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The aim of this study is to research the effect of the preferences of the students concerning PowerPoint presentations in financial accounting courses on their final scores. The data was collected from questionnaires that were applied to... more
A brief overview of a logic game design involving computer logic and colour. Explains the basic premise and plan for game design.
Brizolis asked the question: does every prime p have a pair (g,h) such that h is a fixed point for the discrete logarithm with base g? The first author previously extended this question to ask about not only fixed points but also... more
In this paper we apply different techniques of information distortion on a set of classical books written in English. We study the impact that these distortions have upon the Kolmogorov complexity and the clustering by compression... more
A coding theory approach to error control in redundant residue number systems (RRNSs) is presented. The concepts of Hamming weight, minimum distance, weight distribution, and error detection and correction capabilities in redundant... more
Gender has been consistently controlled as a variable in usability and playability tests. However, there is no consensus on whether and how gender differences should influence the design of digital environments. According to some... more
The concept of ‘core category’ is most associated with the grounded theory method developed by Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss but has been utilised in relation to other qualitative methods such as phenomenology. The terminology varies... more
Nel seguito viene proposta una breve analisi delle fasi in cui si articola lo sviluppo del software, dei metodi comunemente utilizzati dagli informatici in ciascuna di queste fasi e del possibile significato che queste modalità di... more
Coding vs programming - are those the same thing? While generally the terms are used as synonyms, there is an underlying difference between them. Find out more.
One of the most important applications of algebraic geometry, known as linguistics, has been used in linguistics, military and diplomatic. It was said that the first to mobilize a comment between the army is the Pharaohs. He also... more
a practice coding researh in the form of algorithm
In 2 experiments, high– and low–spatial ability students viwed a computer-generated animation and listened simultaneously (concurrent group) or successively (successive group) to a narration that explained the workings either of a bicycle... more
The Heartbleed bug is corrupt „devil code‟ that steals information from the openSSL protocol. “OpenSSL is a popular open-source cryptographic library that Implements the SSL and TLS protocols.” SSL (secure socket layer) and TLS (transport... more
The complexity of the term Style consists in the unusual weight and flexibility of the concept itself. In essence the concept defines the main basic rulesets of artistic achievement and excellence. The term Style itself is a latecomer to... more
Techniques from coding theory are applied to study rigorously the capacity of the Hopfield associative memory. Such a memory storesn-tuple ofpm 1's. The components change depending on a hard-limited version of linear functions of all... more
In this work, linear codes over the ring S4 = F2 + uF2 + u2F2 + u3F2 are considered. The Lee weight and gray map for codes over S4 are defined and MacWilliams identities for the complete, the symmetrized and the Lee weight enumerators are... more
Un esperimento iniziato nel 2001, e divenuto nel tempo un riferimento culturale su scala nazionale. Ritengo che il fine del mio lavoro sia aiutare a comprendere, e che la cultura debba essere libera e senza ostacoli di accesso. Chi... more
11th International Conference on Information Theory (IT 2022 ) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Information Theory. The goal of this conference is... more
This short article gives an introduction to binary linear block codes for error detection and error correction. Various codes are discussed and compared, including repetition codes, Hamming codes, and Reed-Muller codes. A version of... more
Cyclic codes are an interesting type of linear codes and have wide applications in communication and storage systems due to their efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. In coding theory it is often desirable to know the weight... more
The upper bound for (k,r)-arcs in a projective plane PG (2,31) of 3≤ r ≤ 30 is un known except for r =16,17 which is found in [4] and [7]. In this paper we finding unknown values for (k,r)-arcs in a projective plane PG(2,31) for 3≤ r ≤10... more
This paper describes a pedagogical approach, Coding as Another language (CAL) to teach programming and computational thinking in early childhood. The CAL curriculum connects powerful ideas from the discipline of computer science with... more
The influence of different functional covalent groups on the thermophysical properties of carbon nanotube-base fluid was first investigated experimentally. To shed more light on this issue, cysteine (Cys) and silver (Ag) were covalently... more
Dilbilgisi, genel anlamda, bir dile ait sözcüklerin dizilim sırasını gösteren kurallar bütününe denir, ancak dilbilgisi çeşitleri göz önüne alındığında, bu tanım her dilbilgisi türüne göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Bu dilbilgisi... more
In satelite communication there are so many different noise characteristics which causes of errors. In this work to facilitate the error free satelite communication we examined the causes of the errors and seeked the ways of reduction the... more
Traditional System-on-Chip (SoC) design employed shared buses for data transfer among various subsystems. As SoCs become more complex involving a larger number of subsystems, traditional busbased architecture is giving way to a new... more
International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Information Theory. Authors are solicited to contribute to the... more
The notion of n-best approximations can be used for error correction in coding theory. The notion of n-eigen values can be used in deterministic modal superposition principle for undamped structures, which can find its applications in... more
This paper explored the position statement NAEYC and the FRC created almost two decades ago regarding appropriate usage of technology with young children. While their recommendations are vague and arbitrary, they are grounded in research... more