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In this paper the authors show that the largest eigenvalue of the sample covariance matrix tends to a limit under certain conditions when both the number of variables and the sample size tend to infinity. The above result is proved under... more
Abstract. We study Rickard equivalences between p-blocks of twisted group algebras and their local structure, in connection with Dade's conjectures. We prove that an extended form of Broué's conjecture implies Dade's... more
We develop a general space–time filter applied to panel data models in order to control for heterogeneity as well as both time and spatial dependence. Treatment of initial period observations is analyzed when the number of time periods... more
Vector algebra is a powerful and needful tool for Physics but unfortunately, due to lack of mathematical skills, it becomes misleading for first undergraduate courses of science and engineering studies. Standard vector identities are... more
The recently developed theory of partial actions of discrete groups on $C^*$-algebras is extended. A related concept of actions of inverse semigroups on $C^*$-algebras is defined, including covariant representations and crossed products.... more
This conjecture deals with the prime count function, n(p) and p, prime. Let a^(n(p) – 1) == p + x^2 y^2 Richard Crandal and Carl Pomerance. Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective, c. 2005 (p. 321) Definition of elliptical curve y^2 =... more
We construct a gauge fixed action for topological membranes on $G_2$-manifold such that its bosonic part is the standard membrane theory in a particular gauge. We prove that quantum mechanically the path-integral in this gauge localizes... more
Let (A,H,D) be a spectral triple, namely: A is a C^*-algebra, H is a Hilbert space on which A acts and D is a selfadjoint operator with compact resolvent such that the set of elements of A having a bounded commutator with D is dense. A... more
An integer matrix $A\in M_d(\Z)$ induces a covering $\sigma_A$ of $\T^d$ and an endomorphism $\alpha_A:f\mapsto f\circ \sigma_A$ of $C(\T^d)$ for which there is a natural transfer operator $L$. In this paper, we compute the KMS states on... more
We associate different types of full groups to Cantor minimal systems. We show how these various groups (as abstract groups) are complete invariants for orbit equivalence, strong orbit equivalence and flip conjugacy, respectively.... more
We show that the algebra and the endomotive of the quantum statistical mechanical system of Bost--Connes naturally arises by extension of scalars from the "field with one element" to rational numbers. The inductive structure of the... more
Improvement of vanilla from wilt disease through in vitro culture Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia A.) is one of the important industrial plants as a source of farmers' income and state earnings. Product of the plant is commonly used as a... more