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This paper aims to reconsider Lycurgus and his work, in response to the diminishing interpretation of his political role by Patrice Brun. Through a complete analysis of the evidence (especially of epigraphical nature) at our disposal, I... more
Full text (in Greek) is also available here: . Through close reading of numerous comic fragments, the paper analyzes the dramaturgic technique of prosopographic satire that becomes dominant during the... more
The book is structured in three chapters. The first one is dedicated to the biography and political activity of the Athenian Euboulos, on the basis of literary and epigraphic sources: the chapters reconsiders the aspects of the vulgata... more
In the period of Middle Comedy a rich repertoire of stereotypical characters was developed in Greek comic theatre. These characters recurred in play after play, retaining a permanent dramatic identity, and performed a standard range of... more
Among the surviving works of the comic poet Eubolus is a comedy entitled Antiope, a parody of Euripides’ tragedy bearing the same name. Edmonds identifies in the protagonists of this comedy as representations of the politicians... more
'Before “Lycurgan Athens”: the origins of change’, in V. Azoulay and P. Ismard (eds), Clisthène et Lycurgue d’Athènes. Autour du politique dans la cité classique, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 119-31
At the end of the Peloponnesian war all the belligerents were exhausted. Athens had to destroy its fleet and give away its overseas settlements. Public treasury and all the economic resources, described by Pericles and Aristophanes, were... more
A dramatic fragment is a piece of theatre history and may encapsulate an important plot motif or theme of the corresponding dramatic genre. Tragic and comic fragments must constantly be viewed in correlation with other fragments and with... more
Στις 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2020 παρουσίασα μια μικρή διάλεξη για τη μυθολογική κωμωδία στο αρχαίο θέατρο, στο πλαίσιο του μεταπτυχιακού σεμιναρίου αρχαίου δράματος του καθηγητή Σταύρου Τσιτσιρίδη στο Τμήμα Θεατρικών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου... more
The Fourth-Century is rich of sources and data about the appointment of the officers, their duties and powers, the revocation of the mandate and the supervision of their behaviour, on the contrary we don’t know much about the... more
Through a thorough examination of the aspects associated with Athenian Democracy, the present paper aims at highlighting the motives as well as the consequences of the reforms of Eubulos from the deme Probalinthos, mainly regarding the... more
Proposes an emendation of Eubulus fr. 123 = Athenaeus 1 23b.
A dramatic fragment is not merely a string of dislocated words but a piece of theatre history which may encapsulate an important plot motif or a recurrent theme of the corresponding dramatic genre. Tragic or comic fragments cannot be... more
Among the surviving works of the comic poet Eubolus is a comedy entitled Antiope, a parody of Euripides’ tragedy bearing the same name. Edmonds identifies in the protagonists of this comedy as representations of the politicians... more