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In the history of mathematics, the algebraic theory of semigroups is a relative new-comer, with the theory proper developing only in the second half of the twentieth century. Before this, however, much groundwork was laid by researchers... more
ABSTRACT A filter in a semigroup is a subsemigroup whose complement is an ideal. (Alternatively, in a quasiordered semigroup, a slightly more general definition can be given.) We prove a number of results related to filters in a semigroup... more
Abstract It is well known that the smallest semilattice congruence can be described via filters. We generalise this result to the smallest left (right) normal band congruences and also to arbitrary semilattice (left normal band, right... more
We study left and right negatively orderable semigroups, natural one-sided generalizations of negatively orderable semigroups, in the wide class $${\mathfrak {C}}$$C of semigroups where every element has a left and a right identity. In... more
The reader is guided through a detailed proof of the Ehresmann-Schein-Nambooripad Theorem from the point of view of symmetry, following Lawson's proof in Inverse Semigroups: The Theory of Partial Symmetries. Sierpiński's Sieve is taken as... more
We study the partial actions of monoids on sets, in the sense of Megrelishvili and Schröder, and derive generalisations of results already obtained in the group case by Kellendonk and Lawson. Particular attention is paid to the question... more
Introduced several new axiomatic systems, that are not less general than group theory, and discovered discontinuous analysis. In this work I introduce and study in details the concepts of funcoids which generalize proximity spaces and... more
The objective of this paper is to study the ordered h-regular semirings by the properties of their ordered h-ideals. It is proved that each h-regular ordered semiring is an ordered h-regular semiring but the converse does not follow.... more
The purpose of this paper is to investigate, the characterizations of different classes of non-associative ordered semigroups by using anti fuzzy left (resp. right, interior) ideals. 2020 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 13Cxx, 94D05,... more
Let X be a nonempty set. The full transformation, T (X) on a set X is the mapping from X into itself with a composition operation. This study is sequel to the work of Mendes-Goncalves and Sullivan (2011), [9] who studied the semigroup of... more
Semigroup theory is a thriving field in modern abstract algebra, though perhaps not a very well-known one. In this article, we give a brief introduction to the theory of algebraic semigroups and hopefully demonstrate that it has a flavor... more
We consider the investigation of the embedding of semigroups in groups, a problem which spans the early-twentieth-century development of abstract algebra. Although this is a simple problem to state, it has proved rather harder to solve,... more
Authors in this book study the notion of Smarandache
element in multiset semigroups.
We find strong relationships between the zero-divisor graphs of apparently disparate kinds of nilpotent-free semigroups by introducing the notion of an \emph{Armendariz map} between such semigroups, which preserves many graph-theoretic... more
One of the major issues facing mathematics at present is the demand for immediate applications. Another (historical) example of such a policy may be found in Soviet ideological interference in mathematics, of which I will give a short... more
The aim of this literature study is to provide a theoretical basis for “preliminary” concepts as set forth in the article "On generalized inverses and Green’s relations" by X.Mary, with a focus on its application to matrices over an... more
This is the second in a projected series of three papers, the aim of which is the complete description of the closure of any one-parameter inverse semigroupin a locally compact topological inverse semigroup. In it we characterize all... more
Anton Kazimirovich Suschkewitsch was a Russian mathematician who spent most of his working life at Kharkov State University in the Ukraine. In the 1920s, he embarked upon the first systematic study of semigroups, placing him at the very... more
In this paper we give a full description of idempotent elements of the semigroup BX (D), which are defined by semilattices of the class Σ1 (X, 10). For the case where X is a finite set we derive formulas by means of which we can calculate... more
In this paper, let be a nite set, be a complete-semilattice of unions and = {{ 1 \ 1 = , 1 \ 2 = , 4 \ 3 = , 3 \ 4 = , 6 \ 7 = , 7 \ 6 = , 2 ∪ 1 = 3 , 4 ∪ 3 = 5 , 6 ∪ 7 = 8. Using the characteristic family of sets, the characteristic... more
In this paper let Q = {T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8} be a subsemilattice of X−semilattice of unions D where T1 ⊂ T2 ⊂ T3 ⊂ T5 ⊂ T6 ⊂ T8, T1 ⊂ T2 ⊂ T3 ⊂ T5 ⊂ T7 ⊂ T8, T1 ⊂ T2 ⊂ T4 ⊂ T5 ⊂ T6 ⊂ T8, T1 ⊂ T2 ⊂ T4 ⊂ T5 ⊂ T7 ⊂ T8, T1 6= ∅,... more
