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Possible explanation of how the dikastai were corrupted with the allotment by kleroterion.
This paper examines two main issues. First, whether the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League were bicameral or unicameral. Secondly, whether the Delian League synods were ever abolished, and if so when and why.
The relief fragment in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Inv. 12059 of unknown provenance comes from the left corner slab of the tympanon of a small pediment and carries a relief depicting a leftwards reclining Papposilenus, who... more
Palestra: O homoerotismo ateniense
Spirit, Power and Axis of everything, in our mortal eyes there is Emptiness: for the truly complete in these empty ones is empty. The Moon, the Axis of everything in our world, is therefore empty for them, and SHOULD BE empty. // Дух,... more
The classical polis develops a new sense of community and a public control system of their functions. Such new features involve both the increase of urban and architectural structures, linked to a renewed image of the civic body, and the... more
The status of the zeugitai as middle-class hoplites has received considerable attention in recent decades regarding property requirements for inclusion into the hoplite rank and their expected role in the Athenian army. Accordingly, this... more
En estas páginas vamos a tratar un tipo particular de atimia, la atimia por deudas en Atenas clásica, así como el tema de la rehabilitación de atimoi (en un sentido más amplio) en momentos decisivos o claves de la historia de Atenas... more
and Keywords Homicide was considered the most important crime in Athenian law because the killer at tempted to usurp the state's monopoly of legitimate violence. To express the special na ture of homicide, the laws of Athens created... more
Classical (Periclean) Athens continues to be held up as a model of a working direct participatory democracy. Every year new works emerge on the same theme; but it is a romantic myth, not a historical truth. This work traces historical... more
Este libro analiza un conjunto de regímenes políticos muy diversos que se desarrollan en el Mediterráneo Antiguo. Este estudio busca enriquecer nuestra apreciación de los procesos que conducen de las situaciones anteriores al surgimiento... more
Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Parthenone Athenarum ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)
There has been much discussion in recent years as to whether the Athenian amnesty of 403 BC can be understood in terms of political forgiveness. A number of scholars have denied that it can. Nevertheless, if the oaths, covenants, and laws... more
ABSTRACT: This paper argues that the memory of Nicias was contested in Athenian public discourse after the failure of the Sicilian expedition. Defending the reliability of Pausanias’ testimony (1.29.11-12), it makes the case that the... more
In their analysis of the Athenians' shared image of their past as an essential element of Athenian collective identity, scholars have largely focused on polis-wide commemorative activities such as the Athenian public funeral oration for... more
This article has two objectives. First, and in particular, it seeks to reinterpret the ostracism procedure of early democratic Athens. Since Aristotle, this has been understood as a rational, political weapon of collective defense,... more
The characteristics of Athenian democracy in the fourth century B.C. differ from those of the fifth. No longer relevant was the social projection that was part of the reforms of Cleisthenes and Ephialtes, in which the rights of the poor... more
The military successes of the Athenian Iphicrates to the command of a highly professional and qualified body of mercenary peltasts during the Corinthian War constitutes one of the factors that opened the way to a new understanding of the... more
Comedy has often been put forward as a genre of ancient writing where we may, in some topics and subjects, be able to get closer to the broader base of popular opinion than in some other, more clearly elite-centred kinds of writing. This... more
The Great Hadrianic Peristyle of a Hundred Columns in Athens The research during 2013 and 2014 in the library of Hadrian demonstrates that the plan of the compound was designed on a rectangle with dimensions 300 and 400 Roman feet... more
The aim of this paper is to show that tokens were used in festivals in Hellenistic Athens and that the well-known practice of the Roman period had its forerunners already in the Hellenistic period. Neglected aspects of imagery and legends... more
The anaylisis of the public and personal economic factors, joined to that prosopographical of the political leaders at the time and that of the citizenship rights, undertaken before, betray a complex but coherent scene of the Athenian... more
Athens was an ancient city like no other. Named for a goddess, epicenter of the first democracy, birthplace of tragic and comic theater, locus of the major philosophical schools, artistically in the vanguard for centuries, it looms larger... more
The article analyzes the functioning of the Athenian assembly during the fifth cen-tury BC, taking into account the effects of the use of persuasive speech and the thinking pro-cess that was developed in this collective space. In this... more
Cavalry tactics require a well-thought-out horse and rider training on a regular basis as well as a cavalry led by a commander who has tactical skill, sufficient horsemanship and knowledge of horses. As a cavalry commander and horseman... more
Likenesses between Pericles' Funeral Oration and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, with focus on Aristotle's rhetorical devices.
This paper presents the events classical authors deemed as key moments in the rise and fall of Athens and Sparta, and examines the vocabulary they used to describe change: its extent (momentary or long-lasting), nature (evolution,... more
Dans le cas de l'Athènes classique, la famille — et en particulier ces institutions essentielles que sont le mariage et l'adoption — est étudiée généralement sous deux angles qui tendent à évacuer la question du patrimoine : l'angle... more
Recent years have seen renewed scholarly interest in private associations of the Greek and Roman world. As scholars have come to realise the number and diffusion of private associations in the ancient world questions arise as to their... more
Slavery is one of the most prominent aspects of the ancient Greek civilization, yet exact role of slavery in Greek society and economy is still a matter of debate. The example that is most analyzed is Classical Athens, mainly on the... more
The first part of this chapter provides a general introduction to the concept of war-induced trauma and discusses three challenges that the application of this modern concept to the ancient Greek world poses, i.e. the problem of... more
During the classical period, the trireme was the principal warship-type in the Mediterranean region. Although it carried sails for cruising and steering, they were galleys designed to fight using oar power. The main weapon of a trireme... more
Lisa Kallet famously argued that public finance was beyond the grasp of the Athenian dēmos (“people”) in the Gedenkschrift for the great epigrapher David M. Lewis. In her view, non-elite Athenians knew next to nothing about what the state... more
The article examines the urban economy of the famous Athenian district of Kerameikos through the restitution of the road network and the main economic activities that took place there between the Classical and Hellenistic periods, up to... more
El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en intentar demostrar que, al menos en el período comprendido entre el final de la guerra del Peloponeso y la paz del Rey (403-386), del análisis prosopográfico de las figuras individuales... more
This paper intends to illustrate the monuments of the Periklean building programme, of the mid-late 5th century BC, as overtly formative media in relation to Athenian cultural memory. In essence, it will be argued that the... more