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We have been lied to about what real Pythagorean harmonics alchemy is. The lie started with Philolaus who wrote a book, even though he was not a real practitioner of the Pythagorean training, requiring five years of silence meditation as... more
AbstractThe work extends the A. Connes’ noncommutative geometry to spaces withgeneric local anisotropy. We apply the E. Cartan’s anholonomic frame approachto geometry models and physical theories and develop the nonlinear... more
We give examples of spectral triples, in the sense of A. Connes, constructed using the algebra of Toeplitz operators on smoothly bounded strictly pseudoconvex domains in C^n , or the star product for the Berezin–Toeplitz quantization. Our... more
Now we know from history that the training has been done by rote, the explanations mired in alchemical secrecy, and then if someone does achieve the rare status of qigong master it's only because they've been able to store up their energy... more
Only Alain Connes, the Fields Medal (harder to get than Nobel Prize) math professor, has recovered the secret noncommutative phase logic of music theory. Because he is the only source doing this, below I provide a compilation of quotes... more
In Permaculture the TLUD stove is a well-known documented energy saving cooking and heating device also called the "Chinese gasifier" and it appears to have originated from the ancient Kang bed-stove design, documented to at least 5200... more
79 different sources summarizing the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony and Spirituality
Western science usually assumes the paranormal and spiritual are "woo woo" claims of weak-minded individuals - with no real "off the shelf" repeatable results. Yet Noncommutativity destroys the claim. Noncommutativity is the most advanced... more
We present an exposition on the geometrization of the electromagnetic force. We show that, in noncommutative (NC) spacetime, there always exists a coordinate transformation to locally eliminate the electromagnetic force, which is... more
Recently John H. Schwarz put forward a conjecture that the world-volume action of a probe D3-brane in an AdS5 x S5 background of type IIB superstring theory can be reinterpreted as the highly effective action (HEA) of four-dimensional N=4... more
We review a novel and authentic way to quantize gravity. This novel approach is based on the fact that Einstein gravity can be formulated in terms of symplectic geometry rather than Riemannian geometry in the context of emergent gravity.... more
In this review article we discuss some of the applications of noncommutative geometry in physics that are of recent interest, such as noncommutative many-body systems, noncommutative extension of Special Theory of Relativity kinematics,... more
We combine aspects of the theory of motives in algebraic geometry with noncommutative geometry and the classification of factors to obtain a cohomological interpretation of the spectral realization of zeros of $L$-functions. The analogue... more
This work contains among the results of this PhD, an introduction to noncommutative geometry, an introduction to epsilon-graded algebras, and an introduction to renormalization of scalar (wilsonian and BPHZ point of view) and gauge... more
After an introduction to some basic issues in non-commutative geometry (Gel'fand duality, spectral triples), we present a "panoramic view" of the status of our current research program on the use of categorical methods in the setting of... more
We give an introductory survey to the use of Hopf algebras in several problems of noncommutative geometry. The main example, the Hopf algebra of rooted trees, is a graded, connected Hopf algebra arising from a universal construction. We... more
Eddie Oshins documented his noncommutative discovery of Neigong training through his "Quantum Psychology" website. Alain Connes has argued that music theory provides the "formal language" for noncommutative phase science, as Connes... more
Professor Noam Chomsky recently gave a youtube interview, at age 91, mentioning how, when asked, he does not have the time to meditate. The irony of his life as longevity and his lack of time presented itself as proof of what he called... more
Quantum Sphere Music Dance Meditation:
Revisiting Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes noncommutative music theory math as the secret of nonwestern dance meditation
So now going back to Dr. Andrija Puharich's work, for life as ecology we need left-handed asymmetric resonance via the hidden momentum of light or as Puharich emphasizes – the delocalized proton magnetic moment with the electron (when... more
My Response to Professor Shahn Majid's Reply to Me about 2 + 1 quantum gravity noncommutative phase logic
Restoring the Lost Logos as the name for a section of my University of Minnesota Master's Thesis in 2000. I was approached to have the Master's Thesis published as a book by Charles Madden, a physicist focused on music theory. Only Madden... more
We recapitulate the scheme of emergent gravity to highlight how a background independent quantum gravity can be defined by quantizing spacetime itself.
Why Time is Not the Image of Eternity:
Pythagorean Pathways as Bounded Finite yet Eternal Noncommutative Time proves Negative Mass-energy Resonance from ancient music theory
Drew Hempel, MA
Both Dr. Lee Smolin and I had our first quantum mechanics professor as Herbert J. Bernstein. This essay is just an elaboration on what Sir Roger Penrose means by noncommutative cubic time, as per the work of Professor Bernstein.
The theory of general Galois-type extensions is presented, including the interrelations between coalgebra extensions and algebra (co)extensions, properties of corresponding (co)translation maps, and rudiments of entwinings and... more
Since the first optical instruments were invented, the idea that the visible image of an object under observation depends on tools of observation became commonly assumed in physics. A way of formalizing this idea in mathematics is the... more
We present the solution of a longstanding internal problem of noncommutative geometry, namely the computation of the index of a transversally elliptic operator on an arbitrary foliation. The new and crucial ingredient is a certain Hopf... more
Cyclic cohomology has been recently adapted to the treatment of Hopf symmetry in noncommutative geometry. The resulting theory of characteristic classes for Hopf algebras and their actions on algebras allows to expand the range of... more
The Gelfand - Na\u{i}mark theorem supplies the one to one correspondence between commutative $C^*$-algebras and locally compact Hausdorff spaces. So any noncommutative $C^*$-algebra can be regarded as a generalization of a topological... more
De Broglie Law of Phase Harmony explains the secret of the Om of Light to create the Golden Yang Shen Immortal Body, by absorbing blue light of the future, observed internally as a subharmonic reverse time energy.
In this talk, motivated by the need to address foundational problems in relativistic quantum physics, we first historically introduce some basic elements of non-commutative geometry (Gel’fand-Naimark duality and Connes’ spectral triples);... more
Since the first optical instruments were invented, an idea that the visible image of an object under observation depends on tools of observation became commonly assumed in physics. A way of formalizing this idea in mathematics is the... more
Starting with a brief review of our prior construction of n-ary algebras, based on the relation among the n-ary commutators of noncommuting spacetime coordinates [X 1 , X 2 , ......, X n ] with the polyvector valued coordinates X 123...n... more