The Ehresmann-Schein-Nambooripad (ESN) Theorem, stating that the category of inverse semigroups and morphisms is isomorphic to the category of inductive groupoids and inductive functors, is a powerful tool in the study of inverse... more
We introduce partial actions of weakly left $E$-ample semigroups, thus extending both the notion of partial actions of inverse semigroups and that of partial actions of monoids. Weakly left $E$-ample semigroups arise very naturally as... more
In this paper we study flatness properties (pullback flatness, limit flatness, finite limit flatness) of acts over semigroups. These are defined by requiring preservation of certain limits from the functor of tensor multiplication by a... more
Difficulties encountered in studying generators of semigroup () X B D of binary relations defined by a complete X-semilattice of unions D arise because of the fact that they are not regular as a rule, which makes their investigation... more
In this paper, we take Q16 subsemilattice of D and we will calculate the number of right unit, idem-potent and regular elements α of BX (Q16) satisfied that V (D, α) = Q16 for a finite set X. Also we will give a formula for calculate... more
For any group G and set A, a cellular automaton over G and A is a transformation from A^G to A^G defined via a finite neighborhood (called a memory set) and a local function. In this paper, we assume that G and A are both finite and study... more
461 pages, 11 chapters. The book is devoted to the thorough study of polyadic (higher arity) algebraic structures, which has a long history, starting from 19th century. The main idea was to take a single set, closed under one binary... more
We translate the proof of the theorem stated in the title, accomplished by Prover9, into a human readable form.
Talk at the 23nd International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, AUTOMATA 2017, University of Milano-Bicocca (7-9/06/2017).
Schutzenberger showed in 1965 that star-free rational languages are exactly those whose syntactic monoid is aperiodic (has only trivial subgroups). We describe the complexity hierarchy on finite aperiodic semigroups and on star-free... more
The Ehremann--Schein--Nambooripad Theorem expresses the fundamental connection between the notions of inverse semigroups and inductive groupoids, which exists because these concepts provide two distinct approaches to the study of one-one... more
We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the Birget--Rhodes prefix expansion of a monoid to be (weakly) left ample, thereby proving analogues of the results already obtained for the related Szendrei expansion by Fountain, Gomes... more
A BCK-algebra is an algebraic structure of a set X with one binary operation. A KS-semigroup is a semigroup with respect to one binary operation and also a BCK-algebra with respect to another binary oper-ation satisfying left and right... more
All Russian mathematical portal K. Nasreen, Characterizations of non associative ordered semigroups by the properties of their fuzzy ideals with thresholds (α, β], Prikl.
recently proved that there exists a metric semigroup U such that every compact metric semigroup with property P is topologically isomorphic to a subsemigroup of U ; where a semigroup S has property P if and only if for each x, y in S , x... more
We study properties of particular right topological semigroups, namely the Stone-ˇ Cech compactifications of semilattices. In particular, we extend some of the results of Grainger's paper [3] on the Stone-ˇ Cech compact-ification of the... more
We investigate \emph{partial monoid actions}, in the sense of Megrelishvili and Schr\"{o}der. These are equivalent to a class of premorphisms, which we call \emph{strong} premorphisms. We describe two distinct methods for constructing a... more
The Ehresmann-Schein-Nambooripad (ESN) Theorem, stating that the category of inverse semigroups and morphisms is isomorphic to the category of inductive groupoids and inductive functors, is a powerful tool in the study of inverse... more
We generalize the regularity concept for semigroups in two ways simultaneously: to higher regularity and to higher arity. We show that the one-relational and multi-relational formulations of higher regularity do not coincide, and each... more
In this paper let Q = {T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8} be a subsemilattice of X−semilattice of unions D where T1 ⊂ T2 ⊂ T3 ⊂ T5 ⊂ T6 ⊂ T8, T1 ⊂ T2 ⊂ T3 ⊂ T5 ⊂ T7 ⊂ T8, T1 ⊂ T2 ⊂ T4 ⊂ T5 ⊂ T6 ⊂ T8, T1 ⊂ T2 ⊂ T4 ⊂ T5 ⊂ T7 ⊂ T8, T1 6= ∅,... more
We in this book define a new notion called n- multiplicity
multiset using any set S, denoted by n-M(S).
By a topological semiring we mean a Hausdorff space S together with two continuous associative operations on S such that one (called multiplication) distributes across the other (called addition). That is, we insist that x(y+z)=xy+xz and... more