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A life narrative as short addendum to Chapter IV/Lives in Translation. In Xenophon's Anabasis, Book IV, beginning of Chapter 8. Xenophon's army reaches the land of the Macrones at the east of Trabzon. The Macrones are lined up for... more
Madness is captivating. As a concept it is terrifying as it transgresses social norms, yet the human tragedy of it asks for our empathy and understanding. Although this is a modern assessment of the power of madness, looking at classical... more
This is the first commentary in Italian on Lysias' speech 25. The Greek text reproduces that oxoniensis of Ch. Carey (2007), from which it departs in a few places. In the general introduction (pp. 9-48), some fundamental questions are... more
This paper [in Dutch] questions whether it is justified to earmark classical Athens as "The Age of Pericles". It offers a short overview of what the sources have to offer on the life and deeds of the statesman and shows how the ancients... more
Jornadas de Traducción y Mito: El Himno Homérico a Atenea (XXVIII)
Buenos Aires - 7 de diciembre de 2018
Instituto de Filología Clásica - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
La desigual distribución de la riqueza bajo las condiciones actuales del capitalismo es, como bien se sabe, el eje sobre el que Piketty ha centrado su atención; asimismo, forma parte de sus reflexiones el posible rol del estado, a través... more
In my undergraduate thesis I explored the possibility that Ancient Greek fertility cults ritualized certain ethnobotanical practices that might today have been called "abortion," but at the time, would have been thought of in a very... more
О статуе Афродиты «в садах» работы Алкамена сообщают античные авторы: Плиний Старший (Plin., N. H. XXXVI, 16), Лукиан (Luc., Imagg., 4; 6), Павсний (Pausan., I, 19, 2). Эти пассажи содержат противоречивую информацию. В частности, не... more
Short paper written for Phillips Exeter Academy's Liber Classics Magazine Volume 2: Women. This paper briefly explores how the perceived message of Lysistrata has changed as the cultural context around the play has changed. Edited by... more
A typological pattern is provisionally proposed of the written records of ancient Greek drama, based on literary, epigraphic and iconographic testimony, and on the most up-to-date critical debate on several related topics. The historical... more
Este breve estudo comparativo das comédias de Aristófanes Os Cavaleiros e Os Acarnenses pretende abordar a forma pela qual política do representante democrático da Atenas do século V a.C. era vista por Aristófanes, tal como a crítica que... more
The objective of this chapter is to try to shed light on the length and the practical aspects of the allotment process , through several simulations.
The book tells the story of the Athenian elite between 600 and 400 BCE on the basis of the imagery on the luxury pottery from which the wealthy drank at their banquets. The statistical evaluation of more than 6,000 representations lend... more
Since Nietzsche published his study The Birth of Tragedy in 1872, there has been a common misconception that the ancient Greek gods Apollo and Dionysus are two parts of a polarity, a dichotomy, an antithetical pair. This essay argues that... more
Демократический лидер Эфиальт - фигура в истории трагическая, но не только из-за своей трагической гибели. Он смог декретом отнять права у Совета Ареопага, однако, как оказалось, сама афинская демократия не сумела обойтись без старинного... more
Dexiosis is a modern term referring to the handshaking motif appearing in ancient Greek art, which had specific meaning and symbolism. Though it was a characteristic iconographic element of the Classical antiquity, its roots can be traced... more
Similarly to some 16th century paintings by Bartolomeo Passarotti and Annibale Carracci depicting butchers in their workshops, we find in the vase painting of late 6th and 5th century B.C. Athens modes of representation in which the... more
This book is a comprehensive exploration of curse tablets in the Athenian legal domain. Drawing on sociological and critical theory, Zinon Papakonstantinou outlines a framework for the interaction between curse tablets and legalities,... more
The essay examines some passages of Herodotus' Histories, from which the anthropological interest of the author and the need to tell in order to build his own self- memory can be inferred. In particular the essay focuses on the... more
This paper aims to critically analyse the testimonies concerning Athenian impiety trials of the classical period. First, it reaffirms the arguments that some of them must have been an invention of Hellenistic and later authors. Second, it... more
This paper deals with the Classical Athenian bronze and silver ware found in Thrace and discusses the frame of their production, exchange and use within this specific cultural frame. HERE ONLY A SAMPLE. PLEASE, CONTACT THE AUTHOR IF... more
Invited for an exhibition at the Athens National Museum to celebrate the beginning of the Greek War of Independence 200 years ago, this essay discusses the role of the goddess Nike in the sculptures of two fifth-century Athenian temples:... more
The far western area of the Mediterranean and its Atlantic extension beyond the legendary Stelai of Hercules were famous in Antiquity among other things for its renowned salted fish products, in addition to the maritime character of many... more
Este libro explora la capacidad decisoria del pueblo (dêmos) en la asamblea ateniense y el modo en que esta subjetivación política des-inviste de autoridad a todo poder que no sea el de la propia reunión de la multitud ciudadana... more
Προσκεκλημένο σε μια έκθεση στο Εθνικό Μουσείο Αθηνών για τον εορτασμό της έναρξης της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης πριν από 200 χρόνια, αυτό το δοκίμιο πραγματεύεται τον ρόλο της θεάς Νίκης στα γλυπτά δύο αθηναϊκών ναών του 5ου αιώνα: του... more
Alcibiades was one of the most controversial and widely discussed figures in Classical Athenian history. Furthermore, he was at the forefront of events during an extremely tumultuous period of time for Athens and all of Greece. This paper... more
Στο βιβλίο "Η άνοδος και η πτώση της κλασικής Ελλάδας" ο Τζοσάια Όμπερ, σαν γνήσιος κοινωνικός επιστήμονας, αναζητεί τις ρίζες της πολιτισμικής ακμής του κλασικού κόσμου στην πολιτική και οικονομική βάση των ελληνικών κοινοτήτων, στην... more
Series: Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies This study is devoted to the channels through which geographic knowledge circulated in classical societies outside of textual transmission. It explores understanding of geography among the... more
In what follows I demonstrate that the disagreements between the accounts of Thucydides, Diodorus, and Ctesias on the Athenian expedition to Egypt in the 450s BC are of minor significance and that Ctesias provides valuable information... more
The orthodox view of ancient Mediterranean slavery holds that Greece and Rome were the only 'genuine slave societies' of the ancient world, that is, societies in which slave labour contributed significantly to the economy and underpinned... more
The relief fragment Athens, NM Inv. 2636 was confiscated in 1904 in Piraeus. The preserved segment of the relief is dominated by the figure of a warrior with a shield, who moves left towards a cult image of Apollo set upon a base and... more