayfa metin
Üç semavi dinin kutsal mekânı, Müslümanların ilk kıblesi Kudüs hakkında ne biliyoruz? Uğrunda mücadeleler verilen ve asırlarca farklı hâkimiyetler altında kalan Kudüs tarih boyunca hep “Halilullah” şehri olarak saygı görmüştür. Mukaddes... more
The history of the Crusades is filled with stories that are sometimes ironic, sometimes interesting, sometimes admirable and sometimes horrific. Sometimes a fated war could have been tied to hours, siblings and friends could be subjected... more
"In his recent book „The Collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean“ (Cambridge 2012), Ronnie Ellenblum argues that a series of climatic disasters in the 11th cent. led to the decline of polities in the Near East and prepared the ground for... more
A review of Asbridge's "The First Crusade: A New History"

A really great, palatable and exciting read.
The establishment of feudal principalities in the Levant in the wake of the First Crusade (1095-1099) saw the beginning of a centuries-long process of conquest and colonization of lands in the eastern Mediterranean by French-speaking... more
Book Review of "Guerra Santa. Formação da ideia de cruzada no Ocidente cristão" (Campinas: Editora da UNICAMP, 2013), by Jean Flori. Original Title: "La Guerre Sainte. La formation de l’idée de croisade dans l’Occident chrétien"... more
The Epistola ad Paschalem II papam is a diplomatic document written in the context of the expedition led by Bohemond of Antioch against the Byzantine Emperor Alexios Komnenos in 1107/1108. It is rightfully regarded as one of the most... more
SOUZA, Guilherme Queiroz de. Cruzadas. In: LANGER, Johnni (org.). Dicionário de História das Religiões na Antiguidade e Medievo. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2020, p. 126-129.
"Knjiga koja je pred nama, pod naslovom In nomine Dei: Kratka istorija krstaških ratova, zajedničko je delo nekoliko autora. Oni su svoj zadatak shvatili veoma široko, pa su dužnu pažnju posvetili i predistoriji krstaških pokreta tako što... more
Robert the Monk’s History of the First Crusade is an important account of the First Crusade. Although historians don’t believe that he actually went on the crusade, it is fairly certain that he was present at the Council of Clermont in... more
This course examines the interconnected medieval worlds of Europe, Africa, and Eurasia from the death of Muhammad to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople. Content extends from the emergence of Islam to the Ottoman conquest of... more
The nine-hundredth anniversary of the First Crusade (1095-99) saw hundreds of evangelical Western Christians trace the route of the medieval expedition apologising to local communities for the violence of the crusades. The Reconciliation... more
Karin Schneider-Ferber describes in her book "Knights in Exile" (Darmstadt 2016) the extensive political changes in the Mediterranean since the 12th century till to the presence. In the focus: the Knights Hospitallers in their difficult... more
A review of Communicating the Middle Ages: Essays in Honour of Sophia Menache. Edited by Iris Shagrir, Benjamin Z. Kedar, and Michel Balard. Crusades – Subsidia 11. London–New York: Routledge, 2018. XXX + 277 pp. ISBN: 978-1-138-06819-3.
A Book Review of Jonathan Phillips' The Life and Legend of the Sultan Saladin (Bodley Head, 2019) in Royal Studies Journal 8.1 (2021).
En juin 1366, Amédée VI de Savoie, dit le Comte Vert, s'embarque à Venise pour porter secours à l'Empire byzantin, de plus en plus menacé par les Ottomans. Placée sous le patronage du pape Urbain V cette croisade sera surtout le fait... more