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Si l’art des jardins bruxellois a certes connu des apports extérieurs dès le Moyen Âge et l’époque moderne, c’est indéniablement à partir de la fin du XVIIIe, et encore davantage au XIXe siècle, que les influences étrangères se firent... more
In 1904, the young landscape architect Jules Buyssens was appointed as Parks and Plantations Inspector by the City of Brussels. During the exercise of this office, he was responsable for some major projects such as the restoration of the... more
L’histoire de la création et de la préservation des espaces verts bruxellois fut marquée, depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle, par une tension constante entre deux courants. Le premier, plus ouvert à la modernité et à l’urbanisation,... more
The essays collected in Aesthetics and Environment comprise a set of variations on art and culture guided by the theme of environment. The essays deal with the physical reality of environment such as the city, the shore, the water and... more
Can we analyze Asian cities starting from the concept of limit, although they seem intended to extend to infinity and grow in an unsustainable way? The Laboratory Nature-City of Matera, University of Basilicata (IT) is trying to answer to... more
Com o desenvolvimento tecnológico do século XX houve também modificações nas formas das pessoas se relacionarem entre si, com o que fazem e o que consomem. As cidades são comumente entendidas como artefatos sociotecnológicos da... more
The aim of this paper is to re-determine the relationship between natural and man-made elements in urban design by proposing that they be melded dynamically in the heart of the city. We formulate a design direction in which nature is... more
In this paper possible applications of ecological modelling on the municipal level and beyond are investigated. The use of models and scenarios can help in the valuation of ecosystem services, that is, the benefits humans derive from... more
A written text does not read the soul of its readers, and it does not have a question and answer relationship. Since the author is absent, they also cannot correct the misunderstandings made by the reader, which makes the text inferior to... more
Over the last years, in metropolis all over the world, the upsurge of new types of public spaces, created in vacant lots, has been revealing the tendency for the search of a closer connection of urbanites to nature and rurality. The... more